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  • 69Billy?

    I got this PM..About Rose ....

    She knew it was you because just about everbody who has fucked her in the last three months has told her about it and she has seen the pics on the net herself.
    She expained to me that; you said the photos were just for you
    You are bound to get a little grief but I am sure it shall only be short lived....

    What I'm thinking to do is...
    Change my board name...And no more photos off me sunglasses or not....Only photos where LGs or GGs will have a problem knowing who took it..
    I'll be still in here but in cognition...

    So thanx...NOT,,, to the guys who is being telling to the LBs about me... or worst for showing them the board photos....
    So many Ladyboys so little time..

  • #2
    she done well to get online
    i cant ever get into this site when i am in los
    i be honest when she asked how i know her i told her my friend told me about her
    she seemed fine about that
    you have made her a star
    you should be getting 10%
    she was fine about me taking pics as well
    in love with nat


    • #3
      To all who have chated about 69Billy with Rose  Ladyboys are difficult to understand and there is no need to tell them the truth because they try to misunderstand.


      • #4
        Maybe big ladyboyfuckers like u and rob69 and others  shall start thinking a little how much you shall describe the sex, and what kind of pics u shall show in this forum???
        They say yes ok, but they are young and naive and what about their future and family??

        Respect!!! Even they are ladyboys and take money for

        But i think someone like me with this meaning, this forum is not the right place to be.

        I think i leave.


        • #5
          (trouble999 @ Jun. 05 2006,17:51) she done well to get online
          i cant ever get into this site when i am in los
          i be honest when she asked how i know her i told her my friend told me about her
          she seemed fine about that
          you have made her a star
          you should be getting 10%
          she was fine about me taking pics as well
          That is how it should be..Just tell'em your friend told you and live it at that...
          So many Ladyboys so little time..


          • #6
            Who couldn't understand that reaction of 69Billy? In fact, this makes me reconsider my plan to take photos not only for personal remembrace, but for boardmembers to share on my upcoming trip.
            Normally it should be understood, that a usefull forum like this and what's happening here should not be passed on to the ladys we talk about.
            If some bloody idiots are trying to score on the ladies on the expense of the openness of guys who post pics here, than something is seriously wrong.

            I think most guys here appreciate and grately welcome Billys (and others) posts and pics. Thee who don't like it may simply stay away or just avoid reading it.


            • #7
              One other thing we must all remember is..How much usefull information we all get from the forum like this and others...
              But some like to spoil it...
              So many Ladyboys so little time..


              • #8

                I am with you on that one Billy Ozzie said in a post once about why the hell would some members pull stuff like that.
                Not my cup of tea and I had to bury my photo's from 2 months ago. Now I would hate to see you do that; just remember how beloved you are the ATS members.



                • #9
                  A shame that the very people the forum is for will destroy its unique, frank and pictorial nature by opening their big mouths in the wrong places.

                  Billy, thanks for the insights into your romps through Thailand. No thanks to the morons who will restrict your future web activities


                  • #10
                    Some of you probably won't like what I've written below  -  but here goes anyway.  

                    I'm not in agreement with posting pictures of the girls unless you have their express agreement.
                    I regard it as a breach of privacy  -  one of the reasons I don't do trip reports.

                    I do understand that most people who read this forum are not able to travel to Thailand very often  -  or in some cases not at all.
                    The pictures in the trip reports I realise are a way of 'being there' so I am not about to try to impose my will upon the majority.

                    But - some people seem to think that they will 'score points' with the girls by telling them that they have seen them pictured or mentioned in the forum.
                    Thai society is VERY VERY different to western culture.      Also ladyboys are about the worst for gossip that I know of.

                    You are not doing yourself  -  or the other members of this forum any favours.        In fact the phrase that comes to mind is   -   'Shitting in your own nest'       

                    I'll get down off my soap box now    

                    Pedants rule, OK. Or more precisely, exhibit certain of the conventional trappings of leadership.

                    "I love the smell of ladyboy in the morning."


                    • #11
                      Ladyboys love the attention. They also love some drama in their lives.

                      There are some of the girls who do NOT want to appear on the internet, but most working girls don't know/care/understand about the WWW anyway.

                      This forum is for entertainment value only. If you find it entertaining you can read it, post on it and use it to wipe your ass. Up to you...

                      There are people here who think it will impress the lbs to mention this site and who really believe that they are somehow impressing these prostitutes.

                      There are others trying to score points with the girls by denigrating other posters etc...

                      You can't really take seriously what a whore tells you and you sure can't let one change your life. They are there for fun only.

                      The amount of girls I see manipulating, cajoling and otherwise controlling people on this forum in varying degrees would shock any person who hasn't actually visited Thailand.

                      This forum will continue to be a great resource of information and debate, but most of all it will go on being a social gathering point for entertainment.

                      We are here for fun folks. Nothing more and nothing less!

                      Stogie Bear


                      • #12
                        Since Billy is one of the most active and contributing members here, this might have some impact on the future activities here in this forum and this discussion about to become a very controversial one.

                        My oppinion is, that this forum lives from trip reports and sharing of personal experiences. Posting pics of ladyboys? - why not? When these ladies pose nude or in action, they must expect the pics to be passed around somehow. We are not talking about a bunch of innocent "Mother Theresa's" here, but about professionals, who in my oppinion know damn well what they are doing. A lot of them even welcome the extra publicity, that often pays off quite well.
                        It should be left up to everybody's individual moral standards and ideas, how far to go with sharing experiences or photos - but I absolutely bring up no understanding for people, who try to score on the expense of other people. If we all have to fear, that our forum posts will be reported immediately to the lb's, we might as well only talk about innocent topics like the weather from now on and stop sharing the things, that make most of us join this forum in the first place!

                        Good job Billy and don't let this frustrate you too much! There are plenty of members right behind you on this.


                        • #13
                          What about all the equally bold pictures on all the websites, except there is no explanation as to there performance or lack of it. There are a huge quantity out there who have been photographed proffessionally. Those who have broached the subject with me have agreed its positive advertising for them. Those that didn't like the idea I either didin't photograph or i will not post.

                          All is well untill the long term provider boyfriend comes along sending money from afar. Then they want to slip into anonimity. I truly hope some liasons work out for them as they need to get out of this game, its not a job for life.

                          But pictures on the internet & forums are the only way some have shot to internet stardom & relative wealth. Numerous of which have passed thru this forum. Is that negative as well.

                          You can argue this point till the cows come home, as there is probably enough info' to support both sides of the arguement for ever more.

                          You pays your money & takes your chance. This isn't a rehearsal do it now, it's no good looking back when it's a lover & wishing.... ITS TOO LATE.


                          • #14
                            Ridiculous! Just forget it! The girl has forgotten it with 48 hours and to the losers who are so keen to score with the girls by telling them "secrets": Can you bore somebody else please!



                            • #15
                              (Mai-Kee @ Jun. 05 2006,21:27) Ridiculous! Just forget it! The girl has forgotten it with 48 hours and to the losers who are so keen to score with the girls by telling them "secrets": Can you bore somebody else please!
                              Hello Mai-Kee,

                              Yep!  -  when the next rumour comes out  -  the last one is forgotten.

                              Pedants rule, OK. Or more precisely, exhibit certain of the conventional trappings of leadership.

                              "I love the smell of ladyboy in the morning."

