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U.S. Customs hassles...

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  • U.S. Customs hassles...

    While having my cup of Peets coffee this morning I read in the S.F. Chronicle that another American back East had been arrested for child porongraphy. What got my attention though was his admission that he had sex with two young boys in Thailand a few years back and that this was an enlightning moment for him.
    Looking at the photo of him in the paper I could not help but wonder if the U.S. Customs Officials have a profile of what a Sex Tourist who favors young boys or girls look like. I know that over the past five or six years everytime I return to the U.S. I am selected for additional inspection. They ask me the same questions but in a different order, I think they are trying to trip me up by comparing my answers with what I had stated on previous inspections. These Agents want to know where I had been, where I stayed, who did I see, what did I do, what my job is, why do I go to Thailand so often. A few of these bozos have had the nerve to ask me for contact information for friends in Thailand. I believe that I draw this attention because I am a whilte male, a certain age, not married, travels to Thailand a lot and therefore I am more likely to be a sexual deviant who favors young children. Has anone else who travels a lot to Thailand either from the U.S. or other countrys had this type of experiance?

  • #2
    So you think they suspect that you're a Paedo and not a drug dealer of some kind?


    I've made kathylc  


    • #3
      I believe that I fit the profile of what they must imagine a Pedophile looks and acts like. From photos of these sick fucks that I have seen in newspapers here in the States and in Thailand the image is one of a white male, over fify, traveling alone, comes to Thailand quite often for holidays.


      • #4
        That's about 70%+ of the visitors then.

        Lets be honest about things here, it's not just Elephants and Temples which keep drawing us back is it?

        Maybe you should take up Muay Thai and then you've got a cast iron excuse to go.

        *don't misread this, I didn't mean it to look like we go for young un's
        I've made kathylc  


        • #5
          So long as you tell the truth they can't trip you up.

          I agree with stereo typing and although it's not efficient it sometimes can bag a bad guy.

          What I disagree with is the release of names before people have actually been found guilty of a crime. This stuff stains you for life no matter whether you are guilty or not.

          People who want sex with prepubescent Thais and act upon those desires should be separated from society. But the disturbing truth is it's an endemic part of South East Asian culture and is rampant here, so of course it attracts a few foreigners.

          I'm always paranoid in customs even though I'm not guilty of anything. Dunno why that is... I've never had any reason to be and I've never even been stopped or searched on arrival anywhere.

          Must be that extra carton of smokes, eh?


          • #6
            Or the pork scratchings ! LOL
            Be lucky,have fun & stay young !


            • #7
              It's actually called profiling, but the principle is the same as stereo typing. Originally developed by police, but really took off after 9/11.

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              • #8
                Of course they profile...You and don't need to see a photo of the bad guys to know if you fit the profile or not...

                I've been stopped twice...Once last year and once the year before...I was totally honest with them both times...I gave them access to my luggage and laptop and answered all their questions truthfully...Each time it took a maximum of 5 minutes...Hardly an inconvenience to me...

                Why everyone is so concerned about it is beyond me...Unless you are guilty of something, it isn't a problem...

                Kinda like complaining ab0ut the weather...Ain't nothing you can do about it anyway except stop traveling...
                "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


                • #9
                  (kahuna @ May 09 2008,20:27) Why everyone is so concerned about it is beyond me...Unless you are guilty of something, it isn't a problem...
                  Some guys are a little shy to tell a Customs Official that they fly 1,000's of miles to pay a cute guy in a skirt to stick his cock up their arse.

                  Also, they are a little shy about their holiday snaps as well.

                  Can't for the life of me think why though...

                  Guys, stick to the Elephants and Temples and you'll be fine.

                  edit: yeah, rules... just saying it as they see it and not as I do
                  I've made kathylc  


                  • #10
                    (Monkey @ May 10 2008,05:34) Some guys are a little shy to tell a Customs Official that they fly 1,000's of miles to pay a cute guy in a skirt to stick his cock up their arse.

                    Also, they are a little shy about their holiday snaps as well.
                    If they're indeed too shy, perhaps they shouldn't be making the trip in the first place...

                    I'm always a bit hesitant to claim the 15 or so illegal DVD's (all non-porno) I'm bringing in...but I always do...and they always let me keep them...

                    Sidebar: Can you imagine the photos and shit these customs agents see every day...My occasional snap of a LB stiffy must be pretty tame...
                    "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


                    • #11
                      It's actually called profiling...
                      Of course. Stereotyping is a dirty word. 'Profiling' sounds much nicer!


                      • #12
                        (stogie bear @ May 09 2008,16:42)
                        It's actually called profiling...
                        Of course. Stereotyping is a dirty word. 'Profiling' sounds much nicer!
                        isn't that what they call having you turn sideways for your second mug shot? here are a few examples of profiling:

                        no wonder it upsets some people so.


                        • #13
                          I don't think its just reserved for the US either...

                          Couple of trips ago the lady at customs made a comment about my number of trips to Thailand.

                          I just shot back i loved the place...

                          Nothing more came of it, but it just shows you they are watching us always.

                          As Stogie says, be upfront and honest, tell them you go there to fuck ladyboys, but its cool because your not gay.

                          I'm sure they won't bat an eyelid


                          A worthy trip report


                          • #14
                            well i won't bring my laptop to the states next trip back, but not for fear of any porno on it, ( thats cos number 1, i'm not into underage, and number 2, i dont even keep any adult porn on my computer at all- its easy enough to surf for new images to peruse and not keep) but ive heard they look for illegally downloaded music... which i have... dont know how often/ how true that is, but i figure less hassle.


                            • #15
                              "As Stogie says, be upfront and honest, tell them you go there to fuck ladyboys, but its cool because you're not gay."

                              "I'm sure they won't bat an eyelid."

                              "Bankin' off of the northeast wind
                              Salin' on a summer breeze
                              And skippin' over the ocean, like a stone."
                              -Harry Nilsson

