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Interesting policies from Andrew Yang, Democratic contender for nomination for US president

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  • Interesting policies from Andrew Yang, Democratic contender for nomination for US president

    While discussion of US politics usually is confrontational, partisan and emotional, Andrew Yang has some very interesting policies and campaign style that makes him an interesting and possibly a viable candidate.There are more parts coming and I will post them as they are uploaded.

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  • #2
    $1000 for every citizen.
    Abortions for Transgender women.


    • #3
      Here's part 3 of the interviews

      Also his talk from the recent climate forum

      Crag - his policies are not quite that basic - more on his website Yang 2020 - but it seems to be something that is more likely to help the average US citizen than what other politicians from either side have proposed. While this is for the US, it will have an impact on Canada on who wins the next Presidential election. Canadians will have their own say in about a month.

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      • #4
        Bernie said he would tax trading ... add a tiny fee to each trade
        .. trading basically is a fee driven business and that is how traders make a little fee or tax or whatever on trading makes sense and it can be small enough to go unnoticed and effectually very accumulative.
        Regular type of taxing a basic population for the population is dumb . Talk about taxing the rich is uninformed . Although, he has a point about Amazon et al and avoiding taxes while impacting local brick and mortar and it's been discussed before ( even by Mr T) . But we have to remember that the times are-a-changing, as millions of millenials go through life and lock into their attention to their devices ...who wants to go to a store if you can have it next day without bothering to leave home; there is a shift toward an antisocial consumer trend in shopping...although you can "share " your purchases and such with "friends". So while I don't profess to have the answer to guide the population, I would suggest if a government starts pulling levers without giving things like basic health care, proper education (and include real things that matter, such as basic finance training, understanding economics and real skills to match the changing dynamic of what constitutes gainful employment), it is possible a universal basic income may be "ill" spent. Its nice to see a rational calm approach to issues .


        • #5
          Here's another good interview with Andrew Yang on Firing Line with Margaret Hoover (host and grand daughter of former president Herbert Hoover). In this one he explains more of his policies in detail.

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