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Losing it after 50

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  • Losing it after 50

    I thought I'd start a thread and ask other BMs what their most embarrassing events have been to date that they can attribute to the aging process. I will start with mine.

    I am driving to work and I am late for a meeting. Parking spots are hard to find and I am forced to park a number of blocks from the office. I'm frantic and nervous about the meeting. I find a parking spot, park, and just before I get out of the car my cell phone rings. I take the call. The call pertains to the meeting I am about to attend so the briefing is important. I gather my computer case, get out of the car, lock it and process to walk the 2 blocks to the building. I enter the building, go up the elevator, and as I enter the office I realize I do not have my phone. I check my pockets, look in my computer case, look every where but no phone. I think it might have slipped out of my pocket as I left the car. So I turn around, go down the elevator, exit the building and sprint back to the car. I get to the car, open it up and cannot find the phone. I look under the seats, under the car, every where but no phone. Huffing and puffing I swear and my assistant says: "What's wrong?" I said: "I can't find my fucking phone. I don't understand where I lost it. I just had it a few minutes ago when I was talking with you!" There was a pause and then she said: "What are you talking on now?" Well, it took the longest 2 seconds of my life for the light bulb to turn on in my head. I had just spent 15 minutes running around city blocks, delaying a meeting, while looking for the cellphone that I was holding to my ear the entire time.

    And that my friends is one helluva senior moment. Can you top it?

  • #2
    (Steff @ May 14 2010,17:17) I I had just spent 15 minutes running around city blocks, delaying a meeting, while looking for the cellphone  that I was holding to my ear the entire time.

    And that my friends is one helluva senior moment. Can you top it?
    happens to me alot of times.
    You Can Take Taneisha Out Of The Party, But You Can't Take The Party Out Of Taneisha


    • #3
      no cant top that,not a senior executive of a major bank are you?


      • #4
        That's a good one!

        Most noticeable thing for me apart from my chest moving into my stomach is that it takes a lot longer for wounds to heal.

        Got a nasty burn a few days ago and if I was 30 years younger it would have all but gone away by now! Grrr!
        World's Greatest Tgirl Cam Site.


        • #5
          (Steff @ May 14 2010,17:17) I thought I'd start a thread and ask other BMs what their most embarrassing events have been to date that they can attribute to the aging process. I will start with mine.

          I am driving to work and I am late for a meeting. Parking spots are hard to find and I am forced to park a number of blocks from the office. I'm frantic and nervous about the meeting. I find a parking spot, park, and just before I get out of the car my cell phone rings. I take the call. The call pertains to the meeting I am about to attend so the briefing is important. I gather my computer case, get out of the car, lock it and process to walk the 2 blocks to the building. I enter the building, go up the elevator, and as I enter the office I realize I do not have my phone. I check my pockets, look in my computer case, look every where but no phone. I think it might have slipped out of my pocket as I left the car. So I turn around, go down the elevator, exit the building and sprint back to the car. I get to the car, open it up and cannot find the phone. I look under the seats, under the car, every where but no phone. Huffing and puffing I swear and my assistant says: "What's wrong?" I said: "I can't find my fucking phone. I don't understand where I lost it. I just had it a few minutes ago when I was talking with you!" There was a pause and then she said: "What are you talking on now?" Well, it took the longest 2 seconds of my life for the light bulb to turn on in my head. I had just spent 15 minutes running around city blocks, delaying a meeting, while looking for the cellphone  that I was holding to my ear the entire time.

          And that my friends is one helluva senior moment. Can you top it?
          I cannot help but wonder if this is due to your obsession with ladyboys...


          • #6
            You ain't a real senior until you qualify for a discount at the movie theater at The Avenue...

            Despite the fact that you lose some shit you don't want to lose and gain some shit you don't want to gain, getting old beats the fuck out of getting dead...
            "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


            • #7
              Reminds me of when I was frantically searching my house and wardrobe for the dressing gown I was already wearing...think I was 14...

              Cheer up Steff, it can happen at any time

              But if it happens again soon it may be a sign you're due back in LOS. The place where you can freely forget names and any other inconvenient detail
              Did you exchange a walk-on part in the war for a lead role in a cage


              • #8
                Everyone will do something silly once in a while. I wouldn't stress too much Steff, just get the necessary rest.

                Fatigue is the most likely cause of this sort of brain fade.

                One thing it isn't is dementia. I read where not being able to find your car keys isn't a sign of alzheimers but getting into your car & realising you have forgotten how to drive is.

                I assume you remembered where you parked your car & were able to drive it home OK? Otherwise..........

                                 you might have a problem....          
                Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


                • #9
                  Been doing some research paccie

                  Did you exchange a walk-on part in the war for a lead role in a cage


                  • #10
                    I used to work the night shift and was constantly tired.

                    I had a phone on my bedside table that rang and i was so fucked up that i picked up a pen - clicked it and said hello.
                    I then put then pen down and did the exact same thing again. I finally answered the phone and it was some prick selling something

                    Thats when i knew i had to move to LOS.


                    • #11
                      Just the other morning I was making espresso, but instead of pouring the whole beans into the top of the grinder, I dumped them directly into the canister portion where the ground up beans end up after being ground. After sorting that mess out I went to the office. After dithering around and doing a modicum of actual work, I decided to leave the office. Getting into my car I realized I didn't have my keys. Back to my desk, grabbed my keys, back to the car. Getting ready to start the car, I realized I had my reading glasses on top of my head. These are the glasses I leave sitting on my desk so they're always there when I need them. Back in to my desk, leave the reading glasses, back out to the car. Start the car, about to pull out, realize my cell phone is still back in the office.

                      When I walked back in to retrieve the phone (3rd re-entry within 2 minutes) our receptionist burst into laughter.
                      Making newbie mistakes since 2009 so you don't have to


                      • #12
                        I find that if I have my mind on something, I often tend to forget/ not listen as well as to my other priorities as well. To not embarrass myself at work as I have sometimes before I realized it, I tend to use a notepad now to put a do list on.

                        Maybe I sound insensitive but its not the case at all. I do care!  But if I had to live my whole life based on how everyone might be sensitive to me.. I would not be living my life as I want it. So you can accept me and my flaws as I am or you can't.


                        • #13
                          Spent about 30 minutes yesterday trying to find where I had parked my car. Sometimes after a very long work day, I actually write down the street and avenue #'s so that I can find it when I "come to"


                          • #14
                            Mine is glasses, where the fu#k have I put them. Solution buy many pairs from Boots so when you loose them you can move onto another pair. I even get the missis to keep a pair in her handbag so when we eat out I can read the menu. Now how pissed do you get when you havent got your glasses and you are tromboning the menu.

                            Solution to that is always go for curry. you never stray away from the same dish.

                            Worst case was when  I was going half way round the bend trying to read something pacing up & down and they were on my head all the time. Twat or what


                            • #15
                              Ps Steff, you must be suffering to start this thread. I guess shes gone

