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My relationship with Natalie is over!

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  • I'll be in Pattaya for much of the same period...If I run into you I'll buy you a beer Cotton...

    But no Natalie stories allowed...

    EDIT:  I'll always buy you a beer Tims Boy...
    "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


    • Ohh!  Found one more.  Its the last one. Promise ! Taken in SAS hotel in Copenhagen before we went to a thai restaurant for eating.

      JaiDee!   Some of the pics i loaded for you . Know you like her and like her with high heels and boots      And you should seen all sexy high heels, boots and sexy clothes she have know!  Remember u complain her for have same high heels and clothes for every picture taking hehe.

      And i have lived with Natalie for five  years , and i only "have" had Natalie        End story!
      Attached Files


      • Cotton, have been here looking and reading and i must say you come across as a decent guy but FFS man get on with your life cos i am sure natalie is ..... I have had failed LB relationships but there is always another potential candidate waiting at the end of a thousand baht note.

        I dunno if you are professing this love in the hope she (Natalie) will read it and rush back to you or you are just getting it off your chest but believe me its time to move on... Good Luck


        • (kahuna @ Nov. 03 2009,04:49) Jesus Cotton your hopeless...Displaying your "pain" a porn site...

          You acting as if you're the only person in this world who has ever had a failed relationship...

          Many, if not most, if not all, of the BMs here have...And many much longer then your four and
          a half years...Mine failed after twenty-three years...That's 5 times longer then yours...

          Trust me, the wound will heal and scab over and in time the scar will fade away...

          It takes three to have a relationship...Me, You and Us...I think you lost the "me" part...

          Don't ever allow anyone else to define your happiness or your life...Don't give that right away to
          someone else...And don't listen to these BMs who are telling you to run out there and find
          a replacement...Find yourself first...

          Get busy living...The rest will happen...
          yes i agree,my wound did scab over after id been to the clinic and done a course of antibiotics.............the doctor said to me " now for fuck sake stay away from that girl and stop posting your family album all over the internet!"


          • Last night in the chat room, yes I was there and there was one other BM. He new that I am a newbie and he made me make him a promise which I did. He told me to never fall in love with a LB, unless I live in Thailand. He also made me promise to never send money. He is a wise man. Thank you wise man you know who you are.


            • (f0xxee @ Nov. 02 2009,04:57) Lets se if you can come back with something better

              Sorry , i read re read your post again and take you point...i had a somewhat giant hangover and scooted through your post too quickly
              I deleted the rant ...also ive hidden the bottle now and re labelled it " medicinal purposes only"

              I humbly apologise and will under go a prolonged peroid of self flagellation


              • (Tomcat @ Nov. 03 2009,15:47)
                (f0xxee @ Nov. 02 2009,04:57) Lets se if you can come back with something better

                Sorry , i read re read your post again and take you point...i had a somewhat giant hangover and scooted through your post too quickly
                I deleted the rant ...also ive hidden the bottle now and re labelled it " medicinal purposes only"

                I humbly apologise and will under go a prolonged peroid of self flagellation
                Hi Topcat,

                You are indeed a gentleman sir!

                Why don't you delete my response too as it really adds nothing to the thread except bollocks.

                Thanks mate!


                "Spelling - the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit."


                • This got me thinking that nothing is forever...
                  Return me back to my lala land NOW!
                  Now a SUPER sister!


                  • GO GET HER BACK!
                    Now a SUPER sister!


                    • Well cotton....

                      as you know...while youre in gotta watch out for all those T-shirts... you know the red and yellow ones...

                      while youre in here....theres another coulor t-shirt youwe gotta be carefull about..

                      its the Black T-shirts.....

                      black T-shirts often pops up in treads like never know where they come from...or where they go...but be sure...they are all around...

                      for your convenince...i succeed to capture a picture of one of those...

                      Attached Files
                      all the ladyboys i know laughs when we have matter what book they read


                      • (cotton @ Nov. 03 2009,05:59) Manchester (united  hehe)
                        ...and you wonder why she left you

                        Forgot how this forum works  


                        • i read this thread in one go, and thought it was great.
                          a nice soft start, some great pics, bit of an argument in the middle, then back to a soft finish with the final pics.
                          and not one reference to space and star trek.
                          great stuff.
                          you cant polish a turd.


                          • Ok I have to ask - Anthony - who exactly is that very interesting person in your avatar?
                            "I can feel an angel sliding up to me..."


                            • (kahuna @ Nov. 03 2009,12:19) I'll be in Pattaya for much of the same period...If I run into you I'll buy you a beer Cotton...

                              But no Natalie stories allowed...

                              EDIT:  I'll always buy you a beer Tims Boy...
                              I'm looking forward to a beer with you too Big Kahuna Burger!!!

                              San Miguel Lite of course
                              “When a nation's young men are conservative, its funeral bell is already rung.”
                              ― Henry Ward Beecher

                              "Inflexibility is the worst human failing. You can learn to check impetuosity, overcome fear with confidence and laziness with discipline. But for rigidity of mind, there is no antidote. It carries the seeds of its own destruction." ~ Anton Myrer


                              • (Naang Faa @ Nov. 03 2009,17:17)
                                (cotton @ Nov. 03 2009,05:59) Manchester (united  hehe)
                                ...and you wonder why she left you  

                                Therein lies the root of the problem. You tried to get her interested in that boring ass pussy sport soccer. Were you trying to cure her insomnia?

                                If you got her turned on to a REAL sport like, may I suggest, AMERICAN FOOTBALL, your relationship would very likely be still strong and vibrant.
                                “When a nation's young men are conservative, its funeral bell is already rung.”
                                ― Henry Ward Beecher

                                "Inflexibility is the worst human failing. You can learn to check impetuosity, overcome fear with confidence and laziness with discipline. But for rigidity of mind, there is no antidote. It carries the seeds of its own destruction." ~ Anton Myrer

