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what happened to my post

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  • what happened to my post

    My post is gone...........what happened to it?

    Edit: I think I know now. after reading the rules. it was a picture from another forum

  • #2
    Yes, it was removed by a moderator as it came from a competing site..
    seriously pig headed,arrogant,double standard smart ass poster!


    • #3
      Yes, you did break the Forum rules by posting a pic from a competing site, but in answer to your question, that is Emmy/Amy/Elizabeth/Boy, whichever name strikes her fancy to use at the moment.

      If you do a search for Amy/Emmy you will find quite a few posts about her. She has put on a bit of weight, in addition to some silicone enhancements.

      She works in Pattaya, last news was at one of the smaller cabaret shows.

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