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I'm getting married...

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  • #76
    (ohnoriceagain @ Oct. 19 2008,15:12)  Buy a home, have a small business and live a stress free life.  We evened talked about adopting a kid this afternoon.  Yeah yeah, we're dreamers but why not?  If you can think it maybe you can work it.
    Thanks for the update. That sounds nice. We all need our dreams.

    Good luck
    "I can see it in the eyes.....they get hollow and soulless a year or 2 after the Op .... I coined the term ''shark eyes'' to describe that look"

    Jaidee 2009

    The other white meat


    • #77
      Hello Onericeagain,

      I hope it works and and I wish both of you well.

      I must admit that I would not like to bet on your chances of getting away with it though.

      Pedants rule, OK. Or more precisely, exhibit certain of the conventional trappings of leadership.

      "I love the smell of ladyboy in the morning."


      • #78
        (ohnoriceagain @ Oct. 19 2008,15:12)  In 9 years, I'm retiring with a nice cash pension and a decent 401K ( I hope as I've been too afraid to look lately). which will go a long way in PH.
        I wish you all the best. Lest of sounding like a wet blanket, if the 401(k) is a major factor for this whole thing to work 9 years later, I would want to be a little more careful.

        I wish I could have my job safe 9 years later.


        • #79
          well, adding another illegal Filipino in the American blacklist is not a good idea because you two want to be together physically, it will just give another bad reputation to Filipinos and the Philippines,,,meaning lesser chances of getting a visa for others,,,,  

          had a funny story though when I got my US visa couple of years ago,,its indicated in my application that I'm a male and everybody doesn't seem to have noticed it so they were all calling me ma'am until the time they scanned my finger and they read in the monitor about my sex which is male, and funny they have to ask me like twice, and I just smiled, and after that, for a second or so, I thought that that would be a reason why they will reject my application, but in the end my beauty and wits still prevailed...(not really), just make sure when your fiance apply for her visa, she dress up properly, lesser skin exposure, cleavage included if applicable, and no minis of any heavy make up,,,specially red lipstick(doesn't really compliment a Filipina skin tone, unless her skin is fair and light) she should look sophisticated and respectable,,,,respectable meaning when they see her they will be amaze not intimidated.The last thing she doesn't want to do is to intimidate the consul, if she can speak well English better, if not work on it, cubuanas are good in speaking English if spoken properly and may sound cheap if spoken the wrong way because they have a different kind of intonation. you probably know about that.....

          In the end still Simplicity is Beauty.


          • #80
            (Lorren @ Oct. 19 2008,20:26) well, adding another illegal Filipino in the American blacklist is not a good idea because you two want to be together physically, it will just give another bad reputation to Filipinos and the Philippines,,,meaning lesser chances of getting a visa for others,,,,  

            had a funny story though when I got my US visa couple of years ago,,its indicated in my application that I'm a male and everybody doesn't seem to have noticed it so they were all calling me ma'am until the time they scanned my finger and they read in the monitor about my sex which is male, and funny they have to ask me like twice, and I just smiled, and after that, for a second or so, I thought that that would be a reason why they will reject my application, but in the end my beauty and wits still prevailed...(not really), just make sure when your fiance apply for her visa, she dress up properly, lesser skin exposure, cleavage included if applicable, and no minis of any heavy make up,,,specially red lipstick(doesn't really compliment a Filipina skin tone, unless her skin is fair and light) she should look sophisticated and respectable,,,,respectable meaning when they see her they will be amaze not intimidated.The last thing she doesn't want to do is to intimidate the consul, if she can speak well English better, if not work on it, cubuanas are good in speaking English if spoken properly and may sound cheap if spoken the wrong way because they have a different kind of intonation. you probably know about that.....

            In the end still Simplicity is Beauty.
            I'm with Lorren on this.

            I've flittered to and fro US in my younger days, and one thing I realised is that no one ever questioned the M on the passport despite my robustly adorned upper balcony.

            The only time I had "problems" was with my old guy name at a bank. The staff there thought I was using my "husbands" card and wanted to "verify with him".

            Otherwise, I think its up to the person to make it look good, and sometimes less is best.

