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"Aren't they all whores?"

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  • #16

    Dark site=Where the sun doesn't shine..
    PigDogg..Thats an English saying..
    So many Ladyboys so little time..


    • #17
      I said all I had to say about the generalisation of anyone in the P4P game being branded a whore when we know there are more...
      Er... People in the P4P game ARE whores! Or did I miss a memo?

      Of course on Thailand we call them 'bargirls' to ease our troubled consciences!


      • #18

        Thanks for the post. I am someone who I thought would never be interested in such an odd scene . . . but there are a few of the people I have met who I actually really care about. They have been wonderful people and I'm really glad to have met them. I think it's great when I hear of successful relationships between farangs, or local thai and ladyboys. I know some of them are short term but some will last longer and affect both sides in a positive way.

        Thailand is a unique place in the world. I wish the rest of the world could learn some from the amazing Thai people. In general, I'd have to say, the people of Thailand have a certain love of life that I rarely see in other parts of the world. I wish they could spread that karma.

        I know of no other place on earth where the most liberal and the most conservative people LOVE their King. He's a mountain man like me, so I can relate. Although I hope to be at least half the man he has turned out to be.

        Thanks again for the post. I'm inspired and encouraged that some of my LB friends will have good lives.



        • #19
          I dunno what you're going on about, Pacman.

          Your posts are too long for me to read.  You should try being more concise and to the point, like me!    hahah!

          Just kidding!

          While I think you're on-the-money when you talk about idiotic people making stupid generalizations about Thailand, I wouldn't worry too much about the Thai government tracking that back to you, personally.

          Of course, the Thai government does idiotic things like banning YouTube, but that only proves just how LITTLE they understand technology and internet culture.  Some moron posts a barely-viewed offensive video on YouTube, and the morons in the IT ministry ban the ENTIRE site, which of course meant that everyone in Thailand just HAD to view that video (so it went from being obscure to viewed-by-everybody).

          I bet that the week after they banned YouTube, half-a-dozen proxy servers and anonymizers probably jumped to the top-most visited sites from Thailand.  Not to mention that the video was easily reposted on Revver and a dozen other video sharing sites.  Which is my point.  The Thai government knows so little about internet technology that they stupidly believe it's something they can actually control.

          So you're right that the Thai government tracks offensive stuff about Thailand online, but for the most part, there's little they can do about it.  Unless you post something like, "Hi, My name is Jim Brown, I live on Sukhumvit 81 and work at We-Hire-Warm-Bodies-to-Teach-You-Kids High School, and here's what I REALLY think about etc....", I don't think the Thai government has the ability or the motivation to track you down and give you problems at the border.   That's just barstool paranoia.

          And next time someone says something dumb about Thailand, just say, "Yes, you're absolutely right.  There are 66 MILLION hookers, drug dealers and crooks in Thailand, that's why the US government manufactures its passports there, the pirates have all the best equipment!"

          Then again, they might not be bright enough to recognize sarcasm.


          • #20
            Hi, My name is Jim Brown, I live on Sukhumvit 81 and work at We-Hire-Warm-Bodies-to-Teach-You-Kids High School, and...
            Hang on - there's a knock at the door... Doug, you BASTARD!


            • #21
              "Regardless of their motivation, they should be encouraged, (to post) the more we know about them & the better they understand us, it can only be for the good."

              Tried it, didn't work most times. Only worked with one gg - that I consider as a friend in some weird way - so far. Never worked with a lb and I do not have the time and motivation to search for the one in a million.


              • #22

                If some of the negative posts about the scene were never posted think of how many board members would fall victims to the girls who can play a punter like a piano. No, I'm of talking all of them, but you know as well as I that these girls can smell fresh meat a mile away. To admit it doesn't happen is to bury your head in the sand. When I first went to Thailand this board helped me see throgh the games the girls play. If we banned this talk I think Westen Union would see it's turnover rise enough to cover third world debt.

                As Tomcat said people should take everything on here with a grain of salt, and people who post whores this cesspit that talk more about themselves than anyone else in my opinion. However the horror stories are part of the overall knowledge base we have built. We cannot chop or change because we don't like it. Some guys need to hear the rip off's the drug use, the aids rates as if they don't they can become totally lost in a world that can quickly become a nightmare if you don't know the full game.

                For the record I would never name someone if I was posting a bad experience or flame a fellow poster. I also think alot of people have misinterpreted what you mean (maybe myself included). Good post but i think after being in the game for 30 years you've forgotten how big bad a world it can be if you don't know your way around. Surely we owe it to ourselves to give a point in the right direction to the fresh lambs to the slaughter.
                Beer Baron


                • #23
                  (geezer @ Apr. 08 2008,02:09) how big bad a world it can be if you don't know your way around
                  reminding me of a TV Preacher talking about how much evil there is in the world... some guy turned around and said

                  " what you really need to ask is -why the fuck is there any goodness in the world"


                  • #24
                    in response to the original question posed in the thread title:

                    oh my god, i wish they were!

                    but i'll gratefully select from amongst the limited percentage who will agree to share their private moments with me for a price that does not necessarily risk breaking my sappy heart.

                    as for my dream that every beautiful thai lady and ladyboy might make themselves intimately available to me.
                    i trust the intelligentsia here to distinguish that fantasy from any scandalous generalization about the reality of the better half of thailand.

                    as is most usually the case in this life, that which we might imagine we most desire, is rarely that with which we are faced daily. but...

                    vive la dream!


                    • #25
                      I agree, pacman, generalizing is never a good thing. I try to respond to all the generalizations I see posted about the Philippines in the hope that people will see the other side, the majority, and not be soured by a few in the minority. We have to be mindful of the saying "one rotten apple..." and judge our experiences on their own merit. I have been going back and forth to the Philippines for 20 years and the vast majority of filipinos I know are great people, with good hearts, just trying to make their way through life like all of us. It is important that we change our paradigm and make every effort to understand.


                      • #26
                        Not sure what the author of the original post was trying to say, but thanks for the warning about Cindy.


                        • #27
                          Thanks Jon, I am very aware I managed to make a dog's dinner of my original point & as soon as I have time I will post a better & more concise version.

                          The first idea was swallowed up by something that occurred to me during the day.

                          I thought then I should keep it for a second thread but when I looked at what I wrote, it seemed to make sense.

                          That's one of the problems when I start to write on a Sunday morning & with interruptions, it doesn't get finished till many hours later.
                          Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


                          • #28

                            Not that you need any encouragement from me, but in all of your posts, including the controversial one about Franck, your respect and genuine affection for the Thai people and their culture comes through loud and clear. I personally enjoy them very much and hope you continue. Geezer's point was well taken as far as warning fellow BMs about certain dangers, but I don't think that you are implying that no one should post anything negative at all. Keep it up, mate.


                            • #29
                              Thank you Macman.

                              I genuinely appreciate your comments. I would never intend that the bad things that await to befall us shouldn't be publicised loudly on this forum.
                              That's one of it's main roles, but when someone is moved to slag off every bargirl/LB in the country over one incident, I think there is a real threat of attracting attention this board does not need.

                              The Thais are sensitive to their international image, there are many of them who would shut down the businesses catering to "sex tourists" in an instant.
                              They have been over-ruled for a long time but it will only take a combination of negative incidents for them to start up again.

                              The growing drug problem, the infiltration of the Russian Mafia into key tourist areas are only two problems that come to mind.
                              This forum must be careful it doesn't appear to be part of the same problem.
                              Buddhist monks in the Thai parliament reading out the the worst bits from the most embittered posts from here could easily generate enough nationalism to see this whole place shut down.

                              For those who would choose to scoff at such an idea, let me remind you that the monks have in my time almost killed the entire scene.
                              It was only the highest level intervention by more rational heads that stopped the ban on bars being permanent.
                              Quite logically they pointed out without the tourist industry just what were the employees of the biz expected to eat.

                              I don't mind being a sole voice in warning of the danger of generalisations & excessive criticism, I just want to be on the record as having mentioned it.

                              Hopefully the administrators take note & keep this board Thai-friendly, not a refuge for those who wish to condemn the entire place as "a filthy shithole full of thieving druggies".

                              Those sentiments will do none of us any good.
                              Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


                              • #30
                                We'll do what we have been doing for years.

                                Intelligent and articulate posters who play by our fair guidelines are welcome. Long time members and contributors will be allowed more latitude than newcomers.

                                There is no democracy here. There is no 'right to have your say.'

                                Common sense is practiced here which is why we have guidelines that are flexible. There is no need for rules.

                                It's a porno playground first and foremost. We aren't the spokespersons for anyone but ourselves.

                                We hope that people will like our message board but we ain't gonna change our style to keep anyone here.

