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How can someone be so fucking stupid?

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  • How can someone be so fucking stupid?

    My "teerak" just got a phone call from a friend. She needs money for her family.


    Well, they went to the casino and guess what, they lost everything.

    How fucking retarded is that???

    edit: can someone please correct the title?

  • #2
    Damn those pesky casinos! I must try that one...


    • #3
      At least she was honest about it.

      No hard luck story about granny needing a cataract operation, buffalo sick etc etc

      I've made kathylc  


      • #4

        My teerak only got the phone call, her family didn't fuck anything up. A friend is asking for money!

        edit: I'm kind of lucky with my teeraks family so far, nobody asked for money, not even the two times we stayed at her home. Well, I made absolutely clear to her, that I'll never be her boyfriend and if she ever asks for money, she'll get kicked the same moment.

        Her sister ist working in a bar, too. Her father got some cows and just came home from work 3 times (stayed 9 days total), visited him at work two times. He is actually working hard from what I have seen.


        • #5
          (Freebird @ Jun. 06 2008,20:52) Well, I made absolutely clear to her, that I'll never be her boyfriend and if she ever asks for money, she'll get kicked the same moment.
          Very wise fellow. These children need rules from the vey beginning. You played it very well.

          This way it's down to YOU if the family get anything extra and not them!


          • #6
            Please read "The fool is back" by Neil Hutchison ..... stories like this are quite common.
            Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


            • #7
              Think thats fucked up I work with this guy he commutes from his job with the airlines here in the USA to Cahng Mai. He met his wife in the bar but he swore she wasnt a working girl she just worked there!! Had a kid (obviously not a LB), had a house built. One day he comes home he gets evicted from his house and has his truck driven away. Yep she lost it all playing cards. He even took a loan form his paltry 401k to have his house built. This poor bastard will never get out of that hole.

              BE CAREFUL OUT THERE -especially with your hard earned money!!
              Be careful out there!


              • #8

                Why read all the stupid books? Anything new to learn from them? What about just not leaving the brain at the airport back home?

                Read Private Dancer and a German book (1 month after my arrival here). Those stories just drive me mad bout those damn idiots...


                • #9
                  I have a LB friend in  BKK who has posed on the ATS website many times, she's quite popular and you would all know her but I will refrain from naming her..... she lost 60K baht in one NIGHT at some underground gambling club for Thai's only .... couldn't eat or sleep for a week after that.

                    we all surely have stories of people losing large sums of money gambling...remember, Vegas would still be a desert if we had a chance of winning.

                    keep your money where it belongs, in your jeans.
                  Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


                  • #10
                    (Freebird @ Jun. 07 2008,00:02) Why read all the stupid books? Anything new to learn from them? What about just not leaving the brain at the airport back home?
                    Beacuse, you have no idea how many people have NOT read these stupid books and still flush their money down the drain, IE giving their hard-earned cash to people they barely know in some ill-fated shot at winning them over.   Never happens of course, and by people posting here it may open a few people's eyes and save them heartache and loss of cash down the road.

                      saw a show last night on MSNBC about identity theft ....   some clown in New York state was hooked in by some on-line scammer he thought was a beautiful russian girl who was actually a Nigerian con man!  Lost 15K before he realized he had been burned, and never did get to meet his object of affection who of course were just some photos taken off line by the con man.

                      Point being; some guys don't even have to get anywhere near an airport to be stupid enough to send money to people they don't know.
                    Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


                    • #11
                      Can't stop thinking about the guy who's with the girl having a family with a gambling problem. He seems to be one who's already lost. Planning to take her home to his country within the next month.

                      He got fucking pissed when I reminded him that I could cover his teeraks face with my cum for less than 2000 baht. ^^ He stopped talking to me after I showed him another guy in the bar and told him that she'd been spreading her legs for that guy the last few weeks. Besides "that guy" is pretty cool. ^^


                      • #12
                        I loved the list I saw from Neil Hutchison in one of his books about where we falangs stand in the heirarchy of a Thai person;

                        1- their family
                        2- their friends
                        3- all other thai people
                        4-14- listed several others, including bangkok street beggars
                        15- YOU

                                    Except of course when someone has a gambling problem or needs cash for some other reason such as medical expenses or foreclosed home or whatever; then we somehow become number 1!

                         Freebird, be careful man..... I am not saying your girl will do this but it wouldn't surprise me one bit if she said " well honey, can we help out  Lek, she is in big trouble now with that gambling problem and after all you live in the west and have big money", etc..... and it might not even be her saying that, but her extended family.
                        Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


                        • #13
                          That's not Freebirds main worry right now, after the insult he paid the boyfriend by pointing out the guy who was fucking his girl, I think Freebird needs to be careful he isn't plotting revenge.

                          Freebird said he stopped talking to him, I would imagine that was only for him to decide just what he intends to do.

                          Be wary of this guy Freebird, he may project his anger onto you. Payback in LOS is cheap & available.
                          Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


                          • #14
                            @Freebird, be careful man..... I am not saying your girl will do this but it wouldn't surprise me one bit if she said " well honey, can we help out Lek, she is in big trouble now with that gambling problem and after all you live in the west and have big money", etc..... and it might not even be her saying that, but her extended family.

                            I'm keeping her already so damn short on the money... It's enough for her kids back home and she knows that I wouldn't give her one baht if she haven't had kids. Big money? I'm a fucking poor student.

                            Thats what kind of scares me a bit, her family... everything is fine at the moment. Too good for my taste...

                            I'm expecting the worst every second. But so far everythings fine. "your girl"... she isn't, she will never be the one... she knows it and just to make sure she doesn't forget it I fuck other girls sometimes.


                            I know that. You wanna know the price for putting someone in a wheel with a few liters of gasoline and giving him his last ride downtown?

                            Well, that guy doesn't scare me too much. A Dutch guy, seeing her for one month few month ago... and now coming back to see her again. That's kind of retarded. Maybe I should have told him what she told me two weeks before. "I don't have any boyfriend. ONLY CUSTOMER."

                            And her boyfriend knows that she is working in the bar while he's away... So, not that big trouble at all. Guess he just didn't like to be reminded of what she's doing for money.


                            • #15
                              (Freebird @ Jun. 07 2008,02:06) I know that. You wanna know the price for putting someone in a wheel with a few liters of gasoline and giving him his last ride downtown?
                              Are there really falangs/westerners so stupid even considering doing a thing like that in LOS?

                              Among thais, sure, but falangs in LOs?
                              "I can see it in the eyes.....they get hollow and soulless a year or 2 after the Op .... I coined the term ''shark eyes'' to describe that look"

                              Jaidee 2009

                              The other white meat

