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More security at US Customs!

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  • #16
    (stogie bear @ Jul. 29 2006,20:03) He got 15 years for KNOWINGLY having kiddi porn. That means he knew he had it!

    I doubt very much if he accidently downloaded over 40 pics by accident or by innocently stumbling onto a kiddy-porn site.

    If it was so easy for us to have this stuff on our computers he wouldn't have got 15 years hard time.

    Mind you - 15 years seems pretty heavy handed!

    I'm aware that stuff stays on your computer longer than simply deleting it! I made a mistake suggesting that deleting stuff would get rid of it!

    I am back folks

    I think he did not get enough for this especially after your next post. For me he still got his nuts so he got off easy. Next thing you going to me he is not in the open population of the prision?

    Rapist and child porn offenders are low life scum.

    sorry folks stepping down now


    • #17
      (rxpharm @ Jul. 27 2006,13:36) Yes, true - child porn is definitely illegal, but for all members who like photos of lbs appearing to be younger than 18, remember the appearance of child porn is just as problematic on the laptop should you be stopped, searched and seized.  

      So Be Careful Out There!
      I know I've said this before, but if you're taking pictures of anybody and plan to show them to anybody then you should really get  proof of age and a model release form from the model. It could save a whole lot of hassle later on.
      Too old to die young!


      • #18
        Whether or not you find the idea of sex with prepubescents desirable common sense should tell you two things...

        It isn't a natural and/or civilized thought to want sex with someone who doesn't feel (or is incapable of feeling) the same way that you do.

        Secondly - there are very strict laws that protect people who don't/can't enjoy sex with adults. (I'm talking about kids, mentaly retarded people and victims of rape.)

        If you are an adult that STILL wishes to pursue this avenue of endeavour then you must accept that society is going to be VERY tough on you if you get caught.

        Having said all that - modern society in the West has turned this into a major witch hunt, and I tend to favour the people who are protecting the kids, but not really the methods in which some people are persecuted for their feelings.

        It's a shame that the same passion isn't spent on kids who suffer other equally or even more damning abuse like slavery and torture etc. Years of slavery and being subject to physical pain has longer lasting effects on kids but this seems to be largely forgotton in the increasingly evil world that we live in.


        • #19
          I disagree that nobody downloads 42 pics of kiddie porn accidentally. I bought my PC at Best Buy. Used. I told the store geeks to delete everything and restore the basic system software. They said sure, come back in one hour. I came back in one hour, and they had done nothing. I was so pissed, I just took the computer. It had all the MS software on it, so I figured I got a bargain. I got home, and found the drive packed to the top with 60 Gigabytes of porn! Took me a long time to delete it. Nothing too bad, but the previous owner obviously used it as a server or gateway or something because the photos were all nicely indexed and numbered.

          My point is, one never really knows what is on the computer. files get in there. I don't know what that traveler had or intended to have, but the bottom line is you may have more on your computer than you think!


          • #20
            Years ago, I found a virus on a newly manufactured PC. Digging into it, it looked like the idiots at the manufacturer had let a virus infect their master installation image. I forget the details - that was 1992. Nonetheless, as pointed out, you can get all kinds of crap on your computer, whether or not it's used or new.

            Second, it seems that computer files are now being treated equal to paper files, e.g. documents you might carry on your person. While most people haven't yet adopted that mindset, the brownshirts certainly have. Everybody's got boxes of papers at home, but who keeps many behind a lock and key? Most people with passwords on their systems expect that they've secured their stuff. If they go to the effort to delete their cache, they further expect it to be equivalent to shredding documents. I think that shredded documents have some legal value that is much lower than intact documents, but I could be wrong.

            Now, given the things I've said about Bush and brownshirts, should I fear that they'll nick me the next time I travel?

            As for this particular creep, I think everyone's satisfied that he should be punished, but there are many routes to the same end. Must punishment be meted out everytime it's feasible? And is all punishment just? I think the answer is no in both cases.

            Retired the top 12.  Need a new dirty dozen.  

            Update: The new list is coming together: Nong Poy, Anita, Nok, Gif, Liisa Winkler, Kay, Nina Poon.  Is it possible to find 5 more?  Until then, GGs:  Jessica Alba, Yuko Ogura, Zhang Ziyi, Maggie Q, and Gong Li.


            • #21
              I would divide your laptop into three parts (at least).

              Put the body in the laptop bag, the hard drive in your checked bags, and the battery in another bag.


              • #22
                Yikes!! The hard drive would be in the bag getting the most abuse!

                Anyhow, when you come through customs, they'll have access to all of your bags.

                If, however, you can find some way of disabling your laptop, that might work. Unplugging a video card, perhaps? Changing some nasty little BIOS settings? Wouldn't want to damage the thing, though.

                Retired the top 12.  Need a new dirty dozen.  

                Update: The new list is coming together: Nong Poy, Anita, Nok, Gif, Liisa Winkler, Kay, Nina Poon.  Is it possible to find 5 more?  Until then, GGs:  Jessica Alba, Yuko Ogura, Zhang Ziyi, Maggie Q, and Gong Li.

