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Christian Ladyboys

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  • Christian Ladyboys

    Christian dogma indicates how God detested homosexuals because he destroyed the town of Sodom because the "entire town" were homosexuals. Now, anyone with half a brain knows there is no chance a "whole town" was homosexual. Recent scholars have also consolidated on the view that the men of Sodom were not homosexual, as evidenced by their wives (duh), and the fact that they were going to "rape" (violence) not have a "homosexual act" with the famous story of the visitor to the town. So, the entire basis for anti-homosexuality in Christianity has now basically been disproven.

    Secondly, the original man, Adam, whose side Eve was created from, was, guess what? Androgynous! Since he was man and woman, in fact, Adam was the world's first Ladyboy.

  • #2
    My understanding of Sodom and Gomhorra was that it wasn't so much a town full of gays be a wild sinful place, Fucking, fighting, fornicating, boozing , drug taking etc
    It's never okay for men to cry! You know who cries? Girls. And little babies. And little baby girls.


    • #3
      The only biblical reference is related to a single incident of the town saying they want "sex" with a visitor male, which was incorrectly translated as "sex" vs "rape" (because they hated him).

      If I'm wrong, please correct me!


      • #4
        If we truly believe that shemales are indeed women, then we are not homosexuals! The Bible says man and woman should be together! That means if we are with the woman here, then we are in a normal hetrosexual relationship!
        Love life to its fullest.


        • #5
          I couldn't give two craps about what anyones pretend "invisible sky pixie" says. However, I can help straighten Ziggy out on one of the most frequently missunderstood passages in the bible.

          The tale and moral conclusion of the story of sodom and gamorah is almost universally misconstrued. It's not surprising that this is intentional- or what the purpose for distorting it would be. What is often lost is that actual moral point of the story.

          Any serious biblical scholar, and unfortunately there are surprisingly few, will tell you that the important moral comandment was to welcome, treat with courtesy,a nd protect visitors- even strangers. It was the transgression of giving up the strangers protected in the house that caused sodom and gamorah to be seen as a sinful place and worthy of destruction.

          In essence, hospitality was the virtue that actually had a contextual and historical basis at this time. And when interpreted directly, and understood in context, there is no ambiguity that this is the point of the story.



          • #6
            You're right Grunyen. Unfortunately, "Literalists" who read the Bible thinking it is historical fact, use that passage to "prove" God is against homosexuality. They of course also believe Jesus' mother was a virgin, and he rose from the dead.


            • #7
              (ziggystardust @ Jan. 17 2007,00:47) Now, anyone with half a brain knows there is no chance a "whole town" was homosexual.
              Damn near...



              • #8
                (ziggystardust @ Jan. 22 2007,09:57) You're right Grunyen. Unfortunately, "Literalists" who read the Bible thinking it is historical fact, use that passage to "prove" God is against homosexuality. They of course also believe Jesus' mother was a virgin, and he rose from the dead.

                Of course it doesn't even take 5 minutes worth of web searching to find ready indexes of all the ways the Bible is ridiculous, contradictory, frequently misquoted, misinterpeted, willfully lied about, or just downright absurd.

                Like kids taunting a prophet because he was bald, who then calls down two she-bears to eat the children.


                • #9
                  Interestingly, I just read that some forms of Gnostics believe that God (not Jesus) was composed of male and female elements (i.e., androgynous). This of course was called heresy and all records saying as much destroyed.

                  Also, there is a passage that says, approximately, in the Old Testament, that God made Adam and Eve in his own image. Well if he only had male characteristics, how did he make Eve in his own image?

                  This would be a Literalists argument supporting an androgynous God (and Adam)!


                  • #10
                    Christians are very strange and very dangerous. There are lots of them in the USA whose children will never know a normal life. What they say about sex borders on the insane.


                    • #11
                      And the differently thinking people give a bad conscience.
                      Djai jen jen si !


                      • #12
                        Ask Emma/Amy/Boy. She is a Christian. Jing, Jing.


                        • #13
                          (stogie bear @ Jan. 27 2007,05:39) Christians are very strange and very dangerous.

                          What they say about sex borders on the insane.
                          I always think it's rather strange that all the old religions - animal worship - sun worship - all the way up to Buddhism accepted that sex is normal.
                          Then the 'new' religions including Christianity and Islam decide that sex/sexuality is a bad thing

                          As I'm sure most of you out there know - not having sex for a while makes you grumpy, irritable and even sometimes aggressive.
                          Is there some connection between this and the fact that for the last 800+ years the Christians and Moslems have been trying to kill each other?

                          So who gets to benefit from this slaughter?  The only ones I can see are the religious leaders.  They get to say;  'I told you so'  and hopefully pick up more and more followers.

                          Karl Marx stated that;  'Religion is the opiate of the masses'
                          From what I've seen they have been overdosing on it  

                          Pedants rule, OK. Or more precisely, exhibit certain of the conventional trappings of leadership.

                          "I love the smell of ladyboy in the morning."


                          • #14
                            Actually both promote sex. Christians for "procreation", and while I read it but can't recall the exact phrases, the Koran also does accept sexual relationships.

                            The Old Testament (Jewish Bible) and Koran, however, are both violently against homosexuality. This, of course, is hypocritical, because Greek males used to fuck young boys regularly in those days and it was considered quite ok.

                            However, I'm on a thin line here as I'm only remembering tid bits from recent readings. Someone more knowledgeable please speak up!

                            Then the Christians started the slaughter in forming Christianity. They wanted to weed out the heretics, meaning, anyone who disagreed the Bible that was created in 350 c.e. or so (versus the many other Bibles existing) and started mass murder basically from somewhere around that time up through the Crusades and Inquisitions. All in the name of God of course. Muslims were of course targets, and lo' and behold, thanks be to God, that is why the world got fucked up.


                            • #15
                              The Greek period came before chrisitianity took hold. Thats why it was ok to bugger a boy up the old wa zu. That reminds me.

                              There was an old man from Dundee who buggered an ape in a tree, the result was so horrid 4 balls and a purple goatee.

                              The greeks had been conquered by the Romans for sometime before the christian period came into being.

