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why be rude

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  • why be rude

    Stogie give the guy a break as he was only looking for some simple info,,its not always easy to trawl the forum looking for info and especially if he is a new member he may not be aware that the topic has been discussed in such detail.Would it have been such a big deal to supply a link to the info as another member kindly did.I wouldnt blame the member if he never posted again.
    why not try to encourage members to post rather than discourage as you did in your reply. The more members that post the more beneficial it is to all of us.It was also rude on your part to block the topic.Just voicing my opinion not being critical,this happened to me when i 1st joined and it does discourage from future postings when answers from asiants staff like this are posted.

  • #2
    Was I rude? Which thread are you refering to? Link please...  

    The more members that post the more beneficial it is to all of us...
    Well - that depends doesn't it. If more people are posting the same thing over and over then how does THAT benefit "all of us"?


    • #3
      Are you refering to the joker who asked for information on Hong Kong?

      If so then here's my answer...

      ALL questions will be left for general viewing and answering if they are of interest to the members.

      This was a clear case of ignorance as I managed to dredge up lots of postings about Hong Kong.

      The question itself was so vague as to be rude...

      The thread was called... "Hong Kong - Any Info?" Sorry that's just lazy and I find that level of lazyness to border on rude so he's already fucked himself.

      Next the thread reads... "Hey guys, anyone living in HK? any info on the nightlife, p4p scene there??"

      Is this a joke?

      Sorry - these meaningless threads will be locked or deleted in the future.

      If more posts is better then pop over to lb69... They run comeptitions to see how much you can post. We don't.


      • #4
        Sorry stogie,didnt explain which post i was referring to,,no i didnt mean HK post,,i meant the 1 where the guy asked was he too old to pull a yound ladyboy.I understand what you are saying about repetition and i agree it can be boring for lt members,,my point was send him a link and then of course bloch the topic. Just felt he should be pointed in the right direction. A simple overview on my part and as i said not being critical,a suggestion thats all.
        As regards going to the lb69 forum,not a chance as im currently a member of without a doubt the best site available and thats here.


        • #5
          Can't remember that one... Send me a link and I'll comment.


          • #6
            sb, why do you slag lb69 so much lately? Isn´t there enough room for several lb sites?


            • #7
              You are right... there's plenty of room for everyone on the internet...

              I only jab at that forum because I like to see how Pentire and KoyKaeng will react!

              They are good natured souls and friends of mine. There's no malicious intent!


              • #8
                (rick @ May 14 2007,11:51) sb, why do you slag lb69 so much lately? Isn´t there enough room for several lb sites?
                There is a pretty hot Greek LB over there. Her name is Costass. She is bitter about being spurned by Stogie, and Stogie tries to avoid her. Her tits are huge though, you might want to check her out.


                • #9
                  Apparently she's not much cop!


                  • #10
                    You know you still love her!!
                    If she aint got a dick, she's just a chick!  


                    • #11
                      sangabriel, you are welcome over there. Dont be shy now.


                      • #12
                        I heard she was like the back end of a bus (driver)
                        You, you and you hold fire - everyone else come with me - attributed to US Marine Recruiting Sargent WW2.

                        You, you and you cum on me - everyone else hold fire - attributed to Porn Actor/Director Alexandra in 1992


                        • #13
                          (stogie bear @ May 14 2007,12:16) I only jab at that forum because I like to see how Pentire and KoyKaeng will react!

                          They are good natured souls and friends of mine. There's no malicious intent!  
                          It's better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.

                          Although, they certainly don't call you Mr Grumpy for nothing !

                          Ladyboys need to learn...... Listerine is not a beverage !

