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20 baht Ping Pong balls in the LB Gogos?

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  • 20 baht Ping Pong balls in the LB Gogos?

    I voted for the third option... "I'm uncomfortable with it."

    Not quite sure why, though!

    Seems like it's just a bit of fun and the girls make a bit more cash scurrying around on all fours and fighting over ping pong balls for 20 baht a pop...

    ...but for some reason I can't stand it. There's something almost tragic about watching a super sexy ladyboy who could easily make 10,000 baht a night in the UK, scrabbling around for 20 baht in a ping pong ball...

    Always makes me feel a little sick inside and I can't even pay attention to it when some oaf buys these and throws them out into the crowd...

    I'd be interested to see what Naaaang Fa and her girls think of this...
    Grrr' They should ban it'
    I hate it. Very degrading.
    I'm uncomfortable with it.
    It's stupid.
    Harmless fun. I like watching it'
    I do it - it's fun'
    Definitely the silliest poll for a while'

  • #2
    It´s humiliating.

    Tell em, Nang Faa! At least the ball should be worth an original LV handbag or 1000 usd, right?
    "I can see it in the eyes.....they get hollow and soulless a year or 2 after the Op .... I coined the term ''shark eyes'' to describe that look"

    Jaidee 2009

    The other white meat


    • #3
      its stupid, thats all.

      if they didnt like it, they wouldnt fight for them
      seriously pig headed,arrogant,double standard smart ass poster!


      • #4
        its just fun, and great to watch all that lb flesh,
        plus if there good it pays for tomorrows lunch


        • #5
          (parada @ Nov. 27 2008,05:43) its just fun, and great to watch all that lb flesh,
          plus if there good it pays for tomorrows lunch    
          Can i play this with you and your friends?
          It´s just fun! Can you go oink oink too?
          "I can see it in the eyes.....they get hollow and soulless a year or 2 after the Op .... I coined the term ''shark eyes'' to describe that look"

          Jaidee 2009

          The other white meat


          • #6
            Makes me very uncomfortable too. Not etnirely sure why, but it does. I feel a little empty inside

            Somebody else compared it to the humiliation of putting on a suit and tie and "prostituting oneself" at a client site but I think it's a million miles away

            anyway, that's how I feel - not a very scientific answer but what my gut tells me
            No honey, no money!!


            • #7
              Maybe a part of the discomfort stems from the fact that in society we cloak our humiliation and degradation in layers of tradition and subtlety.

              I waited tables for many years in the USA and enjoyed it. I knew my place in the pecking order of things but I'd feel humbled and annoyed when someone snapped their fingers at me.

              The sight of ladyboys scrabbling for money (and such a pathetically small amount of it) forces us to confront the reasons why they are there and why we also are there...

              It's a theatrical realization of why they show up to work each day and I'm shamed to confront the reasons why I am also there... it's also a blatant signal of the disparity of wealth we enjoy over a lot of these P4Ps.

              Then again - I could be talking bollocks and it's just a harmless bit of fun!

              Who knows...  


              • #8
                Again all you mongers miss the bigger picture. The collection of the ping pong balls if for making a giant "Pong Chandelier" for the LB dining room at their looms!!
                Attached Files


                • #9
                  We needed a photo in this thread, thanks Aperry
                  You Live and You Learn -- Hopefully!


                  • #10
                    (katoeylover @ Nov. 27 2008,05:40) its stupid, thats all.

                    if they didnt like it, they wouldnt fight for them
                    They fight for them because they need the money, not because they like it
                    You Live and You Learn -- Hopefully!


                    • #11
                      (aperry @ Nov. 27 2008,00:09) Again all you mongers miss the bigger picture.   The collection of the ping pong balls if for making a giant "Pong Chandelier" for the LB dining room at their looms!!
                      good point - it's never about the money in LOS
                      No honey, no money!!


                      • #12
                        Amazing these guys got this up no YouTube let alone filmed it in a bar without getting killed... the bar looks like the Hot & Cold a-go-go in Pattaya to me.

              ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344">


                        • #13
                          I hate it, very degrading
                          Your got yer Mother in a whirl
                          Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl


                          • #14
                            (Stogie @ Nov. 27 2008,06:06) Maybe a part of the discomfort stems from the fact that in society we cloak our humiliation and degradation in layers of tradition and subtlety.

                            I waited tables for many years in the USA and enjoyed it. I knew my place in the pecking order of things but I'd feel humbled and annoyed when someone snapped their fingers at me.

                            The sight of ladyboys scrabbling for money (and such a pathetically small amount of it) forces us to confront the reasons why they are there and why we also are there...

                            It's a theatrical realization of why they show up to work each day and I'm shamed to confront the reasons why I am also there... it's also a blatant signal of the disparity of wealth we enjoy over a lot of these P4Ps.

                            Then again - I could be talking bollocks and it's just a harmless bit of fun!

                            Who knows...  
                            Not bollocks at all, it highlights very well the difference in how we view such a small amount of money.

                            The pingpong balls have always been an effective way to separate visitors from their money. I saw them everywhere over the years & it is no more dignified now as it was then,

                            ...but woe betide any crusader from trying to stop the practice.

                            20 baht is a tip for us & it seems a pathetically small amount of money to sacrifice ones dignity for but do the math - an average night might have them out 5 to 10 times, at 3 to 4 balls a girl, that can result in an extra 300 to 800 baht extra just for scrambling around grabbing a few balls.

                            Watch how keenly they compete for them.

                            One night this last September, I watched some Asian guys (Chinese I think) in Happy a GoGo going silly buying buckets of balls, even throwing 3 or 4 buckets full at one time.

                            The whole place erupted, even the waitresses abandoned their trays in the mad scramble for balls. I saw girls giving them to punters to hold while they went back for more.

                            Now should the buyers of all those buckets of balls be condemned for inflicting such suffering on the girls? I only saw happy, smiling faces amongst everyone there, the Asian punters were the most popular guys in the bar, what crime did they commit?

                            It is us who has the kuxury of feeling our sensitivities are more important than the girls right to making a living.

                            All the sanctimony in the world can't compensate them for their loss of income. It would be a staggering figure how much has been spent in this harmless pursuit over the years.

                            We may see it as a loss of their dignity, they will remember it as buying them a lot of meals.
                            Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


                            • #15
                              Once again Pacman, a very solid balanced argument.

                              I did it the first time I was in a Go-Go and never again. Not because I disagree with the practice but I don't think its a good way to waste my money.

                              The girls seemed to enjoy it and the competition is fierce! I don't see it as any different than ringing the bell and buying the girls a round of Tequila.

                              'Up to you!'
                              I know its so wrong, but it feels so right!

