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Beauty Contests...

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  • #16
    Excellent summation sir
    “When a nation's young men are conservative, its funeral bell is already rung.”
    ― Henry Ward Beecher

    "Inflexibility is the worst human failing. You can learn to check impetuosity, overcome fear with confidence and laziness with discipline. But for rigidity of mind, there is no antidote. It carries the seeds of its own destruction." ~ Anton Myrer


    • #17
      (buttafly @ Mar. 19 2008,11:13) Quite far from rich, and I don't "hate" post-ops..... I hate the people who do that to them.

      hell, one of my best friends in the world is a postie.... I love her like a sister, she lives in Scandanavia now .... but man, I have talked to probably 50 of these people and when 49 of them tell you they made the biggest mistake of their lives and they wish they never did it and the tears are flowing like rain water and you're there taking photos of what essentially looks like roast beef, how can you not have feelings of total disdain for the person who did it? Yes, it was their choice and something they have to live with now, but I still don't appreciate those people [who DO get rich] who took advantage of a vulnerable 18 or 19 year old kid and ruined them for life for a couple grand. Hell, I'd pay someone 2 grand NOT to have that surgery and in fact have offered that before to my friend Nut....she said no and is now living in South Africa as a lady hooker.

      Try being in my shoes..... meeting young and vital, charismatic young ladyboys on a regular basis who you then see 2 or 3 years later and they have hollow eyes with no soul behind them and sadness has enveloped their lives eternally; what person wouldn't feel something from that? Dear friend day a lovely pre-op, giggly and cute and so full of life.....see her 6 months later and she is cut and has a 3-inch -deep vagina and is ruined forever and can never enjoy sex ever again, and all I can feel is anger and repulsion at that Euro-trash creep MFER who talked her into that crap and then just left her behind to be a sad shell of her old self, street-walking on lower Sukhimvit at age 19 just to make a living rather than iving her dream life in Europe as promised.

      Oh.....and the 50th girl ..... she was lying.

      Forgot how this forum works  


      • #18
        I'm sorry if any words offended you   NF,  but my feelings on what these people do to the young ladyboys of Thailand will never change nor can ever be swayed by anyone; and I wish you the best and hope that you are always happy with your decision.

               One more shorty story ....I have dozens but what's the point when one will do;

                 My friend ******,  who is now a post-op since   2003 and living in Europe,  saw some guy  who is kinda famous in Thailand and was even compared to a God-like figure once in another sub-forum. Had the operation for 80K baht, and a year later was unhappy with it; had no sexual feelings and overall it was just not what she had hoped for.

          She complained a bit to me about it, I consoled her as much as possible as I would for anyone I know, but she says "Oh, it's  OK ..... he said I can go back to see him and for 50K more he will "fix" it so I can cum and have feelings same same a lady".  Oh,  really? A miracle- worker,   So cool   ......  so I went to see her a month later to bring her some ice cream during recovery at her shithole apartment/cell off soi 71 and she had some huge pad over that area and it was all bloody and messy and with a cathater tube leading into a bucket on the floor.....wanna talk about ruining your day?

        She says "ya wanna take a look"?

          Errrr, no... but thanks anyway.

                    Now, does this happen anywhere else?  I mean, if a guy went to get a knee operation in the states and it was still all fucked up a year later and he went back to the Doc and asked him to make it better, could you imagine the Doc saying "sure, I can make that better, just pay me 5 grand more".     We have a word for that guy here;  it's called 'Prisoner' ..... in Thailand, he's  called 'Doctor'.

          I am the only one who can see the absurdity there?
        Guilt is Gods way of telling you you're having too much fun.
        -Dennis Miller


        • #19
          Hi Butterfly,
          Me? offended? damn right!...just kidding...

          The problem i see, is the urgency some of the girls have to have surgery,as soon as they
          get the bhat together for even the most basic SRS they do= misery!
          Having SRS does not ruin lives,having crap surgery does.
          And i do think many surgeons in Thailand are criminal in there
          practice and shouldn't be allowed to carve a roast on sunday yet alone
          a desperate Thai child...
          Three inch depth is awful,but it can be repaired using the colon technique...expensive and
          ABSOLUTLY NO FARANG SHOULD SPONSOR CHEAP HACK SURGERY because you will be doing more
          harm than good..

          If, BF, you are referring to the "god like" surgeon i used in Chonburi,all i can say
          is he is the best,things can go wrong-like in anyother surgery any where in the
          world,but it is his policy to put anything right FREE OF CHARGE,,,(so if it is him,
          your friend has been tellin' fibs).
          Another point is a post-op girl can orgasm (i know you don't believe this) but
          it can take many years for a postie to learn how to do it, (a girl i know took 7 yrs
          after surgery in Holland)...what may feel like nothing now may be different given
          time,it just depends...
          No girl i know here has a problem,or a regret about SRS,just
          a couple of girls have a little disappointments
          with the appearance...
          there is no "hollow eyes"or soul-less shells,
          seriously i have NEVER met a more fun loving group of people in my life anywhere
          and i've been around i can tell you...
          Personally I am fine and more than happy with everything thanks for asking,
          Forgot how this forum works  


          • #20
            Naang Faa, thanks for presenting the alternative viewpoint. While there is no way to change buttafly's point of view, having you give the other side may help us understand things a little better.

            As for orgasms - very good to hear that you experience them! It has been claimed that postop ts who have orgasms are delusional - but I think that the board members who have met you personally will testify that you are compos mentis - and not delusional! I hope to be meeting you during my visit in April, along with my companion of choice.

            I think that we will have to agree to disagree with buttafly on this subject as I have debated this with him at length in the past.

            Kind of strange how this moved from a discussion about beauty contests to postops!

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            • #21
              As for orgasms - very good to hear that you experience them! It has been claimed that postop ts who have orgasms are delusional - but I think that the board members who have met you personally will testify that you are compos mentis - and not delusional!
              Couldn't guarantee that hahaha..
              It's hard to argue with someone who can only guess your feelings...
              He's got no way of knowing-i have no way of proving..stalemate!
              Forgot how this forum works  


              • #22
                (rxpharm @ Mar. 20 2008,00:30) Kind of strange how this moved from a discussion about beauty contests to postops!  
                My fault once again, sorry JTatis!  Got side-tracked here a bit.

                   [should be noted also that many of the winners of these beauty contests are Posties.....after all, they ARE quite stunning-looking for the most part and can not produce testosterone anymore so many of them win at Tiffany and the others].

                      RX is correct, I will never change my point of view .....   but thanks to Naang Faa for presenting some reavealing  stats and comments, they were well-stated as always and no hitting below the belt, which I probably deserve for being so stubborn.   I can't be sure of the name of this kids Doc but he was from BKK and not Chonburi - I'm pretty sure and she had to pay 50K to have it "fixed" .....  I found that really odd.

                 Good line here and I have seen the results from some of these butchers; '' And i do think many surgeons in Thailand are criminal in there
                practice and shouldn't be allowed to carve a roast on sunday yet alone a desperate Thai child...""

                  Desperate.... confused.... whatever the adjective is, 17 and 18 year old kids should NOT be allowed to have surgery like that!   I don't give a shit which country they are in,  21 should be the minimum age plus years of counseling.

                              Good thoughts on the orgasm debate also ..... and spoken truthfully, IMO.....some girl took 7 years to find out?  No surprise.... some maybe never have them, some may have good ones, who really knows, and  as you  say;   ''He's got no way of knowing- i have no way of proving..stalemate'';   awesome answer!!   And much better than the "I heard her screaming and saw some fluid coming from hew new pussy, that is an orgasm!!"   stuff  I have been reading up here for years.  

                What I do know [or at least surmise after speaking with a few dozen post-ops over the years] is that most of them do not when they are seeing some quack in Thailand who is just NOT qualified to do it!    I've also never once seen a poll anywhere asking if Men or Women can orgasm; it's just taken for granted.  And yet with post-op girls we need a poll; need I say more?    

                    Enough on that issue, I will never be persuaded and I will never try to create one from a post-op so to me it will always be a mystery.

                             as for the 3-inch hole girl.....  that's a dead-on fact, I've got about 6 inches down there and when I stuck it inside her I hit a wall or something 1/2 way in  ..... very odd and she was in pain;  not a  good sexual experience for either party!!   Too bad, some people say that's just bad follow-up  procedures, not taking care of the new pussy and not using the 6-inch yellow candle they give to you to keep it stretched out, etc..... but I don't know.  I have seen it on many posties and they tell me that no matter what they do it begins to "close" up on them after a while.

                     Classy replies,   NF ..... you've made me re-think some things here and I'm happy  you and your friends are content and happy-go-lucky people, a lot of the hollow-eyed people I've run into over the years are pretty miserable and considering many are friends I hate seeing that of course.    Lastly, people who agree or disagree with me on my postie comments over the years certainly can't argue that I don't at least know the subject,  even if they think my views are way off-base;  I have met and worked with more than most people ever will.

                  good debate, wrong  thread!!
                Guilt is Gods way of telling you you're having too much fun.
                -Dennis Miller


                • #23

                  Nice reply Buttafly, and thanks for the kind words

                  Back on Topic....

                  Personally i like the Tiffany Contest,i have been to the last five,
                  we always have a girl entered,and two won
                  But for me,the best reason to go is the fact that all the Hi-So Queens
                  and Maes gather,it's like the Oscars for us...
                  Forgot how this forum works  


                  • #24
                    Confirmed date for the Miss Tiffany Universe Contest is Friday May 30/08 at the Tiffany Theatre in Pattaya. Starts at 10:00 pm and ends 00:30 am Thai time

                    There will be also a web broadcast along with the nationwide live TV broadcast on Thai TV 7. Here is the link for the web TV site:Thai TV 7 online

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