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"Up to you" (The endless realm of possibilities!)

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  • #76
    Pls hear also my hamble advice since by now you read what everybody
    wrote. In the begining you were ready to go back to bkk because you spent a lovely time with like you say a fantastic lb let alone that you want to stay there. But now you are not sure about it because the UP to YOU.
    So if i was you i will go back again and see how it goes again,and i am sure
    that bynow you will know excactly if thats the same girl you met when you
    were there on holidays...remember that we the board members told you
    everything we know from experience and belive me many of us went through that,but we learned. Maybe that lb is an exception so pls do not rush but take it easy and try again and i am sure that all of us wish the best for you.


    • #77
      Look, it is not that complicated. You're 29! She's 20! With all sincere respect, this is no where near the end of the world. You spent 3 weeks with each other! She was enamored, as were you. Like most of us, you were both looking for something, a complement to your lives, a special whatever, yada,yada. Both of you living out a magical fantasy in a unique and special environment called LOS. Her completing you and you completing her for that moment in time and space. That is terrific, wonderful, fantastic and you're both blessed to have been given the opportunity to find and share one another.

      Undoubtedly everyone on this forum wishes you and her the best and I believe no one is discounting the sincerity of either of you as individuals or your ultimate desires or intentions. HOWEVER, please take time. Take the time to let things mature, evolve, and develop. Thrust you and your girl into numerous other situations that will allow a challenge to where your hearts truly lie and what you both are able to accept form each other as people from different worlds. The wisdom other BMs are bestowing upon you is also not to be discounted. Much of what has been said comes from real, personal experience. Like any parent, mentor, guru, professor, whatever, they feel a need and compulsion to protect you from repeating history. That is one of the great virtues of this forum. Most BMs care and when you ask for advice they take the time to offer it. It is "UP TO YOU" to heed or not...

      I truly wish you the best.



      • #78
        (tomscam @ Mar. 31 2010,04:18) Just to reiterate what I have said before on this thread (although I dislike reading the same thing said by different people ten times) I have received some great advice from many different people giving a multitude of perspectives. This I'm sure has not just helped me put things into perspective but any other BM's who may be in the same situation as me.

        I personally appreciate advice is when it is informed, fresh with new ideas or perspectives, not sarcastic or aggressive, and isn't rehashed multiple times. The great majority of posts on this thread have met this criteria.
        I have enjoyed this thread,and like you said tomscam,this has helped me put things into perspective as well.I'm sure it has for everyone who's participated also.I think thats why it generated such passion,because it touched a nerve in some of us.

        Yes it can be annoying when you follow a thread,and find people have misquoted your post,or completely misunderstood what you were saying.
        I also think some people dont actually "read" the post,instead they just scan it to pick up key words.I try to read every (interesting)post at least twice,so I fully understand it-maybe its because i'm a bit thick.

        I also dont like discord on the forum,as personal animosity can leads to one of the posters ceasing to contribute anything.I had a little disagreement on the football threads with a member,now he doesnt post anything anymore,a little childish maybe,but I did enjoy the banter with him.

        Anyway- Blessed are the cheesemakers.


        • #79
          (travis bickle @ Mar. 31 2010,06:50) Anyway-  Blessed are the cheesemakers.
          Yeah, just make sure your cheese is 'fresh'  
          Did you exchange a walk-on part in the war for a lead role in a cage


          • #80
            (razrman @ Mar. 30 2010,15:30) Thanks guys and . I think I'll go with laaeo dtaae khoon which is from the link you suggested chinaman.
            Never mind,up to you

            Dear Mr Tomscam,

            In response to your recent thread.and the expert
            advice from our esteemed board members regarding the
            dangers of following your heart rather than following your
            cock as many of our honourable members tend to do..
            You will agree that the following applies

            All guys,and all ladyboys are basically the same,There is
            no such thing as individuality,personality,social skills,adaptability
            and genuine love.
            It is lore here that if they fail,you will fail because lets face it.
            every guy think they're your equal or better,but never worse.

            In the light of this shocking revelation it would be best if you stayed
            in your comfortable environment in Australia,find a nice local girl and
            fail with her because somehow this is different to failing with a Thai
            as this makes you a fool,which is also lore here.It is better never try
            to enhance your life...

            Yours sarcastically,
            Naang Faa x
            Forgot how this forum works  


            • #81
              Drop of port with your cheese dear ?
              Did you exchange a walk-on part in the war for a lead role in a cage


              • #82
                (travis bickle @ Mar. 27 2010,06:32) go for it tomscam-ignore the negativity-.If I had one bit of advice its -         follow your heart.
                cough cough-Ahem! I think there are as many positive comments as negative comments on here ,especially Pacman and Halla. (and a few others,myself included)


                • #83

                  Cough cough i said esteemed and honourable board members

                  Forgot how this forum works  


                  • #84
                    (Naang Faa @ Apr. 01 2010,03:48)

                    Cough cough i said esteemed and honourable board members  


                    I must be suffering from the same disease you have NF-selective reading syndrome.BTW-What positive comments have you posted on this thread?I cant seem to find them.Remind me.
                    As they can take the girl out of Liverpool,but you cant take Liverpool out of the girl.
                    We had been getting along so well...


                    • #85
                      Some comments from the poster 'whore' have been edited or removed.

                      Let's keep this on track, eh?
                      World's Greatest Tgirl Cam Site.

