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Ramboz update and info for anyone who

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  • Ramboz update and info for anyone who

    Our good friend Ramboz aka Dan aka FireEagle is currently in the VA Hospital recovering from his back surgery. He had to go back in last Thursday for a second surgery.
    But, I talked to him yesteday, he is in very good spirits and optomistic and says he will be back on line as soon as he gets home and back to a normal routine.
    He has some very cute nurses he said, which makes things much more bearable. One little Japanese number he likes quite well, a nice mix of Hawaiin, Filipina and Latina nurses and even one very attractive one who is Afghani. None however of the 3rd sex, that he is aware of anyway
    So, keep our wonderful friend in your thoughts and prayers and hope he gets well soon.
    I'll be talking to him again in 2-3 days and will let you all know any pertinent updates.

  • #2
    Is this in L.A.?  

    How did he throw his back out? (hell heh   we can only guess).  I'm sure some of the girls here would be happy to administer his therapy

    Give him my best regards


    • #3
      yes, by all means tell him that we all say hello here and are concerned about him. he is a great guy and of course we all wish him the best.

      tell him you heard from the guy that talks like John F. Kennedy.....he will get a laugh out of that

      regards Jon


      • #4
        Originally posted by (hanbali @ Mar. 19 2004,17:46)
        Is this in L.A.?  

        How did he throw his back out? (hell heh   we can only guess).  I'm sure some of the girls here would be happy to administer his therapy

        Give him my best regards
        He didn't really just throw it out, this is more of a chronic thing he had with the L4 and L5 which is around the base of the neck and it probably goes back to when he was a young stud Huey pilot tear assing around Viet Nam. He was shot down two times I believe and that was more than likely when the problems initially began. He's been dealing with it for many years.
        I will surely extend regards to him from you and Jon


        • #5
          wish him a quick recovery for me


          • #6
            Count me in...

            We DO care he die!

