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  • #16
    (ziggystardust @ Dec. 10 2007,09:09) I typically check out the local pharmacy about 1/month to see what they have, but didn't notice anything different last time.
    I wonder what the pharmacists think when a middle-aged hippy man walk ins, monthly, and asks about their inventory of female hormones, then leaves?

    Is this a catamenial obsession?


    • #17
      Actually there is nothing wrong about it at all, the pharmacist never bats and eyelid as he is interested in a potential sale. When I visit Thailand I also check the pharmacies. I am a pharmacist and the availability of hormones allows me to advise lbs what kind and dose of hormones they can use. Typically most Thai lbs overdose on hormones, which can be detrimental to their health especially over the long term.

      Ziggy is doing something positive for Thai lbs with his pharmacy checks.

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      • #18
        (rxpharm @ Dec. 10 2007,11:16) Typically most Thai lbs overdose on hormones, which can be detrimental to their health especially over the long term.

        Ziggy is doing something positive for Thai lbs with his pharmacy checks.
        This is why hormones should be available by prescription only.

        The pharmacist should stick to being the guy who locks the dispensary and dilettantes like Ziggy should avoid giving medical advice under penalty of practising medicine without a licence.

        The world is too full of quacks as it is.


        • #19
          Hi Ziggy,
          i know these hormones are still available.What i didn't know was only
          a minority of lb's used Premarin.After reading all the "psycho lb"story's,and thinking
          i don't know any like that.I know that when money/sex/jealousy is involved tensions
          can be high.
          We all used Premarin and everything was hunky dory for years,then when it became unavailable
          and they switched to other brands,little squabbles began on almost a weekly basis,nothing too serious though!
          Good idea on the patches,i had to see a gynecologist last Thursday,he suggested a patch or a gel
          based hormone that absorbs through the skin...i chose the gel.
          I will suggest the patches (or the gel if it's available) to the girls when i get home.You are quite right,
          long term oral hormones can be very damaging..
          Naang Faa

          BTW: from the song- "Naang faa kon derm" by Clash....After asking a couple of the girls why they "adopted" me even when they thought i was a regular guy,they just sang this to me.(to those who don't speak Thai Naang faa= a female angel...protective,caring and blonde).
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          • #20
            The Climara patch is available in Thailand, but not all pharmacies carry it. The Far East Pharmacy on Sukhumvit Road around Soi 15 carries it. They have the 50 mcg/day patch available. The recommended dose for a postop ts is one 50 mcg/day once a week. Yes, it is supposed to stay on for a week, removed and a new one put on a different spot.

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            • #21
              Hi rxpharm,
              Thanks for the info,i think i'd have a hard time trying to convince the girls
              to wear a patch 24/7..
              Do you know anything about the gel based hormone? I don't know what it's called,i don't
              get mine until Jan 3rd..If it is available in Thailand it could be a better alternative to a question raising
              Thanks again,
              Naang Faa
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              • #22
                I don't think the gel is available in Thai pharmacies yet - the patch has been out for years and was only available last year.

                The gel is probably called EstroGel made by Solvay Pharmaceuticals a Belgian company I believe. It has to be applied daily. It is reported as having less skin irritation than the patch (likely because of the adhesive). It has been used in Europe for more than 25 years and was approved for use in the USA in 2004.

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                • #23
                  You are a star,thanks again,
                  Naang Faa
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                  • #24
                    (rxpharm @ Nov. 28 2007,21:30)
                    (qwerty @ Nov. 28 2007,16:11) has there been a thread yet to form a best collective noun? sounds like a contest to me.
                    has been discussed before: Term for a group of lbs
                    There are some very interesting collective nouns, however. The only one suitable for Ladyboys is a Murder.

                    Unfortunately the crows already got that one and it's hard to beat.


                    • #25
                      Collective nouns are not necessarily exclusive to a species, for example "herd" can refer to a group of horses, cows, elephants, etc.

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                      • #26
                        (rxpharm @ Dec. 10 2007,20:41) The Climara patch is available in Thailand, but not all pharmacies carry it. The Far East Pharmacy on Sukhumvit Road around Soi 15 carries it. They have the 50 mcg/day patch available.  The recommended dose for a postop ts is one 50 mcg/day once a week. Yes, it is supposed to stay on for a week, removed and a new one put on a different spot.
                        The big Pharmacy (3 or 4 shophouses combined) between the PTT Gas Station and Bullies Pub also stock Climara. I recall the price when Jay got some was about 400-500b for a months worth of patches. Having said that, she did one for a week and has never bothered again.



                        • #27
                          I have given some patches to a few lb friends to try. You are right not many of them continue with it. I think it probably has to do with the climate (hot, humid) and possibly more perspiration so the patch can cause more irritation and not stay on for a week. However, a couple of lbs who kept on it reported good results. The patch doesn't really deliver enough estrogen for a pre-op. It was designed with the post-menopausal woman in mind. Those doses are lower and more suited for postops.

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                          • #28
                            I work with a lot of Ladyboys in the sex4pay business. Most seem to take hormones and too much of them. What they want is a hormone regime that minimizes many male characteristics - facial hair- strong upper torso etc BUT enables pre-ops to get a good and frequent errection and to come a reasonable amount - as these are the requirements of most customers.

                            Naang Far or anyone. Can you give me the best hormonal regime to achieve the above- with perhaps the drugs generic name as well as the Thai Brand names, so that I can pass it on to those I come across.

                            Thanks Somchai


                            • #29

                              If you are coming across them, sounds like you don't need it.        

                              (i.e. somchai personally doesn't need it . . . before I am told I didn't read his post.)
                              Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


                              • #30
                                (Somchai @ Mar. 24 2008,11:25) I work with a lot of Ladyboys in the sex4pay business. Most seem to take hormones and too much of them. What they want is a hormone regime that minimizes many male characteristics - facial hair- strong upper torso etc BUT enables pre-ops to get a good and frequent errection and to come a reasonable amount - as these are the requirements of most customers.

                                Naang Far or anyone. Can you give me the best hormonal regime to achieve the above- with perhaps the drugs generic name as well as the Thai Brand names, so that I can pass it on to those I come across.

                                Thanks Somchai
                                Sorry Somchai, there is no hormone regimen that will achieve what you are asking - the best that can be done is a dose the allows them go get hard, but they really won't be able to "cum" that much.

                                You are right that most lbs overdose - because in Thailand they can get hormones without prescription. Any other country that has drugs available without prescription will also have similar problems.

                                Check this post in Academia: Hormone Therapy, what is right?

                                Some lbs will try to cycle "hormone" holidays - where they stop for a while and then back on, the problem is when they start again they use excessive doses. This works well if they are expecting a regular client who wants them to perform, but for daily work, it won't achieve what you were writing about.

                                Feel free to PM if you have further questions.

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