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Host any kind of party at “Ezy"

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  • #91

    €¢*¨¨*€¢€œNew Generation€€¢*¨¨*€¢

    .€¢:*¨¨*€¢.€¢*¨¨*:€¢.€œEzy Stewardess€.€¢:*¨¨*€¢.€¢*¨¨*:€¢.

      A BIG THANKYOU To "LB Lovin Cowboy"  

    The "Honky Tonk Badonkadonkman" for his first of many Ezy parties and doin' it large  

    1st Pic ...  "Ice New May Nut Teara Bell & Tina"    

    2nd Pic ...  "Ice May Nut Golf Tina & Bell"    

     ... "Ezy Open from 3pm (15:00) - Late" ...  

    €œCock n€™ Roll ®€

    Attached Files
     “Cock n’ Roll” ®  


    • #92

      *€¢.€¢*¨¨*:€¢.€œ Hawkeye€™s Birthday Mini Bash€.€¢:*¨¨*€¢.€¢*

      "Friday 28th May 2010

      Sponsored by Hawkeye"

      It€™s Party time at Ezy and forum member €œHawkeye€ is throwing a €œMini Bash€ for theladyboyforums

        Pig Roast    

       Drinks for the lads courtesy of €œHawkeye€  

      It€™s €œHawkeye€ who€™ll be picking up the beer and food tab for the lads  

      We€™ve only to pay for the €œAngelz barfine(s) and ladydrinks€  

      Only seen this type of generosity offered from €œThpon n€™ Myself€  

      €¦  Who€™s up for Hawkeye€™s Birthday Mini Bash?

       All members welcome to the enjoy the fun of  €œHawkeye€™s€ Birthday Mini Bash  

      I€™m not promising a personal appearance from €œB.S€ himself    

      It€™s a Nouvo he purchased not a Hummer  

      How about it B.S ?

      An appearance for  €œHawkeye€™s Mini Bash€ ?

      Queue Drum Roll €¦€¦€¦€¦€¦€¦.

      Soft opening from 3pm (15:00)  

      Time to Cock n€™ Roll from 8pm (20:00) - Late

        ... "Ezy Open from 3pm (15:00) - Late" ...    

      €œCock n€™ Roll ®€

      Attached Files
       “Cock n’ Roll” ®  


      • #93
        I'll go if this dream boat goes with me!
        Attached Files
        World's Greatest Tgirl Cam Site.


        • #94
          (Barely Legal @ May 18 2010,06:30) It€™s Party time at Ezy and forum member €œHawkeye€ is throwing a €œMini Bash€ for theladyboyforums

          Pig Roast

          Drinks for the lads courtesy of €œHawkeye€

          It€™s €œHawkeye€ who€™ll be picking up the beer and food tab for the lads

          We€™ve only to pay for the €œAngelz barfine(s) and ladydrinks€

          Only seen this type of generosity offered from €œThpon n€™ Myself€

          €¦ Who€™s up for Hawkeye€™s Birthday Mini Bash?

          All members welcome to the enjoy the fun of €œHawkeye€™s€ Birthday Mini Bash
          Mini??? He must be talkin about mini skirts.

          Book your flights on Air EZY and get your to the Monster Bash!!!

">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385">


          • #95
            (Bumpa STIKKA @ May 19 2010,00:43) I'll go if this dream boat goes with me!  

            €¢*¨¨*€¢€œNew Generation€€¢*¨¨*€¢

            ... "Nutty" ...


            That's sorted

            You've always liked my "Nuts"

            See you on the 28th

            ... "Ezy Open from 3pm (15:00) - Late" ...

            €œCock n€™ Roll ®€

            Attached Files
             “Cock n’ Roll” ®  


            • #96

              -:¦:-€¢:*'""*:€¢.-:¦:-"New Generation"-:¦:-€¢:*'""*:€¢.-:¦:-

              €¢:*'""*:€¢.-:¦:-"Ezy Anniversary Party"-:¦:-€¢:*'""*:€¢

              "Wednesday 2nd June

              Ezy Anniversary Party 2010"

              (Hosted and Sponsored by Team Ezy)

              Members and Guests:

              Ezy is already two years young and about to take you into its third revolutionary year

              Doors open from 3pm (15:00)

              Ezy Angelz €œSPECTACULAR€ from 8pm (20:00)

              We€™ll feed, entertain and provide €œEzy Slammers€ throughout the night

              For those who require it we€™ll even service your love pump

              Camera€™s and Video€™s a must for those who want to be part of the evening.

              ... "30 Girlz from 3pm (15:00) Daily until Late" ...

              €œCock n€™ Roll ®€

              Attached Files
               “Cock n’ Roll” ®  


              • #97
                (Barely Legal @ May 18 2010,21:27) .€¢:*¨¨*:€¢..€¢:*¨¨*:€¢."Ezy".€¢:*¨¨*:€¢..€¢:*¨¨*:€¢.

                *€¢.€¢*¨¨*:€¢.€œHawkeye€™s Birthday Mini Bash€.€¢:*¨¨*€¢.€¢*

                "Friday 28th May 2010

                Sponsored by Hawkeye"

                It€™s Party time at Ezy and forum member €œHawkeye€ is throwing a €œMini Bash€ for theladyboyforums

                  Pig Roast    

                 Drinks for the lads courtesy of €œHawkeye€  

                It€™s €œHawkeye€ who€™ll be picking up the beer and food tab for the lads  

                We€™ve only to pay for the €œAngelz barfine(s) and ladydrinks€  

                Only seen this type of generosity offered from €œThpon n€™ Myself€  

                €¦  Who€™s up for Hawkeye€™s Birthday Mini Bash?

                 All members welcome to the enjoy the fun of  €œHawkeye€™s€ Birthday Mini Bash  

                I€™m not promising a personal appearance from €œB.S€ himself    

                It€™s a Nouvo he purchased not a Hummer  

                How about it B.S ?

                An appearance for  €œHawkeye€™s Mini Bash€ ?

                Queue Drum Roll €¦€¦€¦€¦€¦€¦.

                Soft opening from 3pm (15:00)  

                Time to Cock n€™ Roll from 8pm (20:00) - Late

                  ... "Ezy Open from 3pm (15:00) - Late" ...    

                €œCock n€™ Roll ®€

                *'""*  :¦:   *'""*  :¦:  "Ezy"  :¦:  *'""*   :¦:  *'""*

                €¢ *'""* €¢ :¦: "Hawkeye€™s Birthday" :¦: €¢ *'""* €¢

                Due to Friday 28th being €œVisakabucha Day€ A Buddish holiday.

                Party Amended to:  

                  Saturday 29th May 2010  

                 ... "30 Girlz from 3pm (15:00) Daily until Late"  ...  

                €œCock n€™ Roll ®€

                Attached Files
                 “Cock n’ Roll” ®  


                • #98
                   Looking forward to it    


                  • #99
                    Me too; glad thats been sorted   but alas it will be an alcohol free Dave due to being on antibioctics, fuckin mozzies  
                    Your got yer Mother in a whirl
                    Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl


                    • See you all tomorrow then - damn, what am I going to do for a takeaway tonight?


                      • (Barely Legal @ May 27 2010,07:48) It€™s Party time at Ezy and forum member €œHawkeye€ is throwing a €œMini Bash€ for theladyboyforums

                          Pig Roast    

                         Drinks for the lads courtesy of €œHawkeye€  

                        It€™s €œHawkeye€ who€™ll be picking up the beer and food tab for the lads  
                        Wow, this was a great party!!!!!

                        Thanks Hawkeye for your extreme genorosity!!!!

                        I'm too drunk so had to get home but I'm sure the EZY Angels will be rocking with their cocks out till the wee hours!!!!


                        • (PigDogg @ May 30 2010,01:59) I'm sure the EZY Angels will be rocking with their cocks out till the wee hours!!!!    
                          .... They don't do that, do they?  How embarrassing     This EZY angel didn't ..... well, not until we got to the ST room!

                          I want to add my thanks to Hawkeye.  A most enjoyable party....  
                          Attached Files


                          • Was it? Shitter... ended up hitting the hay early after two mega late nights in a row. The old bones can't rock it so hard any more...


                            • poof, call yerself a scotsman!!!
                              A friend in need is a f**king pest


                              • Many thanks for your generosity in hosting the Party Hawkeye  

                                It was a great night

                                P.S. How was your head the next day?  
                                Your got yer Mother in a whirl
                                Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl

