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Mother denied daughter's organs...

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  • #16
    Its hard to call

    Her mother was at the bottom of the donor list

    and the stranger was at the top of the list


    • #17
      there is a mountain of evidence of character transformation after receiving donated organs...
      There is? Where?

      Has anyone seen Pacman and Ziggy in the same room together?


      • #18
              I take it you are unfamiliar with the tales of organ recipients discovering they have inherited the traits & tastes of their donor.

        It is an absolutely fascinating topic giving entire new areas for the God Botherers to debate on what happens to our soul, etc when we depart this life.

        This is no longer considered isolated coincidence, there is a litany of similar occurrences after major organ donation.

        I know you hate links, but feel free to put this one up, I didn't as it is long but this was taken off the Drudge Report from a few days ago.


        As for Ziggy & I, it is no less likely than you & Naang Faa.

        I wouldn't be offended to be mentioned in the same breath, I just wonder if I am now to be forever cast as the Zigmeister II?

        Where are you now I need you Ziggy?          
        Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


        • #19
          I take it you are unfamiliar with the tales of organ recipients discovering they have inherited the traits & tastes of their donor...
          You are correct. I am unfamiliar with such 'tales.' I'm not much of a fiction reader.


          • #20
            a mountain of evidence... a litany of similar occurrences...
            For fucks sake. Only people watching 'The Reality Channel' are gonna fall for this rubbish. The same idiots who think the USA keeps aliens in cages at Area 52!


            • #21
              there is a mountain of evidence of character transformation after receiving donated organs.

              Check this link for the latest confirmation
              Evidence? I thought you were linking us through to some scientific study.

              That is an article in the UK Daily Mail by a lady who has written (and therefore is trying to sell) a book!

              Where is the FFS smiley? This one seems most appropriate
              Mister Arse


              • #22
                I'm about sick of seeing doctors, nurses and ambulance crews wasting all their time and resources on druggies and drunks, especially in the A & E hospitals.
                At the moment it's about 'the greatest (medical) need' and this is the order in which patients are treated.
                That's fucking bullshit. It should be about how much you are gonna be worth to society if your ass is saved.
                How is the doctor or nurse working at the A&E unit supposed to make that judgement?
                Mister Arse


                • #23
                  I paid for every single surgery i have done refusing to
                  be a drain on the NHS ...even counselling at £150 per hr..
                  That counseling was after Man Utd cuffed Liverpool 3-0 the other week, right?
                  Mister Arse


                  • #24

                    just to be clear here, there are no "aliens" in area 52. it's area 51 where the secret scientists maintain their spoils. and there is only *one* alien. singular. it's exaggeration like this that gives the lie to the truth of alien abduction, but that's another matter altogether.
                    and as for donors being affected by the donated parts, have you really never seen "The Hand"? didn't you see what that evil appendage did to that poor boy? (in any of the 3 re-makes even?) or the 'based on a true incident' film about the blind woman given the eyes of a murderer?
                    you need to get out more.
                    there's more to this world than suits our limited ladyboy philosophies, horatio.

                    and speaking of donations and organs...what about gathering up the overflowing condoms of the hottest ladyboys and implanting the hottest women with their sperm to create the hottest next generation of ladyboys...would that work?



                    • #25
                      I have seen more than a few references to this phenomena over the years & no less a body than the Catholic Church has authorised a study into it.

                      I haven't heard any more about that & I am not a cheerleader for a result either way.

                      Whatever the organ recipient cum author's motivation is, it is one more claim on the subject that we really can't be judge & jury on as we have never walked a mile in her shoes.
                      I imagine she will be subjected to all the hurdles of proof necessary to sway a sceptical scientific community.
                      I don't really care, no outcome will be acceptable to everyone & I sure don't intend to waste my afternoon defending her.

                      I have never seen The Hand, I too don't have much time for fiction. I don't know anything about Area 52.
                      I did say there is a mountain of evidence as opposed to a mountain of proof.
                      There is a difference.
                      [I should never have slipped the word "confirmation" into my first post .... oops!       ]

                      I hope someone will post a more personal account, with so many members there has to be a chance of an organ recipient or friend of one amongst us who can give a personal slant on this.

                      A very poor impression of Ziggy I know, but now SB has annoyed someone, I hope he enjoys his afternoon by the pool.        
                      Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


                      • #26

                        pacman, please don't tell me you are so easily annoyed.
                        stogie probably gave the comment about as much thought as he gives fat hairy ladyboys
                        and why do you insist 'the hand' is fiction?
                        not that i can 'confirm' it's factuality, but still...


                        • #27
                          I did say there is a mountain of evidence as opposed to a mountain of proof. There is a difference.
                          Still waiting for you to point to this 'mountain of evidence'??

                          I hope you realise that there is a HUGE difference between evidence and a story in a British tabloid newspaper.

                          no less a body than the Catholic Church has authorised a study into it.
                          Oh well, that's all right then.

                          This is the same body that denies that condoms help prevent AIDS, the same body that denies and actively covers up the fact that thousands of their priests are child molestors, etc, etc.......forgive me if I don't wait with bated breath for the results of a 'scientific' study from these guys
                          Mister Arse


                          • #28
                            TB - annoyed? .... don't be silly, I spend my week being annoyed by experts.
                            I enjoy the cut & thrust of these forum "debates" as much as anybody.
                            My comment referred to SB's post when he described his typical day - I think it is in the "How hot is it?" thread or something like that.

                            "Fat, hairy ladyboys" reminds me of a very disrespectful post I placed on a thread about  life in LOS in 10 years time.
                            I don't think it was much appreciated by the boss, I had fun writing it though. You may find it back about 6 to 8 weeks ago.

                            And Stewart you can just as easily google the topic as I can. I have read enough different references to it to satisfy myself, you could take take my word for it?  

                            No ..... didn't think so, yet all the hoping in the world won't be making me realise anything that I can't conclude for myself.

                            As for the Catholic Church, I couldn't agree more. It is out of respect for our Catholic posters that I don't elaborate my views of it & the Pope.

                            But consider what an incredible coup it would deliver them if they established some link between body parts & the human soul.

                            It is up there with the self-satisfied glee that the Jehovahs Witness brethen felt when they could finally justify their stance on blood, after the discovery of AIDS.
                            No other religion could lay claim to that high moral ground.

                            We will never hear about the Catholics enquiry until they have the answer they want,
                            but if it required a big sum of money to do it, then it would be worth every penny.

                            I don't want to be responsible for starting a religious divide on our forum so I would recommend that we leave that subject matter alone.
                            Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


                            • #29
                              the Catholic Church has authorised a study into it...
                              Ah. I wasn't aware of that. I now recant fully and completely anything I may have said that would suggest the notion that people who have transplants might possibly also assume the personality characteristics of the donor.

                              Do you reckon God reads this? I bet his bloody spies do...


                              • #30
                                (thaibound @ Apr. 12 2008,23:53)
                                just to be clear here, there are no "aliens" in area 52. it's area 51 where the secret scientists maintain their spoils.  
                                you beat me to the punch
                                No honey, no money!!

