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Passing through Bangkok

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  • #16
    does sound like the classic,ive been there done that, its all so easy my interest/drive just dosnt seem there anymore. this can be for many reasons,best understood by the individual alone really.
    what i do know for fact is every time im in LOS for 4 or 6 weeks i slow right down and can take or leave the sex at times...........mayby because i know its there anytime i want.
    if overfamiliarity with the LOS scene is the problem then a break from it can work wonders,i know i still get a buzz every time i take off from the uk,but its never the same as the first and second ones.its important to keep perspective...........what is your life back home?
    example..myself im a workaholic self employed noddy no life as my business dominates my life,but its the life i choose at the moment,my treats include good hols to LOS and i appreciate every minute,so a so so night in BKK is way better than any night at home in the uk............perspective.
    if mongering is no longer an interest then as FOGGY could be time for a new ones oblidged to enjoy mongering all their life,its not for everyone.


    • #17
      Passing through BKK and have NO interest in LBs? What are you


      • #18
        (JaiDee @ Sep. 18 2009,23:23) If both are on the menu, you get the sex done at around 7 or 8 and then go tilt a few with the lads; but getting hammered first and then looking for someone to get it on with oftentimes leads to a let-down.

        Perfectly said - my most recent times in Phuket were a bit of a let down in the bedroom ... i spent too much time drinking and then once i hit the cot... well i'm sure you can work it out

        The best night i ever had was shagging first, relieving the helmet pressure, and then going out and having a great night with the lads.


        A worthy trip report


        • #19
           The exact formula I worked out for myself last month to great effect!

          I also want to say that, besides this thread being depressing as to my future, KoN, besides the general linear decline others have spoken to here, I believe our chemical innards can also be cyclical in nature.  Two days ago I jerked off four times.  Yesterday, I couldn't be bothered.  Different, but same same.  

          You'll be back on top (zing!) in no time, buddy.


          • #20
            45 is simply way to young to have a low sex drive. Go to your doctor and ask  him to prescribe testogel (Bayer). 50mg of testosterone in 5g of gel. Rub on the gut daily and the zing for life is noticably different after about 4 weeks.


            • #21
              I can only think that I am on different regime right now, health food, detox, strenuous exercise, cleansing etc, etc.  Nana seems dirty and dangerous, the girls ripe with  nefarious intent and communicable germs.
              Sounds to me like your mind is fucked up - how could anyone get aroused if you associate such negativity to these creatures.
              Association is a powerful mind tool, used by guys like Tony Robbins to alter behaviour - it seems to me you are reprogramming yourself without even knowing it.

              As for detox - you are profitably devoid of all your vitamins and minerals.

              My advice - get some vitamin tablet heavy in zinc - its good for your sperm!!!

              Get horny and jack off to some quality porn and re associate these beauties with pleasure.

              You will be back on the job in no time


              A worthy trip report


              • #22
                Interesting thread. i would like to suggest that you don't have to climax with every sexual partner. It's kind of a Taoist tantra. Take the energy and put it back into your body. Strive for the total body orgasm, not the genital. When you save it, the sex gets hotter and hotter.


                • #23
                  A bit idealistic for me


                  • #24

                    Cum again?


                    A worthy trip report


                    • #25
                      Azza, it is not about low sex drive. It's about mood.

                      Sometimes I am a libertine, sensual and filled with wild rebellion. This is the 'me' that usually arrives at Don Muang Airport.

                      I live in Bali and have ample access to hot ladyboys, sometimes your into it, sometimes not. You go through periods.

                      The issue is I have never had a LOS trip where I was not in that wild and hellbent frame of mind.

                      Maybe the answer is to find one girl and stay with her for the entire stay.
                      In this game the object is to mate the queen.    


                      • #26
                        (KingofNANA @ Sep. 19 2009,14:00) Maybe the answer is to find one girl and stay with her for the entire stay.
                        These are not words befitting the "King of Nana"!

                        Buck up, soldier! Pull yourself up by your bootstraps. . . Look yourself in the mirror. . . Throw yourself down a flight of stairs, whatever it takes. . .


                        • #27
                          Think maybe I should have called myself the 'Bishop of NANA'.
                          In this game the object is to mate the queen.    


                          • #28
                            I think you're on the right path thinking about staying with one person most of the time, or something like that. I'm pushing 58 now & have less & less interest in getting really drunk & having a parade of short times just because it's available.

                            The drinking is a bit of a different issue because abuse of it long term will affect each of us differently, except it's never positive. ( I will get gout if I hit the beers, these days I alternate gin tonics with "sodah", & some nights club soda only, after 40 years I know what will happen if I drink a little or a lot, no novelty there. Hardly ever have a beer anymore.....)

                            I think thats part of the issue, if you are a maturing person moving on to the "next level" .... whether that's femboys, one gg for a while or learning sailing in the Gulf, it's a new experience that we are hankering for. I'm just ready to make arrangements for next month in LOS & have some of the same ennui that you seem to have.

                            But we men are hard wired to want sex so that's usually in the mix somewhere.


                            • #29
                              Nothing like having a nice plate of steak, eggs & chips put on the table in front of you, even if you say your not hungry.


                              • #30
                                well said,but i also say again,no one must feel it their duty to monger be they in LOS or at home,the whole point in being on a holiday tho is that you are there to do just what you like within reason or certain limits,the preconception that you must be some screwing machine is not a good one to have,enough has been said here over the years about leaving your predjudices , preconceptions and plans at the arrivals gate in BKK.......that for me is a key.
                                becoming desensitised to the LOS scene is bound to happen also ,its a factor depending on you and your life experience.
                                variety is what life is about.
                                i am 45 but just of late i have become more interested in having another LTR with a GG back home for a bit more consistency and personal interaction while i hang up my monger boots,i know the boots will still fit if i need them again at a later date,this is something im feeling i might like to do ,i dont feel compelled to do as at times ive felt compelled to jet to LOS at the moment id still like to go but dont feel "its a must do" me that is the way to feel..when i think of the different experiences ive had going to LOS actually the best ones were when i didnt feel the urge or i was easy and relaxed had other options etc,once again there are other things to do in life than become a thailand junkie.

