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"Aren't they all whores?"

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  • "Aren't they all whores?"

    Perspective is a wonderful thing.

    It changes our view entirely on a subject depending on where we are coming from.

    I love Thailand, I love the scene we all enthuse about on this & other forums. I don't take kindly to idiotic, ill-informed remarks made by people who have no idea what they are on about.

    Many times over the years I have had to endure the put-down of LOS by someone who went there once, & knows all about it.

    I'm sure most of us have heard about "all those hookers in Thailand, they are all sluts out to rip you off."
    Then to qualify it, to give definitive weight to their outrageous stupidity, you get such nonsense as : "my friend's neighbour heard of a guy who had all his stuff stolen."

    And that's not all, "if they aren't on drugs, they all have AIDS". Well, what can I say?
    If they are acquaintances, I will attempt to set them straight with a counter argument, but with clients, I just shrug, & concur.
    I will offer a comment about it can happen anywhere, that I have had many good holidays there,
    & providing you aren't crawling back to your hotel, drunk as a skunk, you are safe, no less than here at home.

    But frankly, I am keener to move the conversation on to doing the business they came for.

    I have noticed such generalised views held by some of our esteemed BMs, & hope they are relatively new to the scene,
    because if they continue to attract trouble on every visit to LOS, I would suggest they have a hard look at their alcohol consumption.
    Though I suspect many have never left the comfort of their loungeroom.

    Over 30 years of regular visits & I have experienced every attitude imaginable, from new arrivals with stars in their eyes & fear in their heart,
    to superstars who act as though they only have to turn up for you to have the greatest sexual experience of your life.
    Never again will I outlay top money for some over-opinionated glamour who refuses any request except a couple of minutes of half-hearted fellatio, condom compulsory.
    But in the same bar there will be another stunner who will perform, guess who gets the repeat business?

    And even those we so willingly condemn as the worst of the gold-diggers still want the dream. They will content themselves to make the money with a black heart,
    but hope one day Mr Right will arrive to rescue them from the scene.

    There is no better example of this than the relationship between Amy/Emma & Matrix.
    And I think the way Matrix handled the slings & arrows thrown at him has been admirable.

    Another high profile relationship we can relate to is that of daveduke & Am. It seems there are some who expect this to end in tears.
    They really should worry about more important things because it is a far more common event that the match of falang & local goes off very successfully.
    You just don't get to read about them. I know of several long term couples here in my home town.

    And one more high profile friendship is that of our ringmaster & the delightfully kooky Cindy.
    Regular readers of the forum see this teaming up becoming very close indeed & we all take delight in the taming of the Bear.
    Having eager competition for her hand adds an extra dimension to the relationship, one that I doubt I would wish upon myself.

    With all girls having a finite shelf life, there comes a time when one "has to piss or get off the pot".
    I think the metaphor is explanatory enough, but to these 3 guys, best of luck with it, you have the support of all of us.

    While there is little we can do about about the stupid views held by a minority, we should not let them be profligated here.
    So while it makes better press to dwell on the bad things that happen on the scene, we should never lose sight of the real needs our Thai friends have.
    To escape poverty, to help family, to have a better life, these are the reasons that get them working in the biz in the first place.
    Drugs, heartbreak, competition from younger girls, are some of the things that go wrong.

    With this forum being monitored by increasingly well educated locals, we should be all mindful of extreme generalisations.
    I don't want to be stopped at immigration one visit by an official who says to me "as a member of the ATS forum you are denied entry on the grounds that the site you contribute to has been deemed prejudicial to Thai culture & it's members are viewed as undesirable visitors."

    Imagine if he punched my name into his computer & up came all my posts on here !!
    Do you think that is an improbable leap?
    Think again, though whether the Thai Govt would ever bother to do it, let no-one be uncertain that there isn't someone keeping a regular watch on the comings & goings of all posts & posters.

    Most threads are completely harmless, the ones we should be concerned by are those that express extreme generalisations.
    Not for a moment do I condone censorship but I do wish to see more studied opinions, rather than the sweeping statements that tar all with the same brush.

    I have wanted to float my thoughts for awhile & I invite any contribution either for or against my theory.
    Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.

  • #2
    I wish I could write that well, My TR would have been so much better !
    & I am being serious (for once LOL)
    Be lucky,have fun & stay young !


    • #3
      Great post Paacmaan
      Sweeping generalizations of the girls is as stupid as it gets..
      I think if you go through life with a negative attitude you get a negative experience..
      Some guys are brilliant at self fulfilling prophecy's expecting trouble and getting it..but never
      look themselves in the eye and think maybe it's just me..
      I know plenty of ex bar girls who are happy and contented wives now,wouldn't dream of
      going back to the bar..
      Trouble is,the girls get promised a lot,and can get really messed about from "dreamers"
      and it can harden their attitudes,but there will always be the special one (ie Matrix) that can
      soften even the most apparent heart of stone..
      Forgot how this forum works  


      • #4
        It's a thought provoking thread alright. My reception of views that I don't agree with just seem to reaffirm the ones that I do agree with.

        Generalizing isn't a bad thing... we all do it! (Oops!)

        It's only worth getting worked up about someones points of view if you have ambitions of changing or correcting them. If you don't then let them yak on and nod in agreement.

        I've heard some frankly bizarre stuff from people who should really know better, but this little attraction that we share in this forum can sometimes polarize opinions. Who is cute - can she cum - does she love me...

        So long as someone has made the effort to be understood and cares about the impression they give then I'm OK with what they have to say.

        I'd rather disagree with an intelligent person than agree with a simpleton.


        • #5
          (stogie bear @ Apr. 06 2008,17:17) It's only worth getting worked up about someones points of view if you have ambitions of changing or correcting them. If you don't then let them yak on and nod in agreement.

          Pacman, a well written and thoughtful post but I tend to side with SB here - assuming I haven't completely missed his point and he is, in fact, in full agreement with you.

          Generalisations are a fact of life everywhere and more so on a forum where we are trying to make our opinions known to a bunch of people we either don't know or know only through this common ground.

          If the generalisation is totally ignorant then it can frustrate but I'd rather that (where I recognise it for what it is) than a blatant specific inaccuracy or lie designed to further a spurious (i.e. opposed to mine) argument .

          I think we have congratulated ourselves often enough for our quality as human beings and for our intellect. Better as such a fine group that we shoot down the bastards who lie and politely offer our alternate views to those who generalise on issues we care about.

          Don't worry, it only seems kinky the first time


          • #6
            Well said Pacman: generalising about any group of people is a pointless and demeaning thing to do. To suggest that however many LBs there are in Thailand - they are all the same, denigrates them specifically and the human condition in general.

            Most of us have limited choices as to how our lives turn out, we make decisions and live with the results. Many factors affect how we are, where we are born, who our parents are, what our inclinations and abilities are.

            Since beginning this adventure into what DaveDuke refers to as the dark side, I have met some great LBs, some dishonest conniving LBs and some that were totally forgettable. The best thing has been that the first group in its broadest terms far outweighs the rest. The other good thing has been the discovery of this forum which far outweighs in intellectual comment some of the more highbrow offerings. The madness and wit are better: so are the pictures!

            I have no doubt that it is perfectly possible to form a relationship with a LB who works in a bar. How you work things out will be what's right for you, and that's nobody elses business. Then again there's lots of people mistake professional courtesy for love, these are the ones who post embittered threads about how let down they are.

            The greatest gift we have in life is the ability to interact with other people in all their infuriating, stimulating, crazy and wonderous variety.
            You, you and you hold fire - everyone else come with me - attributed to US Marine Recruiting Sargent WW2.

            You, you and you cum on me - everyone else hold fire - attributed to Porn Actor/Director Alexandra in 1992


            • #7
              Any one who is in P4P seen and only goes to Pattaya or Phuket..Is not going to know real Thais...Pattaya is not LOS...
              So many Ladyboys so little time..


              • #8
                1. a woman who engages in promiscuous sexual intercourse, usually for money; prostitute; harlot; strumpet.

                Technically they're not whores at all.


                • #9
                  Thanks for the comments.

                  On re-reading my post I seem to have allowed my main idea to be swallowed up by all the observations I made in making my point.

                  To ensure I am not misunderstood here is a synopsis :

                  I have nothing against generalisations. We all make them - there's one right now.
                  I don't object to anyone holding an opposing view. I have better things to do than spend all my time in unwinnable arguments.
                  Plus I keep myself open to a different perspective, we are never too old to learn something.

                  I have enjoyed reading about the locals who have started posting here, Neung & Vivian to name two of the latest.
                  Regardless of their motivation, they should be encouraged, the more we know about them & the better they understand us, it can only be for the good.

                  Their posts reminded me of who else would keep an eye on what goes on here. It stands to reason that our Thai big brother would like to know just what happens on a website dedicated to their country.

                  I doubt if they much care who is at what bar & how was their night.
                  But I expect them to be agitated by posters who start condemning the whole place as a cesspit & a shithole, with nothing but drug-addled hookers intent on ripping everyone off.

                  Now that is a sweeping generalisation that has no place on this forum.
                  As SB has famously written : "this place is not a democracy" & if some have to suffer for the welfare of the many, then I have no problem with that.

                  Some of the less restrained comments that have been posted here may very possibly come back to haunt us.
                  Imagine having to explain ourselves some day in a Thai court why we wrote some scathing article posted here, something we wrote 20 years earlier whilst angry & drunk.
                  That is a far-fetched scenario ..... but impossible ? - don't count on it.

                  Today in the 21st century with technology able to open our most intimate PMs, emails, etc, we should be mindful that we don't allow reckless & inappropriate posts to undermine the very existence of our forum.

                  It isn't my job to be my brother's keeper, but I feel I have a duty to point out that moronic writings placed here by an ignorant few could very well put us all out of business.
                  Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


                  • #10
                    (pacman @ Apr. 06 2008,20:44) It isn't my job to be my brother's keeper, but I feel I have a duty to point out that moronic writings placed here by an ignorant few could very well put us all out of business.
                    The whole LB monger scene is p4p based so what so you expect on a forum like about lipgloss.

                    If some guys think all LBs are drug addles hookers then thats their call and they probably have a reason i suppose but it dont mean to say anyone believes it.

                    You seem to assume Pacman that we are all a bunch of idiots who cant read between the lines..


                    • #11
                      Regardless of their motivation, they should be encouraged, (to post) the more we know about them & the better they understand us, it can only be for the good.
                      Amen to that.


                      • #12
                        (Tomcat @ Apr. 06 2008,22:10)
                        (pacman @ Apr. 06 2008,20:44) It isn't my job to be my brother's keeper, but I feel I have a duty to point out that moronic writings placed here by an ignorant few could very well put us all out of business.
                        The whole LB monger scene is p4p based so what so you expect on a forum like about lipgloss.

                        If some guys think all LBs are drug addles hookers then thats their call and they probably  have a reason i suppose but it dont mean to say anyone believes it.

                        You seem to assume Pacman that we are all a bunch of idiots who cant read between the lines..
                        I didn't think my last post was too obtuse, but I am not denying anyone the right to post anything they like, regardless of whether anyone else believes them,
                        nor am I assuming anyone to be an idiot, unable to read between the lines or otherwise.

                        What concerns me is the danger posed by the posting of opinions hostile to LOS & the authorities.
                        Some reckless idiot who has a bad experience with a local or locals, should not be able to use the forum to condemn every Thai bar worker,
                        every policeman, the culture of Thailand or the country itself.

                        I wrote that I don't approve of censorship & bad experiences need to be highlighted in a responsible way,
                        but some guys have employed the reckless & unwarranted use of hyperbole to an absurd extent.

                        If it isn't stopped then it will eventually find its way to the media & if the Buddhist monks in the Thai parliament get hold of it,
                        then we might wake up to find the site closed down & a few fellows around here facing charges.

                        I would hope this could all be filed under "wild fantasies", but I am taking the opportunity to voice my opinion
                        with the hope that these posts I am writing about are a thing of the past.

                        It isn't much to ask to show a little respect for the place that allows us to live out our dreams.

                        Thailand, there is no place like it.
                        Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


                        • #13
                          (pacman @ Apr. 06 2008,23:07) What concerns me is the danger posed by the posting of opinions hostile to LOS & the authorities.
                          Some reckless idiot who has a bad experience with a local or locals, should not be able to use the forum to condemn every Thai bar worker,
                          every policeman, the culture of Thailand or the country itself.
                          Hang on, your post it titled ,,arnt they all whores, show some respect,,. What have your comments got do with this subject...

                          Sounds like a rambling mindless rant to me .


                          • #14
                            Call it what you like, I think of it more as a "two for the price of one" offer.

                            I said all I had to say about the generalisation of anyone in the P4P game being branded a whore when we know there are more profound reasons why they finish up on the scene.

                            As I was writing my first post on the matter this idea of the potential danger of other generalisations was occurring to me & deciding it was a more interesting topic to pursue,
                            I shifted emphasis to focus on the bigger picture.

                            I should have started another thread but being tired makes me lazy so you have me going off on a tangent.

                            It's not as great a crime as referring to all hookers as drug addicted thieves working in the cesspits of Pattaya or Nana or Patpong.
                            Those remarks will turn around & bite us in the arse one day.

                            I will confess to rambling, but mindless ..... I will let the court of public opinion decide that.
                            I am too tired to defend myself. Good night folks.
                            Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


                            • #15
                              (harley quinn @ Apr. 06 2008,05:08) the dark side
                              1. the part of the moon not exposed to the sun

                              2. the flip side of the Force as depicted in Star Wars

                              3. sexual encounters with ladyboys instead of genetic girls

                              4. the area of Pattaya east of Sukhumvit

