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Shenanigans, La Bamba & Hema caberet!

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  • #16
    Is this what I missed last night?

    Last night, I fell in love with a GG but I think it was only temporary. I will be in love with her again in a few days.

    Now 5pm, anything happening tonight?


    • #17

      thanks for the report. wish i could've stayed on another week to join y'all.
      but tell me about this white-booted beauty at shenanigan's -- surely they don't have an LB hostess now??
      or do they??


      • #18
        Nice to hear it all went well - gutted I had to cancel and spend my evening finishing yet another project for a client. Two flights postponed in the last week... surely I won't have to cancel a third!

        Jealous. As. Fuck.



        • #19
          Thanks for organising everything SB, really enjoying myself with the Prowls.

          Jomtien prowl last night was good fun and looking forward to the Monkeyman party in La Bamba tonight.

          Shout out to all the BMs who are making this such a never ending party.

          Pig Dog, Lefty, Sampler Doc, Mardhi, TTChang, Rossco, Dieter and of course SB himself and sorry if I have left anyone out, met so many of you over the last 2 days and looking forward to making more friends tonight.


          • #20
            Yep.... Just had a chat to the Monkeyman... he's looking forward to it.

            This party is gonna fill the streets!

            It's been a wild three days and tonight will be the best of the lot...

            Happy Birthday, Monkeyman!


            • #21
              (janabiyah @ May 08 2008,01:57) Jomtien prowl last night was good fun
              Was great fun Janabiyah, but after you left to go back to Soi Whitehouse it got quite

              fun and looking forward to the Monkeyman party in La Bamba tonight.
              Will be a blast!

