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My relationship with Natalie is over!

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  • Would it have made a difference if Natalie had got a job or something to occupy herself in Norway? I have an idea that these relationships work if the girl can do something other than sex for a living, a lot of girls cut hair so the option of opening a salon is there, interior design is another popular business -it just can't be good for someone who has been living in a vibrant night culture like Thailand to spend hours every grey Norwegian day looking in the mirror or watching tv or pretending to be a housewife...
    Dexter Hines


    • (DexterH @ Nov. 03 2009,18:28) Would it have made a difference if Natalie had got a job or something to occupy herself in Norway?  
      Not a feckin' chance!  

      (But it was a good question, coming from someone who is not born in Thailand, and later moving relatively close to the arctic circle.

      Information about prevalance of disorders, as a function of geographic latitutude, will be forthcoming. Checklist: SADS (seasonal affective lighting-whatever disorder), alcoholism(?), etc.)

      Another generalization: Thai people prefer what they are used to.
      "I don´t know what to do. Losing sleep. Kicked from a chatroom on a board about worshipping young transsexual prostitutes.
      I´ve my fair share of disapointments and hardtimes in my life, but this....."


      • One of the mistake i did was that i only let Natalie live like a "madam" She loved animals, and i should push her to be an animal docter. She have brain and skills to do that. But she liked best stay three weeks with me so me three weeks with her. If she should move to Norway she had to take her mother with her too. At least i should "pushed her to take an english education. But done is done.....


        • (cotton @ Nov. 03 2009,11:59) Maybe can tell more if i met you in one of the bars in LOS or Pattaya...........But i think its enough about us know
          If you start talking about her to strangers in bars, may I hereby put in my application to be one of the first to give you an ethnocentric kick-in-the-ass?

          Free professional advice: "Dump"/unload this problem onto your family and/or friends. (You do risk turning them away from you, somewhat. And hopefully only temporarily.)

          Consider avoiding talking about her to strangers in bars. This might lead to sessions of "twenty fuckin' questions", which quite possibly will make you focus more on her.

          If you have a best friend, consider following his/her advice.
          S/he will sometimes be the best phychologist that you will find. Partially because best-friend quite possibly has extensive knowledge about you, which can be beneficial in guiding you, adequately.

          If you sometime need professional help, then PM me, and I should be able to hook you up with the creme-de-la-creme of shrinks in your country.
          But chances are, you will ride out this wave, without professional help, IMO.
          Already the insights of Kahuna and Foxxee, to name a few, has quite possibly equalled or surpassed what you could have benefitted from a psychologist/psychiatrist, after only a few sessions.

          May I ask you this, Mister cotton:
          How would you know, if someone (not you), in a similar situation,  was obsessing(being obsessed) about someone, in a destructive (or unhealthy way)?
          What warning signs would you think one should be keeping an eye out for?

          P.S. Do you think you can get robbo to  post his cockpix, before you post more pictures of your jet-set ex-lover?
          "I don´t know what to do. Losing sleep. Kicked from a chatroom on a board about worshipping young transsexual prostitutes.
          I´ve my fair share of disapointments and hardtimes in my life, but this....."


          • She loved animals, and i should push her to be an animal docter.
            I doubt she would like to be an animal doctor, unless she likes pulling calfs out of cows asses and giving lethal injections to kittens and puppies.
            I know you still read here, checking my every post like the psychotic stalker that you are

            I lay there in bed thinking to myself, am I gay and then Lusi rammed her cock in my mouth and I thought, who cares this is fantastic!!!


            • nice you want my cock pics here?.... really? i could don a black wig n put holdups on but dont think id pass as femboy (my hairy nipples),mayby there are no cock pics on this topic/thread but someone who seems insistent on going on and on on on about some breakup and posting every photo he has is a cock enough
              I wonder how Natalie feels about hers photos being plastered all over the net?................


              • ok i c I only tell you about my story because tell me mine experience, and since Natalie was the first super star at this forum i told u about our relationship and how it was. i admit that i like show some pics of her around the world cus i admit i was a little prowed of beeing her bf. story End ! Thanks you for vbeeing patient and many good advise. Think will c some af you in lbs bars soon


                • (cotton @ Nov. 03 2009,19:53) If she should move to Norway she had to take her mother with her too. At least i should "pushed her to take an english education. But done is done.....
                  Western "pushing" does not work the same way with Thais ...

                  Come to think of it, it arguably doesn' t work to well with westerners.

                  She has cut her ties with you. It looks to me that she has decided on "I now have a new life", as they say in Thailand.
                  Without you.

                  Suggestion: Consider having an over-polite, educated go-between phone her mama, and ask mama a pertinent question.
                  Maybe that will give you closure. (If mama has a good heart, and ain't going to string you along, in some way, for cash.)
                  Almost everybody likes small gifts. If the conversation also contains something about sending a small gift (not money), that might be beneficial.
                  (Scandinavia does have delicacies including fermented fish, smoked meat, like many other regions do. And asians often like yuchhy "delicacies" such as inexpensive caviar (available in "squeeze-tubes"). Your various goat-cheeses are probably your best bet, when it comes to sending thru the postal system. Fish products are generally more sensitive to temperatures.

                  Anyway, we might be getting  

                  P.S. Would it be improper if I asked that someone post some nice lb-cockpix? (Not of cotton's ex, though.)
                  "I don´t know what to do. Losing sleep. Kicked from a chatroom on a board about worshipping young transsexual prostitutes.
                  I´ve my fair share of disapointments and hardtimes in my life, but this....."


                  • (Lefty @ Nov. 03 2009,18:20)
                    (Naang Faa @ Nov. 03 2009,17:17)
                    (cotton @ Nov. 03 2009,05:59) Manchester (united  hehe)
                    ...and you wonder why she left you  

                    Therein lies the root of the problem. You tried to get her interested in that boring ass pussy sport soccer. Were you trying to cure her insomnia?  

                    If you got her turned on to a REAL sport like, may I suggest, AMERICAN FOOTBALL, your relationship would very likely be still strong and vibrant.    
                    Turn it in will ya.

                    We have a game just the same but without all the pads,helmets and bullshit, its called rugby. But its just not as popular as the 'beautiful game'

                    Ever see a packed bar in LOS watching american football? No me either.

                    Got to agree with others though, Manchester United (manure), should have took her to a few games at Millwall


                    • (neil324 @ Nov. 03 2009,22:12) Ever see a packed bar in LOS watching american football? No me either.
                      Many many many times...You just ain't been to the right bar...
                      "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


                      •  Neil 334 !   I took her with me to two games in easter 2007 :   Chelsea - Valencia   AND   Millwall-Nottingham Forest    hehe  
                        At that game she wasnt 100 prosent comfortable cur she thought some men thought she was a lb.


                        • Keep searching will get luck one day...


                          • (cotton @ Nov. 03 2009,22:24) At that game she wasnt 100 prosent comfortable cuz
                            she thought
                            some men thought she was a lb.
                            Will somebody else in the BigBrother house, please slap me out of this nightmare?

                            Or hand me a crack-pipe. (And make it a double !)

                            "I don´t know what to do. Losing sleep. Kicked from a chatroom on a board about worshipping young transsexual prostitutes.
                            I´ve my fair share of disapointments and hardtimes in my life, but this....."


                            • Eerrrrr......why not book a room above the first floor ?


                              • "she thought some men thought she was LB" what do you think?
                                whats a matter abba? dont you like stories of loves labours lost?,i think its cool,ive only puked 3 times today

