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My relationship with Natalie is over!

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  • #91
    well iwe heard from a reliable source that Ae is now aviable...

    in other words...get youre arse down to LOS....get drunk...go beach road...find a skank...go home bang her silly...throw her out after....and then go pick another...

    maybe take a few from Linda bar....that way you wont compare them with your Ex....

    and for gods sake....when you book your room...dont book above 1 floor...

    remember what my dad said....

    why make one unhappy...when you can pester the life of many...

    cheer up WILL get over it...
    all the ladyboys i know laughs when we have matter what book they read


    • #92
      (cotton @ Nov. 02 2009,14:39) Natalie is 31 now and for dont tell bad thing about her she not look like before.
      The spirit of Naang Faa, has invoked me to inform you, that the same goes for you.

      Dude, you are possibly skating on thin ice. Perhaps if you are not careful, an evil mind can make you out to be superficial. Or materialistic.

      P.S. If this thread becomes boring, expect that I too will possibly request for cockpix.
      Cockpix featuring Mister robbo !  
      "I don´t know what to do. Losing sleep. Kicked from a chatroom on a board about worshipping young transsexual prostitutes.
      I´ve my fair share of disapointments and hardtimes in my life, but this....."


      • #93
        She have Ronaldo shirt too

        Well that pretty much drenches what was once burning passion!      
        In this game the object is to mate the queen.    


        • #94
          Cotton, Pattaya is gonna be a nice place for you to vacation. Please, Please, don't get hooked on the first pretty LB you meet in Pattaya/Jomtien. Take your time, at least go thru ten or so LBs before 'falling' in love again. You are a real catch for most any LB you going to meet, remember you are the desirable one in any metting/relatonship you establish in Thailand.


          • #95
            Sheraton, Nusa Dusa, Bali
            Attached Files


            • #96
              more Bali
              Attached Files


              • #97
                My favoritt pics of Natalie in a football game in Berkin. Anybody not unf\dersrand why i loved her?
                Attached Files


                • #98


                  • #99
                    Hey Cotton,

                    Matey you must have been doing something right. She lived for long periods with ou in a foreign country and appears quite happy.

                    Now its time to stop twisting the knife in your own side, down load all your photos onto your portable hard drive (and off your puter) put it in your sock draw and forget it for a while... You can revisit the photos when you feel better about life.

                    While I am sure many BM's are delighted with the photos that you are posting you are not doing yourself any favours with the healing process sir...

                    "Spelling - the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit."


                    • Jesus Cotton your hopeless...Displaying your "pain" a porn site...

                      You acting as if you're the only person in this world who has ever had a failed relationship...

                      Many, if not most, if not all, of the BMs here have...And many much longer then your four and
                      a half years...Mine failed after twenty-three years...That's 5 times longer then yours...

                      Trust me, the wound will heal and scab over and in time the scar will fade away...

                      It takes three to have a relationship...Me, You and Us...I think you lost the "me" part...

                      Don't ever allow anyone else to define your happiness or your life...Don't give that right away to
                      someone else...And don't listen to these BMs who are telling you to run out there and find
                      a replacement...Find yourself first...

                      Get busy living...The rest will happen...
                      "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


                      • one more bali (soon finished now
                        Attached Files


                        • Aww it's starting to sound like this now...

                ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344">

                          Nah nah na na nahh, nah nah na na na nahh

                          I look at the photos, look at the pictures of you.
                          Even I know though they're only photos of a love I used to have.
                          I feel so bored, so sad, so lonely without you.
                          Since you left, I've been so depressed and worried.
                          But I know it was my fault, it was me that made you leave.

                          So cold, I'm dying without you and lacking the warmth your love used to bring.
                          All I want is for you to come back.
                          Please come back and love me again.

                          It's only you in my heart, I doubt there's anyone who could replace you.
                          And I have to show you how much I love you, to make you come back.

                          So cold, I'm dying without you and lacking the warmth your love used to bring.
                          All I want is for you to come back.
                          Please come back and love me again.

                          So cold, I'm dying without you and lacking the warmth your love used to bring.
                          All I want is for you to come back.
                          Please come back and love me again.
                          Please come back and love me again

                          Forgot how this forum works  


                          • (kahuna @ Nov. 03 2009,04:49) Get busy living...The rest will happen...
                            Ya, kinda agreeing with my pal Kahuna by now, this thread is becoming a bit sugary sweet at this point..... seems like it could be time to just  cut bait Cotton, and find a new girl .....but take it easy this time; true love means the girl will hang with you even if you DON'T do the world tour stuff and buy trinkets and expensive gifts etc......

                               {Pretty funny advice coming from a guy who has never had true love even once in his life!!}

                             Anyway.....  Cotton seems to have his head screwed on a lot tighter than the guy in the Chompoo thread.....  I figured by now that website would be dead and gone forever but it's still live and available for everyone to check out; amazing, really.
                            Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


                            • Last one, Marriot singapore       As  said before i have alot more  pics taken in my home, all over in norway, thailand, Hong Kong, Roma, Paris, London, Manchester (united  hehe)etc  But they are paper pics. I will i hide them in a box with my feelings and life must go on     Thanks for reading this topic and for many good advises
                              Today i start my first day of my rest of my life.  In 14  days i go Pataya/Jomptien for three months. I have alot Norwegian friends there.  Maybe i will met  some of you there too    
                              Thanks for me. This was my story.  Maybe can tell more if i met you in one of the bars in LOS or Pattaya...........But i think its enough about us know
                              Attached Files


                              • Cotton, have been here looking and reading and i must say you come across as a decent guy but FFS man get on with your life cos i am sure natalie is ..... I have had failed LB relationships but there is always another potential candidate waiting at the end of a thousand baht note.

                                I dunno if you are professing this love in the hope she (Natalie) will read it and rush back to you or you are just getting it off your chest but believe me its time to move on... Good Luck

