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Taxi in Bangkok

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  • Taxi in Bangkok

    I asked my friend why she prefferd the taxi with only one color.

    She told me that taxi with only one color was ovned by goverment and was cheaper than the two colored taxis.

    And most of the times the one colored taxi are newer.
    Do not marry a Thai girl.
    Use for 3 days only!

  • #2
    All taxis in Bangkok are metered and are (or should be) the same rate. A lot of the blue and red ones are older than the new impressive orange or yellow or green or pale blue cabs. But most of the older (blue & maroon) ones are usually doing duty at 'ranks' or taxi reserves at supermarkets or bus stations etc. The taxi companies are all privately run but that doesn't preclude the possibility of government officials being a part of the huge business that is the taxi industry of Bangkok.

    The frequency of taxis coming past you is so common that it is well worth waiting for a newer looking one before flagging one down. I think the only problem I have ever had with cabs in Bangkok is the old ones breaking down, or having ineffective A/C etc!


    • #3
      Green and yellow are owner/operator and all the rest are companies.
      If the taxi company has more than 300 (around or lots) they can pick a colour of there choice, so I was told

