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Songkran Death Toll - Win Prizes!

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  • #91
    Yes... I'm hoping for a big finish from the Pattaya flock...

    Should be a good race this year with many more people destined for death so that some lucky bugger can get a free pass to a porno site!



    • #92
      The Bangkok Post says the death toll now is sad.
      Forgot how this forum works  


      • #93
        Yes, for YOU. You're miles off!


        • #94

          Not bothered about that-i need to see another naked ladyboy like i need jock-strap,,
          ..but if this was a Rolo based prize i'd be loading my water canon with diesel in Pattaya
          Forgot how this forum works  


          • #95
            It is not sad it is just plain stupidity.

            It would be rare for any other economy/society to tolerate such statistics.

            So how does it happen here?

            Buddhist philosophy - "up to Buddha" syndrome - excludes influence of Thai whiskey. Also read that if a Farang is involved it was up to Farang!

            Motorcycles most favoured transport :

            - lack of helmets - most are pretty useless and just prevent "cranium spillage" upon an impact!
            - more than 2 on a bike - I have seen 5
            - no protective clothing.
            - Underage drivers
            - lack of any road worthy checks
            - Bike sale/rental to people with no license/proven ability to ride a bike.

            Driving regulations - I am still trying to get a Thai "Highway Code" book.
            Even, with the code, a motorcycle seems to be allowed to use 1 way streets (even highways) the wrong way! Kamikazee

            Motorcycles are exempt from any road markings/lights.
            Oh yes they are also exempt from using their own lights - ghostrider style!

            Tendency for police to look for "fleece rather than fix" - fines are more lucrative than prevention.

            It is just all about an accident waiting to happen.......I am actually surprised that the death toll is not greater. I was told that an average of 12 people die, on motorcycles, every day in Thailand.

            Lastly - to convert a car to Thai style:
            Must be a pick-up style truck.
            Remove all external lights - install pretty blue lights
            Remove all turn signal lights.
            Remove all rear view mirrors EXCEPT for the vanity mirror - required for makeup
            Hang old CD's, as reflectors, on the back
            Install heavy duty stereo


            • #96
              And that's just how we like it!


              • #97
                I have seen a driving test session at a centre in rural Issan.  

                Both car and bike drivers have a morning in the classroom being taught about roadsigns and road craft.
                I did not see the road craft session and it was all chalk and talk anyway so of limited value in my opinion.

                They then do a multiple guess test with (I think) 60 questions.  The pass mark I think is 60%  -  Herself got 93% and I know how little work she put in!

                The practical test for the motor bikes was to do a slalom between 7 road cones and then drive once around the outside of the test centre building  -  about 200 metres around the 4 sides.  They were only in sight of the examiner for about 30% of the circuit.  As long as they came back they passed.

                The car test was to parallel park against a kerb.  I say against  -  as long as it was within about 0.5 metre and was vaguely parallel it was OK.

                They then reversed and drove forward into a 'garage space' laid out with road cones.  It was 1.5 cars long by 1.5 cars wide.  I could have parked a 3 tonne freight truck in it!

                The final part was to parallel park between two cars - again laid out in road cones.
                This space was also easily 1.5 cars long/wide.  Again I could have got a good size freight truck in there.

                These tests were all done in a car park beside the test centre.  There were no other vehicles  -  no practical test of road craft.

                I was sitting talking to an Aussie guy who was watching his girlfriend attempt her third test  -  in a huge truck she could barely see out of and which she was obviously not comfortable driving! He said that if she did not pass that time he would just give the examiner 500 Baht and she would get her license.

                I'm not surprised the death toll at Songkran is so high  -  I'm more surprised that they don't manage to kill more people during the rest of the year.

                Pedants rule, OK. Or more precisely, exhibit certain of the conventional trappings of leadership.

                "I love the smell of ladyboy in the morning."


                • #98
                  Have the final government figures been released ?


                  • #99
                    please don't tell them how much they need to start changing to become just like us.
                    It is no longer enjoyable to drive on the roads in Australia any more.The grey suited/grey brained public servants now have us driving at 10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100 & 110 kmh.It is 1000km from Melbourne to Sydney and the max is 110.
                    Every corner has a speed camera that fines you for going 2km over the limit, you are constantly changing from one speed to another as per the signage above.
                    Germany and "The Wild East"( although technically illegal) are the only fun places left.TO HELL WITH WESTERN ROAD RULES.


                    • I agree keep it as it is - Songkran and all.

                      If Thailand changes it would just go down the path of the Western toilet. When I hear people complain I think "why did you come here? - this is not Hampshire nor New Hampshire - it is Asia and 'up to them'"

                      Songkran finishes midnight today - Saturday 19th April - Beach Road closed as many music concerts taking place. Wear waterproofs!

                      Driving in Thailand:
                      Imagine if all the Thai motorcycles were cars! The situation would be impossible to describe. Grid lock and no parking.

                      Imagine if traffic was required to stop at those sections of road marked white on black (2nd Road Pattaya) - the traffic would cease to move.

                      Their driving is like an atomic accelerator out of CERN - particles flying around randomly with surprisingly little collision!

                      In the West everyone looking to sue everyone for their own self inflicted stupidity - that is why insurance is relatively cheaper in Thailand - cos some dick head does not try to sue McDonalds because their coffee was Hot - Doh! Or they trip on an uneven pavement - that is what your eyes are for.

                      In the West - UK has more Speed Cameras per Kilometre (Mile) of road than any other country worldwide. At least in Thailand you can negotiate!!

                      Western Nanny states dictating that children cannot be reprimanded - so 20 years later we have parents filing ASBO's on their own kids (UK - Anti Social Behaviour Order) Doh!

                      Western Health ministers paranoid about restaurants - Thai kitchens open - if you do not like the look of it do not eat it. I would rather eat in a Thai street cook shop than many Microwave restaurants in the UK

                      Thailand generally less materialistic - the West is obsessed with possessions and status. Thais still enjoy the basics - eat/drink/familyhaving fun (Songkran) - imagine Songkran in the West - a riot with police water cannon.

                      The Western taxation system is crippling - allegedly taxes (direct or indirect) are paid to improve infrastructure. Reading the papers I would rather visit a hospital here than in the UK. Lower/zero taxes in Thailand means infrastructure can be haphazard but at least I get to choose how I spend my money - better than leaving it to some pathetic civil servant.

                      Thailand has its quirks but compared to the West it is a great place to be - and I do not just mean the 'fleshpot' side that we all enjoy. Familiarity can breed contempt but overall Thailand provides a better and more free lifestyle than anything the West has to offer. Now where did I put my water cannon?


                      • Just counting road accidents, hmm?
                        Well I had seen yet another 3 cars/trucks driving up second road the wrong way last night at high rates of speed, at least these guys had lights on this time.

                        Does falling off a balcony drunk or due to songkran water count?

                        Have a safe one
                        You Live and You Learn -- Hopefully!


                        • ( - Road accidents took 360 lives during the "seven dangerous days" of the Songrang holidays, official figures showed on Friday.

                          Another 4,794 were injured in the 4,242 road accidents - 80 per cent of them involving motorcycles - counted by the Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Department.
                          seriously pig headed,arrogant,double standard smart ass poster!


                          • (azza33 @ Apr. 12 2008,10:08) 361

                            SAME SAME
                            am i looking good?


                            A worthy trip report


                            • Is that offical govenment toll or the papers ??


                              • (katoeylover @ Apr. 19 2008,17:06) Another 4,794 were injured in the 4,242 road accidents - 80 per cent of them involving motorcycles - counted by the Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Department.

                                So given these figures in 7 days...

                                What exactly does this mob actually do??


                                A worthy trip report

