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Greatest Song lyrics

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  • #76
    Down in amongst the streets tonight
    Books will burn, people laugh and cry in their turmoil
    (turmoil turns rejoiceful)
    Shed your fears and lose your guilt
    Tonight we burn responsibility in the fire
    Well watch the flames grow higher!
    But if you get too burnt, you cant come back home

    And as I was standing by the edge
    I could see the faces of those led pissing theirselves laughing
    (and the flames grew)
    Their mad eyes buldged their flushed faces said
    The weak get crushed as the strong grow stronger

    We feast on flesh and drink on blood
    Live by fear and dispise love in a crises
    (what with todays high prices)
    Bring some paper and bring some wood
    Bring whats left of all your love for the fire
    Well watch the flames grow higher!
    But if you get too burnt - you cant come back home

    And as I was standing by the edge
    I could see the faces of those led pissing theirselves laughing
    (and the flames grew)
    Their mad eyes buldged their flushed faces said
    The weak get crushed as the strong grow stronger

    In the funeral pyre
    Well watch the flames grow higher
    But if you get too burnt - you cant come back home
    (well I feel so old, when I feel so young
    Well I just cant grow up to meet the demands)
    Forgot how this forum works  


    • #77
      Just for you Naang faa

      for i know you will appreciate the song

      No matter where I roam
      I will come back to my english rose
      For no bonds can ever tempt me from she
      Ive sailed the seven seas,
      Flown the whole blue sky.
      But Ive returned with haste to where my
      Love does lie.
      No matter where I go I will come back to my english rose
      For nothing can ever tempt me from she.
      Ive searched the secret mists -
      Ive climbed the highest peaks
      Caught the wild wind home to hear her soft voice speak
      To hear her soft voice speak
      No matter where I roam
      I will return to my english rose
      For no bonds can ever keep me from she.

      Ive been to ancient worlds
      Ive scoured the whole universe
      And caught the first train home
      To be at her side.
      No matter where I roam
      I will return to my english rose
      For no bonds can ever keep me from she


      • #78
        and even after all this time he can still string a few words together

        I don't care how long this lasts
        We have no future, we have no past
        I write this now while I'm in control
        I'll choose the words and how the melody goes,
        Along winding streets we walked hand in hand
        And how I long for that sharp wind
        To take my breath away again
        I'd run my fingers through your hair
        Hair like a wheatfield I'd run through
        That I'd run through -
        And I miss you so - I miss you so
        No you're gone I feel so alone
        I miss you so
        I'd send you a flower - a sunflower bright
        `Cause you cloud my days messing up my nights
        And all the way up to the top of your head
        Sunshower kisses I felt we had
        And I miss you so - Oh baby I miss you so
        Now your gone, I feel so low - oh I miss you so, I do
        But I miss you so - Oh darling I miss you so
        Now your gone, I feel so low - oh I said I miss you so, I do
        All I gotta do is think of you - and I miss you so
        Baby I'm... I`m afraid to say why - I miss you so
        Baby I'm... I`m afraid to say why - Oh I miss you so

        my fave non jam song
        love the lines about run my fingers through your hair, hair like a wheatfield and sunshower kisses evokes memories of english summer, no im no longer there


        • #79

          Awww.*blush* love this song..are they still using it to promote tourism in Yorkshire?
          Forgot how this forum works  


          • #80

            Haha Mmm very good question, seeing as ive been in OZ for the last year i couldnt tell you, but it couldnt do yorkshire any harm though


            • #81
              So you think American rock is "naff"? Now I suppose you will tell me that the British invented rock music?


              • #82
                It doesn't matter who invented it, Sumerian's invented the wheel but Lamborghini make
                better cars....American rock is garbage....or trash as you would say
                Forgot how this forum works  


                • #83
                  Still upset about the Revolutionary War....are we? Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones.


                  • #84
                    Ask British musicians about who inspired their music and invariably you will hear names such as Carl Perkins...etc. I will consider your comments if you would care to offer substantive evidence.


                    • #85
                      Nothing to do with the revolutionary war....

                      There is just a blandness about American rock....
                      I know songs of social commentary from Britain
                      doesn't travel well..but it is IMHO much better than
                      U.S durge ..
                      I am not discounting all US songs but pound for pound
                      our music is much better..
                      so there!
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                      • #86
                        I will consider your comments if you would care to offer substantive evidence.
                        There is very little Americana in this and the songs that cheer you up thread...
                        Forgot how this forum works  


                        • #87
                          Excuse me then...perhaps you should have named the thread, Greatest British Song lyrics. It is obvious you don't like American rock music because you are not American and cannot relate to lyrics that relate to American life and social issues. You can relate to the music that you grew up with that speaks to the issues of your generation. Your paradigm is the problem here.


                          • #88
                            (alan1chef @ Feb. 26 2008,02:56) It is obvious you don't like American rock music because you are not American and cannot relate to lyrics that relate to American life and social issues.
                            You,ve just defined why its so boring ,

                            Free your mind and your ass will follow .


                            • #89
                              That is your narrow-minded opinion, to which you are entitled. I will take it your comment speaks to all American rock music, from the roots in the 1930's up to today, covering all genres?


                              • #90
                                Excuse me then...perhaps you should have named the thread, Greatest British Song lyrics.
                                I didn't name the thread...

                                Anyways,your right,the music is what i am used to,grew up with and understand..
                                I do listen to music from all over the world and all ages...except jazz because i can't
                                stand jazz...
                                I am not closed minded but i like the brit sound best..
                                Forgot how this forum works  

