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Who killed JFK?

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  • #76
    (JaiDee @ Mar. 16 2010,22:29) I guess you expected me to just change my views on something I have known to be true for 30+ years because someone posted a few names on a message board; sorry, but I need a bit more evidence than that.
    Ohhh yeah, guys like Pacman, Travis Bickle and I just have opinions, but YOU have the truth? 55555. Don't make me laugh you big kidder.

    What evidence do you have to support your opinion?  The Warren Commission Report? They were a kangaroo court. That book you read? Your own undying loyalty you've carried since High School in the honesty of the government to never lie, cover up the truth, or conspire to support the agendas of the rich and powerful?

    Maybe if I were from New Hampshire too, then I could be as enlightened as you are. Doubtful, but maybe.

    The two most intelligent people I've ever met through this web site have been PigDogg and Mr. Lonely. IF either of them believes as you do, then maybe they could convince me the LHO acted alone theory was actually true, but no one else around here ever will.

    PD, who is a man of rationale and reason, is the only one of the two who currently remains of course, but it appears he is avoiding posting in this thread, because he knows it does no good to beat a dead horse. Bringing this entire topic up again, including adding a scientific poll,  is a very good example of beating a dead horse.
    “When a nation's young men are conservative, its funeral bell is already rung.”
    ― Henry Ward Beecher

    "Inflexibility is the worst human failing. You can learn to check impetuosity, overcome fear with confidence and laziness with discipline. But for rigidity of mind, there is no antidote. It carries the seeds of its own destruction." ~ Anton Myrer


    • #77
      (Torurot @ Mar. 15 2010,03:09)  Go to your local library and get out "Flat Earth News" by Nick Davies. 2008  070.4Dav   ISBN 978 1 40743 25 1 9
      I wouldn't trust an organization called 'Flat Earth News' if they told me that water was wet.

      The idea that a conspiracy to kill a USA president could remain secret for 50 years is ludicrous.
      The maximum number of people who can keep a conspiracy is one, and it helps if he is dead.
      "Snick, You Sperm Too Much" - Anon


      • #78


        The third clap is for Lefty...
        "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


        • #79
          (Snick @ Mar. 18 2010,11:59)
          (Torurot @ Mar. 15 2010,03:09)  Go to your local library and get out "Flat Earth News" by Nick Davies. 2008  070.4Dav   ISBN 978 1 40743 25 1 9
          I wouldn't trust an organization called 'Flat Earth News' if they told me that water was wet.

          The idea that a conspiracy to kill a USA president could remain secret for 50 years is ludicrous.
          The maximum number of people who can keep a conspiracy is one, and it helps if he is dead.
          Flat Earth News is the name of a book, not an organization. The name is obviously meant to be tongue in cheek.

          The book is not connected or associated with the so called Flat Earth Society. Don't judge a book by it's cover or name only.

          Feel free to keep on believing LHO acted alone. It is a lot easier to just take the govt's word for things and let them by the shepherd of your thoughts. Maybe the next time you see JD, you can share a hardy laugh over a few drinks and have a back slapping guffawing good time about those such as myself, Pacman and Travis Bickle. Since we are all so full of ludicrous ideas.

          BTW, for something to be a conspiracy requires more than one person. The definition of conspiracy is a secret agreement between two or more people to perform an unlawful act. Perhaps you knew that and just wanted to come up with a clever and witty quote regardless.

          I understand how it is less stressful to accept the Govt's word for everything, since Govt's never lie to their citizens, and govt officials never conspire to further their own personal agendas. Keep believing that. Life is easier that way.
          “When a nation's young men are conservative, its funeral bell is already rung.”
          ― Henry Ward Beecher

          "Inflexibility is the worst human failing. You can learn to check impetuosity, overcome fear with confidence and laziness with discipline. But for rigidity of mind, there is no antidote. It carries the seeds of its own destruction." ~ Anton Myrer


          • #80
            The idea that a conspiracy to kill a USA president could remain secret for 50 years is ludicrous.
            Lets take this a few steps further. The idea that.....

            - Every single investigative journalist for the past 50 years out to make a name for himself has managed to have been kept silent

            - Every single politician, both Democrat and Republican, who would love to make a name for themselves, has managed to have been kept silent

            - Every single up and coming member of the CIA for 50 years has not come forward and blown the whistle

   even more than ludicrous.

            It just shows the stupidity and gullibility of people who believe conspiracy theories
            Mister Arse


            • #81
              (Snick @ Mar. 18 2010,11:59) The maximum number of people who can keep a conspiracy is one, and it helps if he is dead.
              You owe Ben Franklin for that one Snick....

              "Spelling - the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit."


              • #82
                Is that who it was ? , thanks !
                I was searching for the original quote, but kept coming up blank. I do like my version though.
                Three can keep a secret, if two of them are dead.
                "Snick, You Sperm Too Much" - Anon


                • #83
                  (Stewart @ Mar. 18 2010,15:37) It just shows the stupidity and gullibility of people who believe conspiracy theories
                  ya, but you can't tell 'em that stuff Stewart, it ruins their day.

                  Funniest part of this thread?  Mister Lonely and 'intelligent' in the same sentence.

                      Again, where is the BBC in all of this?  Needing only a LITTLE bit of what these whackjobs are providing as ''evidence'', they would be all over the US  government for killing their own president in a hot  New York minute and it would be wall-to-wall coverage for months;  they haven't found that evidence in 50 years but a couple guys on a ladyboy message board read some shit on the internet and watch a documentary and only they know the absolute truth; the rest of us are idiots.

                        Lefty my old pal, your points would be taken much more seriously on this message board {on any subject} if you didn't get so worked up and angry about shit and started throwing out CAPS and exclamation points and hand claps just to make your points; doing that just makes you look like another raving conspiracy theorist and most people don't take those types seriously; nor should we.
                  Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


                  • #84
                    (Lefty @ Mar. 18 2010,11:50) Bringing this entire topic up again, including adding a scientific poll, is a very good example of beating a dead horse.
                    See, I think this is where the problem lies with this new thread, and also what Travis said on page one;

                     ''Jai dee,you just wont let it lie.You got battered into submission last time,calling a halt to proceedings after being given the coup-de-grace by pacman's list''

                         I *think* you guys are talking about a thread I started a few months ago where I mentioned some true facts, including the fact that Oswald acted alone, and then {same as most readers} I took a week or 2 away from the message board to do some other shit and Paccie must have submitted his copy-and-paste job from some conspiracy website?  You know, I gotta be honest here; I must have missed that re-hashed old paranoia when I was out reading a book or something, sorry.

                       Travs saying  I was ''beaten into submission'' is classically funny, as if I read Paccie's notes [which can be found on hundreds of websites] and then cried myself to sleep that night, chanting again over and over in my sleep "Damn it, those guys are correct; JFK WAS killed in a conspiracy.''  

                    Errrrm, hate to burst your balloon guys, but I simply didn't follow that thead after a day or 3 and must've missed his earth-shattering news pasted in from other sources; sorry.  I will never believe anything but the truth here, and I only started this poll based on the fact that some people in the 9/11 thread actually believed the US government had something to do with that!!  Amazing, really....and some people still seem to think JFK's death was also a government conspiracy so I ran this poll; not to ''beat a dead horse'' but just to see what other people thought about it.

                    It's been worth it though, I always like having a chuckle while eating my cheerios.
                    Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


                    • #85
                      (JaiDee @ Mar. 18 2010,21:15)       Lefty my old pal, your points would be taken much more seriously on this message board {on any subject} if you didn't get so worked up and angry about shit and started throwing out CAPS and exclamation points and hand claps just to make your points; doing that just makes you look like another raving conspiracy theorist and most people don't take those types seriously; nor should we.
                      What chaps my ass is way before I even looked at this thread, you are making negative comments about me. After seeing how the clapping hands and caps, are such a big deal to you, I decided to give you what you were looking for. Which also gave you a convenient excuse to not read any of those posts. I'm sure the clapping hands must have been such a distraction, you could not focus on any text.

                      BTW, Smuttley uses emoticons a good amount of time. I've never seen you diss him for doing so.
                      “When a nation's young men are conservative, its funeral bell is already rung.”
                      ― Henry Ward Beecher

                      "Inflexibility is the worst human failing. You can learn to check impetuosity, overcome fear with confidence and laziness with discipline. But for rigidity of mind, there is no antidote. It carries the seeds of its own destruction." ~ Anton Myrer


                      • #86
                        (Lefty @ Mar. 19 2010,21:03) before I even looked at this thread, you are making negative comments about me.
                        doood, don't be so thin-skinned!! {I think there is another thread about that in the Fish box right now?}. we've been going at it back and forth on this message board for years now, I never would have guessed one small comment could set you off so much.

                        I said it in jest, because I already knew your feelings on this topic; as in "I can't wait for Lefty to come in because I know his views will offset mine''. Jeeesh, we pick on each other in here all the time; people let me have it for being a liberal [you and Smuts also] and we rip on the conservatives; when football season starts we ALL tool on the other people who don't support our teams....some people like Pattaya or Phuket, some people hate them and we all joke and tease with each other on those things as well.

                        Methinks you took my simple comment too seriously, it was more of just an invite for you to come in and discuss this topic; if it was perceived as a low blow and hurt your feelings somehow I apologize.
                        Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


                        • #87
                          (JaiDee @ Mar. 18 2010,21:30)
                          (Lefty @ Mar. 18 2010,11:50) Bringing this entire topic up again, including adding a scientific poll, is a very good example of beating a dead horse.
                          See, I think this is where the problem lies with this new thread, and also what Travis said on page one;

                           ''Jai dee,you just wont let it lie.You got battered into submission last time,calling a halt to proceedings after being given the coup-de-grace by pacman's list''

                               I *think* you guys are talking about a thread I started a few months ago where I mentioned some true facts, including the fact that Oswald acted alone, and then {same as most readers} I took a week or 2 away from the message board to do some other shit and Paccie must have submitted his copy-and-paste job from some conspiracy website?  You know, I gotta be honest here; I must have missed that re-hashed old paranoia when I was out reading a book or something, sorry.

                             Travs saying  I was ''beaten into submission'' is classically funny, as if I read Paccie's notes [which can be found on hundreds of websites] and then cried myself to sleep that night, chanting again over and over in my sleep "Damn it, those guys are correct; JFK WAS killed in a conspiracy.''  

                          Errrrm, hate to burst your balloon guys, but I simply didn't follow that thead after a day or 3 and must've missed his earth-shattering news pasted in from other sources; sorry.  I will never believe anything but the truth here, and I only started this poll based on the fact that some people in the 9/11 thread actually believed the US government had something to do with that!!  Amazing, really....and some people still seem to think JFK's death was also a government conspiracy so I ran this poll; not to ''beat a dead horse'' but just to see what other people thought about it.

                          It's been worth it though, I always like having a chuckle while eating my cheerios.
                          That comment illustrates why it is obvious you don't want a peaceful exchange of dialog. LHO acted alone is a fact because you and The Warren Commission say so? You are always saying the other side never gives any evidence. Well, the ostriches with their heads buried in the sand have no evidence other than saying well the US Govt and Warren Commission said so, so it must be true. The govt would never lie to us would they?

                          Amongst all those nasty distracting clapping hands, I told the main reasons why I do not accept The Warren Commission's report.
                          Their findings contradict IMO, Newton's Third Law of Motion. That isn't all my reasoning behind why I refuse to believe LHO acted alone, but it is a good part of it. Also, as someone who devoted a good deal of my adult life to the study of firearms related ballistics and how a bullet behaves upon impacting an animal, human or otherwise, I find Arlen Spector's Magic Bullet Theory to be as ludicrous as you and the rest of the LHO acted alone crowd find my beliefs to be. Those two things are enough for me to at least seriously doubt the assassination was committed by lone gunman.

                          The final hi-lighted statement shows to me again how you have your mind already made up and nothing is going to change it. So you respond with insulting things like accusing me of wearing tinfoil hats and looking out for UFOs. BTW, if you wanted to start a poll here on whether people believe there is advanced life forms on other planets in other solar systems, I'd expect a majority would say there is. I've never seen a UFO and have never really looked for any. I do know people personally, who have claimed to see them and have no reason to lie about it. The people such as you who adamantly do not believe in UFOs would probably laugh it off and say it was just the visions of someone on LSD, etc.

                          You continually state LHO acted alone like it is an absolute truth. That is why it is basically impossible to have a friendly discussion with you about it. If you believe the Commission's findings are an absolute truth, I would steadfastly disagree.
                          “When a nation's young men are conservative, its funeral bell is already rung.”
                          ― Henry Ward Beecher

                          "Inflexibility is the worst human failing. You can learn to check impetuosity, overcome fear with confidence and laziness with discipline. But for rigidity of mind, there is no antidote. It carries the seeds of its own destruction." ~ Anton Myrer


                          • #88
                            (JaiDee @ Mar. 19 2010,21:15)
                            (Lefty @ Mar. 19 2010,21:03) before I even looked at this thread, you are making negative comments about me.
                            doood, don't be so thin-skinned!! {I think there is another thread about that in the Fish box right now?}.  we've been going at it back and forth on this message board for years now, I never would have guessed one small comment could set you off so much.

                                    I said it in jest, because I already knew your feelings on this topic; as in "I can't wait for Lefty to come in because I know his views will offset mine''.  Jeeesh, we pick on each other in here all the time; people let me have it for being a liberal [you and Smuts also] and we rip on the conservatives; when football season starts we ALL tool on the other people who don't support our teams....some people like Pattaya or Phuket, some people hate them and we all joke and tease with each other on those things as well.

                            Methinks you took my simple comment too seriously, it was more of just an invite for you to come in and discuss this topic;  if it was perceived as a low blow  and hurt your feelings somehow I apologize.
                            I guess this is a case of we all have certain things we don't joke about. For me one of those things is the JFK assassination. I am impassioned in my beliefs, and will very likely at this point not find any evidence to change my mind. When it comes to people laughing off the entire thing or belittling those of us who don't accept the govt's word for things, well I am very thin skinned. I take nothing lightly when it comes to discussing this topic. IMO, it is the lowest low point in US History. JFK was IMO a fine man and great president and I have only admiration for him.
                            “When a nation's young men are conservative, its funeral bell is already rung.”
                            ― Henry Ward Beecher

                            "Inflexibility is the worst human failing. You can learn to check impetuosity, overcome fear with confidence and laziness with discipline. But for rigidity of mind, there is no antidote. It carries the seeds of its own destruction." ~ Anton Myrer


                            • #89

                              well-stated on both points, thanks Lefty! Much easier to read also  

                                I can't be swayed either, the evidence is there for both of us, nay ALL of us to see, and we have made our decisions based on what we have heard and learned over the years. Yours differs from mine, and  there are a lot  of people in both camps and this discussion will probably never go away.

                                     I don't think it's a laughing matter either, and frankly I get a little angry when I read so many conspiracy theories or think about that AWFUL movie JFK from a director I  usually like; outside of the fact he put forth a bizarre story on film and some people actually believed it, he makes great movies!

                                 We should save our real anger for him and people like him, not for people with simply a difference of opinion on this subject. I am not *angry* at you, Pacman or anyone else who thinks differently on this matter, I just perceive the events of that day differently.
                              Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

