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Problem child

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  • Problem child

    Hello boys,
    I'm English,i live most of the year in Bangkok and i am TS.
    Now i feel the need to push my double D's where they're perhaps not welcome,but i think this spate of ladyboys going ting-tong may be nothing more than the governments crackdown on over-the-counter hormones.The only decent
    o-t-c brand Premarin is near impossible to find so the girls are turning generic brands with less reliable dosage-you could be 30% more or 30% less then the premarin.Having upto a 60% hormonal change every day has an effect like PMT any of you guys who are or were married will know all about this.....not gooood!!
    It's harder for pre-ops because they have to over-ride the
    testosterone too and it's impossible to avoid!
    Now i'm not naive to think there is not a drug problem on the scene but please don't presume your little angel has turned to yab-baa,ice or whatever, it just may be as simple as,
    1.she only takes Diane35(mild Anti-androgen effect) your in for a fairly rough time.
    2.she takes Diane35 and proginova you could end up with
    bite marks on your c*ck,shredded back,bald patches broken
    tv/mobile phone very public rows about F knows what and a smoking hot motorcycle!!!
    I am just guessing here that my relationship with the girls
    is a little different than yourselves,i live with 30+ post-ops
    as a "family" and my Buddha i know how how irrational they can be if they screw the hormones up,even the most sweet and kind of the group can be nasty from time to t maybe there is a reason e all seem like nutcases to
    Forgot how this forum works  

  • #2
    Welcome to the forums! So you must be the mysterious farang lb who has been mentioned in the past.

    Yes, your explanations may be right about the hormone swings. The generic brands are not as strictly quality controlled as the brand names.

    The same goes for the injectable hormones - the old Progynon/Prolution were made by Schering in Germany and now they are being made in India - albeit under joint venture.

    Hope you will continue to share insights into the lb life - we don't have enough discussion from that point of view.

    Thanks again for sharing and hope to see more in the future!

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    • #3
      Hello rxpharm,
      yes it's me but i'm not so mysterious as i stand out like a sore thumb in Bangkok!!
      i'll try and give some insight if i can help,but my only dealings are with post-ops or the occational
      pre-op we have on the "production line"so i may be useless..i could post in the "what they say about you"thread but i don't want to be shot by the hunters or the hunted hahaha!
      Naang faa x
      Forgot how this forum works  


      • #4
        hello naang fa and welcome ln board,i expect i may bump into you one day in bkk
        good luck donnnnnny
        just a sex tourist looking for hot fun


        • #5
          Thank you very much Donnnny thats very sweet of you.
          no doubt you will see me out and about around Bangkok,
          If you see a gaggle/hoard/murder/mob/mug/grope/gangbang formation
          team or whatever you guys decided a group of lb's is called,and there is
          a farang,chances are that will be me,so stop,say hello and i promise i javascript: InstaSmilie()
          won't pull you up about your post "paying the girls for sex"tut.tut,tut!lol.
          Naang Faa
          Forgot how this forum works  


          • #6
            good to see you have a sense of humor, always helps around here!

            You may know this already, but there has been useful information about hormone therapy here: Hormone Therapy, what is best?

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            • #7
              I want to know about this house with 30 posties. Not quite 70 virgins, but close enough. How do I enter the promised land?

              Retired the top 12.  Need a new dirty dozen.  

              Update: The new list is coming together: Nong Poy, Anita, Nok, Gif, Liisa Winkler, Kay, Nina Poon.  Is it possible to find 5 more?  Until then, GGs:  Jessica Alba, Yuko Ogura, Zhang Ziyi, Maggie Q, and Gong Li.


              • #8
                If you see a gaggle/hoard/murder/mob/mug/grope/gangbang formation...
                Yep - we've been having problems with the collective noun aspect of LBs!

                I want to know about this house with 30 posties...
                Me too! Need an agent?


                • #9
                  has there been a thread yet to form a best collective noun? sounds like a contest to me.


                  • #10
                    (qwerty @ Nov. 28 2007,16:11) has there been a thread yet to form a best collective noun? sounds like a contest to me.
                    has been discussed before: Term for a group of lbs

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                    • #11

                      I want to know about this house with 30 posties. Not quite 70 virgins, but close enough. How do I enter the promised land?

                      I don't think the girls woul'd thank me for bringing the wolves to the dooor!
                      It,s just a little haven away from the hustle and bustle of the wouldn't like
                      it anyway,all those girls wandering naked from room to room,
                      oh,and we do have a virgin,a born again one anyway..i just can't find the right man!
                      Naang Faa
                      Forgot how this forum works  


                      • #12
                        yeh, I hear that if you don't have sex for 6 months, you become a virgin again.....
              ,  you're really a guy?..............  


                        • #13
                          I don't think the girls woul'd thank me for bringing the wolves to the dooor!
                          how about if we play dress-up?

                          can we come stay then please?

                          I've made kathylc  


                          • #14
                            javascript: InstaSmilie()
                            No,just desperate!!!!
                            Forgot how this forum works  


                            • #15
                              I'm not sure I understand. The vast majority of girls take progynon/poluton, still available. Diane 35 still available. Whenever I take photos, and most of the time I talk to girls I ask what hormones they take, and Premarin is in the minority. And, from my GF, she expressed no change in availability. So what's really new? I typically check out the local pharmacy about 1/month to see what they have, but didn't notice anything different last time.

                              Finally, why don't some of your postie friends try Climara (transdermal patch)? Available otc. I'm trying to see if we can get some posties to switch away from orals so they don't have long-term first pass effects. Climara should be strong enough for posties.

                              BTW, is your name from Naaang Faa Jaam Leng? If yes, clever choice!

