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Swift Justice at the Kitten Club

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  • Swift Justice at the Kitten Club

    I started to post this thread in the Pattaya section of the board, then changed it to News & Views as this is a message
    I didn't want lost amongst all the articles on who is working where.

    The mods may move it as they see fit, but I hope they read of my experience first.

    For the second time this week I wandered into the Kitten Club down in Soi Post Office, under the Penthouse Suites.
    Tuesday night I went with Rossco, very curious to check out this dreadful place,
    with its 1000 baht barfines, its over-priced drinks, some dubious practices all designed to separate us from our money.

    I didn't find evidence of any of it, just a well decked out club/bar with a big staff headed up by my all-time favourite Nicky.
    Yes, drinks weren't beerbar prices, but all the beerbars in town haven't the combined investment in layout, pools, sound system, it's all there in a very relaxing environment.

    Obsessions is joined to Kitten Club with the intention of being a stand-alone LB bar.
    Without the numbers of quality LBs, it is not open all the time, but I suggest to you all to pop your head around the corner & check the full size pool in Obsessions.

    This place is going to be around a long time.

    Now to my point . . . last night I got fucked in the bar & I stayed fully dressed.

    With Sam just in town for the big gig on Sat night, I suggested he should have a look at this place.
    Picking up Sombat for the ride down to Soi 13.4 we were well entertained along with our drinks.

    Later we separated, & finding Walking Street just a bit tiresome on my own (where you go? come in please? I go with you) I thought why am I wasting time when
    earlier I made the acquaintance of a sensational looking post-op named Ann.

    I could not believe she was katoey, such physical perfection is rarely left alone after the first hour of any bar one like her may frequent.
    On walking back into Kitten Club, Ann is parading completely naked.

    That should have been my first warning.

    Spotting me, she was onto me in a flash. Everything was agreed in a second & someone from the floor staff was there to collect the money.
    "No no sir, you must pay for everything, bar fine & money for lady."
    "Really" I replied, vaguely recalling that someone had posted this was the way business was done in this place.

    I was tired, I wanted to be on my way & re-assured by Ann's big smile & hug, I warily handed over 3000 baht.
    I know I must pay for quality & see little point looking for the same at half the price. It rarely will happen.

    When she dressed she came to me & re-buffed my offer of a peck to say hi.

    That was my second warning.

    I thought she may be shy in the presence of the other girls, but she would warm up in the room.
    Jumping on the somtam she suddenly announces she wants a drink. "We go to my friends bar in Soi 8"

    "No, better idea, we go to my friend's bar La Bamba" Closer, & I would prefer to spend my money with Sam, bit nervous about their friends & being set up, etc.

    Three warnings & no light bulbs are clicking.

    Ordered drinks, I went to the pisser, come out & she is gone.
    Sam & Sombat both assure me she will be back in a moment.
    15 minutes later I know she won't be.
    Sam & I race back to the Kitten Club demanding to speak to the management.

    Out came the manager, a most self assured local girl, ready to stop me in my tracks.
    I explained exactly what happened raising my voice for effect, she listened calmly & said she would do what she could.

    That wasn't exactly what I wanted to hear, but no matter where Sam & I took the argument she had an answer.
    We even tried the old "don't you know who we are" trick, but I didn't think that would carry any weight.
    Finally worn down by her patience & refusal to get angry back, she repaid my barfine & we left resigned to the fact I wouldn't see the rest of the money again.
    "I knew that place was no good," I said as we meekly wandered off into the night.

    Today I prepared myself for one last show-down with management before unleashing my fury on the board.
    Asking at the desk for the right person I was introduced to a most charming chap who immediately said:
    "are you the gentleman who had the problem last night? We have retrieved your money & the staff member has been sacked."

    Good-oh, I thought before freezing at the sight of Madam Lash from last night.

    "Hello again" she said "I sent two staff to her room last night who returned with your money" handing me an envelope.
    "Make sure Mr Pacman has a bottle of champagne with our compliments on his next visit" continued the first chap, "we try very hard
    to stop this sort of thing. This a too big a project, too many years establishing it, too much money invested to be damaged by
    one staff member with a drug addict boyfriend."

    Seemed a far more reasonable experience then I was expecting, given the reputation of the place.
    He insisted I be given a tour of the hotel, to see how much trouble & design had gone into this edifice to hedonism.

    Fuck me, if any of you haven't seen this place, wander in & ask for a look.
    It will remove all perceptions this place is a rip-off joint intent only on making a fast buck.

    The clear message is if anyone gets asked for payment up front, ask for Madam Lash,
    (not her real name) & she will sort out any nonsense quick smart.

    Gentlemen you have nothing to fear, except an extra buck on the price of your beer.
    Given what you get it is no bad deal.
    Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.

  • #2
    All I can say is ; last night was one close call Pacman.

    Glad you got the money back.

    Now who is going to help Pacman with that Champagne?

    Any volunteers???

    La Bamba ~ The friendliest (and sexiest) ladyboy bar in Pattaya!


    • #3
      Good to hear it all came out in the wash, as it were.

      The last time I stayed there, I stayed in a room with the pole and go-go lights, glitter ball etc. What a laugh I thought, as I switched the lot on and enjoyed my room transforming into a cheesy Studio 54 at three in the afternoon.

      It wasn't so much fun when I cam home rat arsed at 4am and couldn't for the life of me remember where the switch was to turn the show off for the night. Ended up sleeping with my head under as many blankets and pillows as I could find...

      So how are the rooms then? Still got a choice of Jacuzzi/go-go etc?


      • #4
        Great report Pacman. Will probably be ringside in Kitten Club in about 2 weeks. From earlier reports this place did not sound too interesting, but based on your story I will for sure check it out.
        Back in LOS in February  


        • #5
          Glad it came out all right in the end.

          One thing though; Kitten Club is in Soi Pattayaland 2 (Soi 13/4), not Soi Post Office.


          • #6
            The gal should not get her share until the customer calls a "Hotline" back to the Kitten Club after the deed is done and yells out "Pay that Bitch she was a great shag!!"


            • #7
              so, bottom line, you still pay the whole fee up front for the barfine and the girl before you even leave the bar? seriously?
              i'll stop by for a drink. maybe a game of pool, but no way i'm pre-paying and then waiting to see if the girl jumps off the baht bus a stop early or gets a call that her buffalo is having babies just as we arrive at the hotel.
              i mean, i don't want my whoremongering to be the cause of some poor buffalo becoming an orphan!


              • #8
                Only been one time and that was enough. Bad vibe/tourist trap/idiot prices/high scam factor...

                Just walk up the street and get the real thing for less than half the cost (and hassle.)


                • #9

                  Bad vibe, tourist trap, yada yada . . . . exactly what I had been led to expect, but didn't find it at all.

                  In fact so shocked was I to experience the service & willingness to help by very nice people,
                  I was compelled to sit down & write exactly what happened.

                  SB, when are you arriving for the big gig Sat night?
                  If you get into town tonight, come with me & I will show you the other side to the place.

                  You, & all other BMs are in for a shock.

                  All middle management was swept out of this place last year in a bid to
                  stop the rorts. The poor bastard who takes ultimate responsibility has his hands full controlling
                  the staff & everything else that goes on.

                  They average 4 to 5 dismissals a month & he takes my type of complaint very seriously.

                  And no, you can't walk anywhere to get the same experience & the line-up of staff.

                  I don't want to drink there every night, too much variety on offer, but as a place to pass a pleasant hour or so, it gets my seal of approval.

                  Anyone reading this who gets asked for money up front complain immediately.
                  The few rogue staff who may try it on will be targeting new faces & they will be risking the sack if the management get wind of it.
                  ONLY the barfine should be paid.

                  On the score of the 1000 baht barfine that was so ridiculed,
                  did you know that included a short time room? 600 after midnight.
                  You don't even leave the building. There's porno on the TV & all mod cons. Clean too !!

                  See, once more ill-informed people can't wait to slam the place.

                  I challenge everyone to take me to an LB bar in Thailand that actually offers more.
                  Does Guess have 5 naked GGs & post-ops cavorting in a spa for our amusement?
                  Can you name a bar with a heated indoor pool, designed for the ultimate private party.
                  That's in the Obsessions side, adjoining the Kitten Club.

                  You want naked waitresses to serve you all night? . . . just ask.

                  Of course there will be a cost involved, but if the attraction of playing
                  board games at open beerbars is more compelling,
                  then call me when you are finished.

                  Not everyone wants to do Pattaya on the cheap,
                  but 4 beers, about my lot these days, will cost me the grand total of an extra 4 dollars on the bill.

                  If I am buying lady drinks, it will only be for some of the best babes around & I manage to buy my quota every night, wherever I am.

                  If that is enough to wreck your holiday then what can I say?
                  Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


                  • #10
                    Thats nice to hear. Well said.


                    • #11
                      I went in the Kitten Club at Xmas and had a few drinks and had a pleasant enough time and chatted to the mamasan who seemed polite enough and showed me around the new Obsession Bar which had a few teething problems..

                      Pac is right that the 1000 included a short time room or the pool.
                      That wont bother many guys here who make appointments after closing to avoid the fine ( not me i might add buts its more common that i thought after chatting to some of the crowd at Xmas )

                      Its not cheap but its OK and worth a look if only to gander at some different talent. and it seemed clean as well which makes a change from some of the open sewers where i have hung my hat.


                      • #12
                        (MaiPenRai @ Feb. 15 2008,07:41) Glad it came out all right in the end.

                        One thing though; Kitten Club is in Soi Pattayaland 2 (Soi 13/4), not Soi Post Office.
                        Thanks for that MPR.

                        You're right of course.
                        Kitten Club is in Soi 13/4 (Soi Pattayaland 2) & that is a long walk from Soi 13/1 (Soi Yamoto) home of La Bamba.

                        Easy walk to Walking Street, but nearly a kilometre from 13/1.

                        My motorbike guy confused me, he gave me the wrong name.

                        This forum thingy, always someone to fix up our mistakes.

                        Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


                        • #13

                          Well i think you and Pampamsam want your heads knocking together..
                          trawling round Pattaya like a pair of 20 somethings...
                          You have some explaining to do tomorrow night....
                          Forgot how this forum works  


                          • #14
                            I went there a few months ago with an LB and her friend came up to chat and I bought all of us a drink of course.

                            The lady drink turned out to cost 200 baht. Now I can easily afford that so it wasn't so much the money that bothered me but the fact that they were charging 2x the typical price in a environment where people typically buy without asking the cost first (I know that I do). This then felt like a clip-joint, a place designed to quickly extract as much money from each patron and not worry about generating good will and repeat business.

                            So I have not returned.

                            The place did have a lot going for it. It was hard telling the LBs apart from the GGs in some cases but fortunately I had an LB along to help me.


                            • #15
                              (Naang Faa @ Feb. 15 2008,19:45)
                              Well i think you and Pampamsam want your heads knocking together..
                              trawling round Pattaya like a pair of 20 somethings...
                              You have some explaining to do tomorrow night....
                              Naang, you do pop up in the least expected places.

                              I have just entered the twilight zone of the Powder Room to enquire after your welfare.
                              I could have saved myself the trauma had I known you were posting here whilst I was posting there.

                              You arrive at our little soiree,
                              & I will do all the explaining you need.

                              That will give me 24 hours to think of something.

                              Anyway, I wouldn't exactly call it trawling, more like strolling down memory lane.

                              Don't forget, few on here remember this place from back in the 70's.

                              Ahhh, now those were the days . . . .
                              Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.

