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The OFFICIAL BNP Policies...

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  • #31
    Bloody hell. It's up to 7 million is it?


    • #32
      (Stogie @ May 18 2009,14:28) Bloody hell. It's up to 7 million is it?  
      So, you really don't believe it happened?
      Mister Arse


      • #33
        I find the numbers difficult to digest!


        • #34
          The base problem is that the Labour Govt have completely fucked it up very badly. I watch these guys try to answer questions on imigration and they cant... they dont even know how many are here

          How can the UK hold a population of 77 Million and above. Well it cant and sooner or later i think we wil have massive civil unrest
          It is madness that prevails

          Some towns in the UK are not even recognisable as English. There are limits and they have long been passed. The only saving grace is that Labour will never get in office again... they are fucked and good riddance


          • #35
            I agree but the Brits seem determined to sleep walk off a cliff!


            • #36
              The BNP are taking advantage along with all the other minority partiesof the fact that our elected representatives have been proven to be a bunch of self serving shysters. Oh really? You mean we didn't all think that all along? The evidence was all around us if we bothered to look, and as ever nobody did.

              Some years back I had to go to a meeting with the Welsh development agency, and there sitting as head man was one Keith Allen (not the actor) but the MP who was jailed in the early years of Thatcher's government for fraudulent trading in BT shares. He fiddled, got caught, did his porridge and came out to a nice publicly funded job. So we should not be astounded that the rest of the buggers were at it as well.

              Would the BNP, UKIP, The Greens be any different? Don't bet on it - the only thing that will make any difference to this and any other country is when people start thinking for themselves. The BNP want to ban immigration, well fine we do need to be aware of the amount of people crammed into this small island but what about emigration? Stop people moving here and by logical progression you will get other countries repatriating British citizens and there are a good number of them around the world.

              The fact of the matter is that the upcoming elections are for a body that has less power than the average local council. All the decisions in Europe are made by the Council of Ministers and enacted by the Commission. The parliament is a place where politically active no hopers go to make a few quid tax free, its a wonder Keith has not got on this gravy train as well.

              The Borough of Barking & Dagenham elected some BNP councillors last time round. their contribution so far? racking up expenses and abstaining on votes, occassionally having a rant that they are "marginalised" by the other parties.

              Whatever their literature says they are a bunch of criminally inclined thugs who think that this recession (not that you would notice it outside of financial services) will give them the opportunity to follow the example of their hero from the 1930's - and that wasn't Maggie Thatcher but of course Adolf Hitler.
              You, you and you hold fire - everyone else come with me - attributed to US Marine Recruiting Sargent WW2.

              You, you and you cum on me - everyone else hold fire - attributed to Porn Actor/Director Alexandra in 1992


              • #37
                (Stogie @ May 18 2009,18:09) I find the numbers difficult to digest!  
                I think that is the whole point...the numbers ARE incredible, and there is lots and lots and lots of documented and forensic evidence to say what really happened
                Mister Arse


                • #38

                  Sorry, can't see the point.
                  Who gives a fuck of how much million they got?

                  Nazis killed a whole bunch of kaiks (spelling please?), several millions, too much.


                  who is now going to tell that the Nazi weren't so bad after all, because they only managed to kill a couple of million, those losers?

                  BNP people tell racist things not just about jews.

                  A jew or race debate has nothing to lose in a "clean" right wing party.
                  They know that themselves, yet they are so dumb that they can't control their natural tendencies.


                  • #39
                    (manarak @ May 19 2009,03:35) so...

                    who is now going to tell that the Nazi weren't so bad after all
                    Heil Hitler!!

                    That´s kike. I´m sure the jewish bm´s appreciate that slander.
                    "I can see it in the eyes.....they get hollow and soulless a year or 2 after the Op .... I coined the term ''shark eyes'' to describe that look"

                    Jaidee 2009

                    The other white meat


                    • #40
                      i read today that the labour mp for vauxhall is
                      kate hoey

                      i wonder if theres a cock under that dress?.
                      Attached Files
                      you cant polish a turd.


                      • #41
                        (sev7en @ May 19 2009,03:42)
                        (manarak @ May 19 2009,03:35) so...

                        who is now going to tell that the Nazi weren't so bad after all
                        Heil Hitler!!

                        That´s kike. I´m sure the jewish bm´s appreciate that slander.
                        thanks for correcting that.

                        I heard it from a racist, but never saw how the word is written.
                        I imagine that's how BNP members refer to jews.
                        Does someone know the origins of that word?

                        Anyway, I am sure the jewish bm will have noted that my point was to use BNP rhetoric to make it clear that the number of victims are not important, the nazi were bad people deserving to be "terminally rectified" regardless of how much millions died at their hands.


                        • #42
                          the number of victims are not important...
                          I disagree. It's always good to have evidence for an argument rather than biased guess work.

                          (I should listen to myself, sometimes!)

