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Avoiding the barfine... is it possible?

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  • Avoiding the barfine... is it possible?

    I was wondering if it's possible to pick up a LB going to work at Cascades near the entrance gate of Nana Plaza of just in the square before she's entering Cascades or another LB bar.

    This to avoid to pay the barfine.

    Do the girls have to be in the bar before a specific hour or is it not that strict.

    Most of the girls arrive more or less between 8 and 10 in the evening. So let's say I pick up a working girl heading for Cascades at the gate round 9.30 p.m. and I take her to my hotel for short time(2 hours). So this girl arrives at Cascades after 11.30, is that o.k. for the bar?
    While I save the barfine.

    Last question:

    As most of us do like also real Asian girls, can some suggest a forum for this matter, which is as good as this forum which is unique in its kind. (pictures and up to date info). Stogie I don't kiss ass, but when it's good (your forum) someone has to spread the word, I do.

    Jack The Rimmer

  • #2
    Anything is possible, but it's unlikely if the girl was actually on her way to work. You'd be much more likely to hook up without barfine by hanging out in the legendary Nana car park at closing time when the girls are leaving for the night.

    But to be honest, and no offense, but I can't see why you'd bother. The venues provide a valuable service and I don't particularly begrudge them getting paid for it, as long as it's fair. And getting there at a certain time, then hanging around waiting for a likely candidate, then persuading her to skip the bar - it all seems more bother than it's worth.


    • #3
      (Otho @ Aug. 05 2008,00:28) But to be honest, and no offense, but I can't see why you'd bother.
      agreed ..... the girls have to have a minimum number of bar fines in a month, usually 8-10 and that number is sometimes hard to achieve in the low season.   Sure, you could sit at Big Dogs and try to be a cheap charlie and wait for some hotties to stroll by and hit on them, but most likely they would tell you to go upstairs and buy them out; they know better than anyone how the quota system works.

            Come on man, if you are going to Thailand or live there you have the 600 baht..... just pay it; not for the bars sake but for the girls.  Or just get a freelancer from outside Nana, they start working around 10-11 and there are always plenty and no bar fines.
      Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


      • #4
        I certainly understand the concept of Bar Fines and agree with Otho that we shouldnt begrudge the venues of making a few baht off them. JD is right the gals have a Bar Fine quota as well But I always thought it was dead logical (I know its MY logic not the Thai kind) to actually have lower Bar Fines in the last hour or two. I am not talking a 100 baht BF but doesnt it make sense to lower the BF the closer you get to closing?? Just a little maybe?? After all, bars have Happy Hour prices during the day or early evening t attract customers. Same idea, no???

        Be careful out there!


        • #5
          (BlueBallz @ Aug. 05 2008,00:52) doesnt it make sense to lower the BF the closer you get to closing??  Just a little maybe?
          I used to think this also, BB..... and when I was first in thailand years ago I used to ask the girl I liked at around midnight or 12:30 if I really still had to pay 600 baht or whatever....after all, you are quitting in 1/2 hour and we could just meet outside?

          Then I heard more and more about the bar fine quota and how all the girls LIKE being bar fined, it helps them out; I don't really care about the bar, whether it's OBS or Cascades I have no real affection for either place, but for the girls' sake I just pay it; what the hell, for 15 or 18 bucks it's worth it.

          Even when I would call girls at say 3pm and ask them to come over before work [so I could go out and get hammered with friends and not think about fucking later] I would pay all or part of their bar fine added on to their fee.....depending how late I kept them, 6, 7 or 8pm, etc..... remember, it's for their benefit more than anything.

          The best stories, probably lies 1/2 the time, was when the girl would say "hey, thanks.... I am not going to work now and will go out with my friends instead!" Why not pay the extra 15 and let these kids have a night off once in a while, they deserve it most of the time.
          Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


          • #6
            For 600 baht, you gotta be kidding me, this has to be a wind up
            Stogie ,are you at it again
            Be lucky,have fun & stay young !


            • #7
              I seem to remember a couple of GG places that do have sliding scale barfines according to the hour. And at Stringfellows, Bob offers a discount if you BF the same girl for consecutive days, which gets more advantageous according to the number of days. Fair play.

              But going back to the OP, Jai Dee is quite right - the girls do place a value on bar fines. It's a practical requirement, and a mark of status too, I suppose.

              They'd be unimpressed to be ambushed when they're just a few steps away from getting to work, especially if they figured out you were only doing it to save a few baht on the fine.


              • #8
                Don't the girls get fined if they turn up late for work?

                Besides the quota system the girls also like to out-do each other with the most bar fines and look down on the girls with the low counts.

                Oh, and AFAIK they also get a cut of the BF as well, if not at every establishment then more than a few.

                Once you understand the whole concept of the BF system then the less reluctant you'll be to pay it.

                Some girls get BF'd more than once in a night, 3-4 isn't unheard of..

                I've made kathylc  


                • #9
                  JaiDee is absolutely right on this one.

                  Consider yourself, going to work in Nana 6 nights a week, standing there hoping for a customer and knowing you are not getting near to closing your quota for that month.

                  What are you gonna think of some cheap farang who wants to save 600 baht?

                  Plenty of girls end up paying the bar money at the end of the month, because they are 'fined' from their 'salary' when they don't make the quota of barfines. This is a very real situation during the low season.

                  So do yourself and the girls a favour. Pay the barfine and sleep easy, knowing that you may have helped her avoid being swindled by the bar owners.


                  • #10
                    Maybe The Forum should open up "Pay-Pal" Account into whch we could all contribute a few baht to be used for the guys unable (or too mean) to pay the Bar-Fine.

                    The next question has to be whether or not one can shag an LB in a tuk-tuk (and is it cheaper than a hotel room) - and can one use the tuk-tuk driver's oil can as a lubricant and his sandwich wrapper as a "wet-wipe"

                    Truly, the mind boggles!


                    • #11
                      Bar Fines - Yep we should all avoid them and watch the bars close down. Great idea!

                      The bars are like a "Shop Window" -would you see the staff so well promoted in some dingy Soi?

                      BF's and LD's are there to help the employee and the bar.
                      When you BF from a bar you know the bar has a copy of their ID and that they are known to that bar.

                      Compare that to pick up a 'street walker' - no name, no address, no idea...

                      Most bars actually take pretty good care of their staff and provide the staff with a relatively safe venue.

                      Many bars actually provide a meal to staff.

                      The bar promotes them and gives you an environment to enjoy their company.

                      LadyDrinks gives you a chance to 'chat' - most bar workers depend on their LD commission to eat!

                      We could all become "cheap charlie's" and kill off the venues - sad or what?

                      Most bars do operate a Quota system. Yes staff do get their salary 'cut' for infringement of their employment. Late for work, bad behaviour etc etc.

                      In some bars if a member of staff is found to be avoiding BF's she will lose her job.

                      So if you really need to save 600 Baht (20USD) stay at home and buy a video


                      • #12
                        Anyone any tips how I can sneak in a carryout from the 7/11 into Cascades to save me buying a beer  

                        Jesus , this credit crunch must really be biting  

                        Have you tried Borat's technique ? He tried to kidnap Pamela Anderson buy putting a sack over her head , perhaps you could lurk around the entrance to Nana with a sack  
                        Free your mind and your ass will follow .


                        • #13
                          (Monkey @ Aug. 04 2008,17:31) Don't the girls get fined if they turn up late for work?.
                            Yes  -  so if you stop them outside the bar they either have to pay the bar fine or pay for being late.

                          (Monkey @ Aug. 04 2008,17:31) Once you understand the whole concept of the BF system then the less reluctant you'll be to pay it.
                          On one or two occassions I've paid the bar fine of a girl I particularly like even though I have no intention of taking her out of the bar.
                          That way she gets it against her name and if she want's she can take the rest of the night off.

                          Welcome to the forum Jacktherimmer.

                          It was a good question - but the answer is no it's not really a good idea.

                          Pedants rule, OK. Or more precisely, exhibit certain of the conventional trappings of leadership.

                          "I love the smell of ladyboy in the morning."


                          • #14
                            If a girl does not make her quota of barfines does she get docked the entire barfine times number of barfines below the quota?

                            Other than being docked I thought the girl got a very small percentage of the barfine, perhaps 100 of 600 at Obsessions? So as long as the girl is above her quota her cut of the barfine is just chump change?

                            The way I see it if you're drinking at LaBamba or EZY Bar or Guess with great owners like Sam, Karl, and Jay then one would not want to circumvent the process.

                            But at a place like Obsessions where management condones pickpocketing or like KC3 in the old days with their billpading ......I say they can shove their barfine where the sun doesn't shine.

                            You can pay the girl an extra 600 to do with as she pleases.


                            • #15
                              ...doesnt it make sense to lower the BF the closer you get to closing??  Just a little maybe?
                              The reason there is no discount the later it gets is that the girls would all bar fine themselves at 11pm and fuck off home or to a disco!

                              If you cadge a girl on her way to work she's gonna go with you, but she'll still have to 'sign in' and pay the bar fine.

                              If you mention anything about skipping this she's not gonna be interested based on the (correct) logic that if you are CC-ing on the bar fine you'll be CC-ing on the girl too.

                              This reminds me of a punter who wanted a girl for the week and wanted a day of the bar fine seeing as she would have had a day off that week anyway.

                              He forgot that if she was with him she wouldn't be actually having a day off that week!  
                              (CC-ing = Cheap Charlie-ing!)

                              Pay the fine mate or take your chances with a FL outside.  

                              (FL = freelancer)

                              As for "chump change", those 100 baht commissions add up.
                              Cindy for example makes between 4,000 and 6,000 baht a month on chump change!

                              Cha (chump) ching!

