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Post Ops Website

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  • #31
    This is a very interesting thread. Over in our neck of the woods, we have been asking the same questions vis a vis the genuine pornographic interest in LBs who have made the full transition. In fact we have a poll running on it now.

    The juries out at the moment- ie the poll need more voters for us to be sure what the level of interest might be for such a specialist website. What is clear is there are significant numbers that would like such a website- what is not clear is whether those numbers would be sufficient to allow the site to be viable financially.

    With more time and voters maybe we will get better informed.


    • #32
      Please don't get me wrong...I've been with a few posties and for the most part find the sex and company very enjoyable...But I'm not certain I want to stare at photos of that thing they try to pass off as a pussy...
      "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


      • #33

        I know what you mean Kahuna..
        There are just too many bad surgery's around at the moment to make a
        decent web-site..
        Dr Suporns new technique is amazing there is no way to tell the difference
        ( and i did have a gg for 17 years,i do know what one looks like)
        Unfortunately Dr Suporn has a quota of one Thai per month so it would
        take a long time to have enough beautiful girls to make it interesting..
        Forgot how this forum works  


        • #34
          I certainly didn't mean to malign anyone NF...The posties I have been with I have found very sexually exciting...But I really suppose that's because I know that they are ladyboys and not ladies...

          I have seen some pix of girls who have had decent surgery but for the most part, including all the girls I have been with, I don't get excited looking at their man-made vagina...In fact, until you reach a comfort level with the girl, they all seem very protective of allowing anything but a furtive glance...
          "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


          • #35

            I know you weren't post-op bashing my friend

            And you are right about their reluctance to show their bits off to
            all and sundry...
            Forgot how this forum works  


            • #36
              With more girls from South America going all the way with their transition, maybe it wouldn't be all that hard to get girls to pose. Of course the photographer would have to be a world traveler.


              • #37
                Try this
                Do only what you think it's good for you, and not what others think should be good for you!


                • #38
                  I'd be in on a post-op site.

