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  • #16
    I remember a poster on the now defunct Questionable Girs site (Questionable meaning ladyboys not girls to be avoided) said some good things about a ladyboy number so and so in Obsessions.

    Based on the post I bought her for a drink and she did a good job of selling herself to me during the conversation. Since she is not my ideal physical type I would have not otherwise spoken to her. And we had a great night and morning in bed.

    So I think recommendations can help.


    • #17

      Out of all this, I notice none of you gave a recommendation!

      While not having big tits, May 87 in Obsessions does have a big dick and is a nice girl, Pat in Cascades is closer to the physical match, Fern somewhat in Guess Bar has tiny body, but nicely sized everywhere else, Nan in KC3 matches that well but is 50/50 in the bar. Most of the girls in Cassanova would fit that bill, however, most of us shy away from there as they tend to be more 'shark' like. In that list, I'd likely start with Fern, that perhaps Pat for fun, party time.


      • #18

        Thank you Ziggy for your recommendations. I will do a little research on them and see who looks good. It sounds like their also nice girls and that helps. I have not been to Casanova bar in almost a year and I too do not care for the sharks or bigger ladies.

        Yes, it is odd that more have not made their recommendations but I understand that they might want to either keep them as their "private stash" or just don't know. Or do not care to answer. Thats ok because, like I said before. It probally will not workout anyway and I will take the first one I like that is there.
        Im just getting a chat going here and trying to have a bit of fun. That and the fact that I am getting excited about my upcoming trip. It's good to have something to look forward to.
        Thanks again.


        • #19
          One of the reasons I'm hesitant about making recommendations is that even if my words sound like something another reader might like, the reality may be much different.

          It's one thing to say "I like ladyboy XXX!" but it's a bit of a risk if you say "I think you will like ladyboy XXX!"

          Hope that makes sense!


          • #20
            I understand completely Stogie.
            Who do you think I would like?


            • #21
              Stogie "...speak true and never lie..." (an sms I just received from a young lady)...

              Seriously Stogie is telling you straight mate...A girl that I like to spend time with
              might be a horrible experience for you...In my opinion, there a few if any real passable girls
              and what I might find beautiful, you might find average or ugly...

              On occasion I've gone with girls that the guys I hang around with here in LOS have been
              with or frequently go with and the experience is seldom the same...For example, a girl I
              know Stogie enjoys, I had a horrible experience with...Likewise, I have been to dinner with
              mates and their dates and their dates end up sending me sms messages later in the evening...

              It's all about chemistry...and you don't know how the chemicals are gonna mix until you sit down
              and spend a little time with the girl...and even then it's a crap shoot...

              Now if you had asked for a girl with a big cock to drill your ass all night long...I would think you
              would get several recommendations...

              So, my recommendation, just visit the bars ask the girls you select to sit and chat with as many
              questions as you can and enjoy...
              "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


              • #22
                Hey Tokyo11, Been a long time, glad to see you are back and enjoying the going's on !! Guess Bar is a good bet from what I've seen, and I remember the fun in the beer garden and that night we were in Obsessions !!

                Keep on reading the forum and have F U N !!

                You no care me DIE !!!


                • #23
                  Thanks guys for all the input. The reason for this post was, I will not have much time on my own. It has to be fast, short and sweet. If I had the time, I would visit all the the places and let the games begin.

                  It looks like the Guess Bar is where i'll go fishing. I like the location and it's new, to me.

                  Hey Danno, I thought this was the month you usually take your pilgrimage? Or are you waiting until later? Let me know. I will be home in Issan for a few months after the Guess (who) Bar. Try to make it then.

