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Bad ending to a relationship...

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  • #16
     cheers buddy. I hear you loud and clear, will have to arrange where were both be there, be good to catch up over few cold ones.



    • #17
      (deepthroat @ Apr. 21 2010,05:42) Life's too short for all the drama. Set them on "ignore" and move on to another bar. Grow a mustache. Shave your pubes. Cut off an ear and mail it to her. Do whatever you must but move on and don't look back.

      On second thought leave out the bit about your ear. All else might be good advice.
      hear hear!
      we aren't all as talented as Rembrandt!

      SW, I've never come into such a situation.

      Maybe due to the fact that I don't give in to any demands of LBs or GGs which I feel reluctant to grant.
      I try to be nice and to please, make small presents, etc. as far as it isn't inconvenient to me. I make then understand that they are just one fish in the ocean, and never make promises.
      When they make demands that seem out of place, the situation is solved quite quickly.
      Now it seems that with such behavior of mine no relationships could develop, but they do nonetheless. And so far, they were all good, with a painless separation (really they are put on hold).

      The other LB who tried to build something up broke quite quickly. You know how it goes, they try to be extra nice and they ask for "proof of love" from you, not directly, but it just happens that they put you into a position where you feel obliged to pay something for them.

      I hate this kind of situation and I show it.

      It is not about the odd restaurant here or there, or about paying drinks, roomservice because hungry at 2 am or something.
      I am a generous payer and tipper, and the clever ones soon notice that they get presents when they don't expect it and especially when they don't ask for it.
      Those who begin to speak about their poor family or ill water buffalo/mom/dad/aunt etc. usually don't last long, as well as those who stop at every shop and say "tiiraaaak buy for me".

      Then there are those who don't ask for money (for the moment), but who try to entangle you into a net of feelings and declarations of fidelity after just a couple of days spent together. WTF?
      I then change hotels and phone numbers quicker than them their hairstyle...

      Usually I am nice about the "break up", make up a cheesy face-saving reason why we cannot be together (usually I say I am a bad man, I cannot stop butterfly), give a good tip and send them away. They gaze at the baht in their hands and go quietly.

      I think the extra 30 or 50 USD are well-spent money if your LB came from gossip places like Cascades - money always makes you welcome everywhere.


      • #18
        (manarak @ Apr. 21 2010,01:50) I then change hotels and phone numbers quicker than them their hairstyle...
        Nice M.


        • #19
          (manarak @ Apr. 21 2010,16:50) hear hear!
          we aren't all as talented as Rembrandt!
          Or even Van Gogh...        

          They gaze at the baht in their hands and go quietly.
          Well that's the theory...        
          Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


          • #20
            Do you mind me asking SW what bar is it?

            If it was a bar owned by a farang, tell the owner to sort it out. They would be losing a good customer.
            I know you still read here, checking my every post like the psychotic stalker that you are

            I lay there in bed thinking to myself, am I gay and then Lusi rammed her cock in my mouth and I thought, who cares this is fantastic!!!


            • #21
              (pacman @ Apr. 21 2010,17:56)
              (manarak @ Apr. 21 2010,16:50) hear hear!
              we aren't all as talented as Rembrandt!
              Or even Van Gogh...        
              Thanks for pointing out that gross mistake!
              I wanted to make a bad pun about the ear, and it became even worse when I mistook one flemish for the other... oh well...

              "Ist der Ruf erst ruiniert, lebt es sich ganz ungeniert" as we say over here.


              • #22
                Never had a bad ending in a LOS bar, but i did in another scene around 10 years ago . I wouldnt be going back any time soon if i were you . Blood pressure is high enough as it is without seeing ones ex sweetie cuddling some drunken slob in the far corner.

                I left my favourite bar for a year around 1993.  And lots of friends in this place i frequented in them days as well. So called friends anyway.

                You will have to find another bar for your own sanity. Thats if you felt anything for her of course. The other LBs are the least of your troubles


                • #23
                  (spare wheel @ Apr. 21 2010,00:55) Have you ever fell out with one girl or relationship broken down and both partys have hurt each other through words etc, but because of that the rest of the girls have taken it upon them to bad mouth you through email & sms ?

                  would you go back to bar ?
                  Two issues there mate , the first one is your feelings .
                  I'm not sure how far you've come or whats been said but sometimes you realize you have gone past the point of "lets just be good friends " so if you are going to feel uncomfortable with a situation don't even go there .

                  We go on holiday to have fun and relax so you don't need the potential hassle .

                  On the second issue about bargirls bad mouthing you I wouldn't give a flying fuck , what matters is how your own friends perceive you not someone who doesn't know or give a shit about you .

                  I'll bet any bad mouthing or gossip centres around this notion of "losing face " that is held by some in mystical terms around here .

                  In reality it means nothing more than bragging or one up man ship (or one up ladyman ship) around friends then when it goes wrong someone has to be the bad guy IE - you hence "saving face "
                  Not too much honesty involved but there you go .

                  Go where you wanna go , do what you wanna do its your holiday and hard earned money , but do your best to avoid any potential grief for yourself .

                  So on that note I say go to Pattaya and drain your marble pouch
                  Free your mind and your ass will follow .


                  • #24
                    It's definitely a blow to the senses when this shit happens. Seems like one's old trusty stomping ground has been soiled.

                    It's a bit like the terrorists I suppose. If we let it get to us, they win.

                    It would be a shame to have to avoid the whole island and erase all good memories for the sake of a few bad eggs. Maybe that would be better in the long run ? Only you know SW

                    Otherwise you could take a deep breath and get back on that horse and live your life.
                    Did you exchange a walk-on part in the war for a lead role in a cage


                    • #25
                      (whore @ Apr. 21 2010,20:31) If it was a bar owned by a farang, tell the owner to sort it out. They would be losing a good customer.
                      Therein lies the rub . . .

                      What is now of concern to me, is our dear SW still seems to be regularly monitoring the bar's page. Is there a soul among us that thinks something good could come of this . . . ?


                      • #26
                        (farangbah @ Apr. 21 2010,22:00)
                        (whore @ Apr. 21 2010,20:31) If it was a bar owned by a farang, tell the owner to sort it out. They would be losing a good customer.
                        Therein lies the rub . . .
                        That's a pretty hard rub if it is what I think it is
                        Did you exchange a walk-on part in the war for a lead role in a cage


                        • #27
                          Most of us have no clue about this its not easy for the agony aunts to comment.


                          • #28
                            (jimslim @ Apr. 21 2010,06:25) We go on holiday to have fun and relax so you don't need the potential hassle .
                            Wise words Khun Jim!


                            • #29
                              It amazes me how the majority of Pattaya Lovers seem to think the answer is to just not go Phuket and instead get lost in the world of sin in Ladyboy City, and put it down to Phuket just being too damn small.

                              Sure you can be somewhat anonymous, but Pattaya isn't that big neither.

                              I'm even getting hassled by a LB that had an issue with a fellow BM last year....not even me. She got beat up by a LB over a lost punter in Walking Street, then started boxing my friend later in the night and he was spared a beating himself by paying her off 3000 baht. But because he was my friend, she giving me shit too. She always makes me on edge whenever im down Soi 6 or Walking St....Pattaya isn't big enough!

                              In my relatively short Pattaya...."career", I can quite happily now cut Pooks Swan from my itinery due to girls getting clingy, assuming I'm only there for them, and trying to take me for a mug. One even went off at me because I turned up and didn't buy her a ladydrink. I started getting many pairs of evil eyes staring at me whenever I went there.

                              So now, simply put, I don't go there anymore. I'm not spending any baht there if it's so clearly not wanted.

                              I do hear what you are saying SW....I'm in a similar situation right now as you know. I'm fairly certain I am being bad mouthed around a well known Phuket venue.

                              If I am such a "Bad Man", fuck it. They can think what they like. I know I'm not, you know I'm not, most people who meet me I hope would say the same.

                              I just can't be fucked with "Bar politics" anymore, and my attitude just of late has changed massively. If the atmosphere is now shit, I appear to be hated, and I'm not being looked after, then it's time to find a new bar. If this happens to be in a place I once loved, times change and I will move on. I can see what everyone is saying now. Your holiday, your time, your money.

                              The next trip for me is pure Pattaya, but if I ever get back to Phuket, I will go there, and if it's shit, leave, taking my money where it's wanted. Simple.

                              Ramble over......


                              • #30
                                (guydesavoy @ Apr. 21 2010,22:20)
                                (farangbah @ Apr. 21 2010,22:00)
                                (whore @ Apr. 21 2010,20:31) If it was a bar owned by a farang, tell the owner to sort it out. They would be losing a good customer.
                                Therein lies the rub . . .
                                That's a pretty hard rub if it is what I think it is  
                                Sorry guys, I'm completely fu**ing lost. I feel like I'm on a telephone conversation where I'm only getting every third word.

                                So.... Spare Wheel fell in love with Jimbo, and now he can't go back into Cocktails and Dreams?
                                Making newbie mistakes since 2009 so you don't have to

