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Do you care if they cum?

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  • #16
    I think the main reasons that I decided that I would rather be with an LB than a GG was that I was tired of GG€™s faking it €“ An LB either comes or doesn€™t €“ they can€™t fake it.

    OK, they can fake the pleasure aspect and I hate the €œacting & moaning and whimpering€ but it is easier to tell whether the LB is really enjoying it and, even when I am paying, I want them to enjoy it.

    After all there has to be some compensation, in addition to the financial incentive, for them to have my ancient body all over them or inside them.


    • #17
      I agree.. happy endings are nice but sometimes just don't happen. I mean I'll give it effort but its not a deal breaker if it doesn't happen.

      Maybe I sound insensitive but its not the case at all. I do care!  But if I had to live my whole life based on how everyone might be sensitive to me.. I would not be living my life as I want it. So you can accept me and my flaws as I am or you can't.


      • #18
        (PILOS @ May 18 2010,21:55) Jai Dee, get yourself back to the PI, lol!  Those femmeboys are mostly hard and ready!!    
        Been saying it for 6 years now, Pilos..... PI ladyboys are better than the Thai's in almost every way, the ability to sperm being just one of many reasons; not being a dim-witted mannequin who can actually discuss world events with you is another one of course. I'd guess a week with Alyssa would be more stimulating in the bed and also at the breakfast table than with ANY Thai ladyboy, bar none.

        But errrrr, can these girls please come to ME?? Not a big fan of that place man, the shotgun-toting bank employee's and smog of Manila drove me nuts last time and I like Phuket much more than Cebu or Boracay.

        TheGame said this;

        '' I think the main reasons that I decided that I would rather be with an LB than a GG was that I was tired of GG€™s faking it €“ An LB either comes or doesn€™t €“ they can€™t fake it.''

        That was THE original reason I started liking ladyboys, no joke.....I was with a few and saw them sperm as well as I was during sex and THAT was super-exciting; prior to that, with the real girls I was banging in Thailand, 'Nam and America, who the hell knows??

        there's no faking it when you can SEE it with your own eyes!!
        Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


        • #19
          Hmm intresting topic. My first trip to Los this March was the first time another male has ejaculated over me and shot his err her bolt at and on me. A rain of salty sperm was a new thing to rotate my brain. Quite exciting when I thought about it after. But at the time I was trying to dodge the lumps. I missed it as I was blinking so much.

          Its interesting that Tar (Pook Swan) got off on jacking over me.


          • #20
            do i care if they cum? No.
            do i care if they're limp noodles filled with fake moans and obvious disinterest? Yes.

            i just bought a Vizio television which has its brand name in giant letters on the front below the screen and when the set is turned on, those letters light up as brightly as the tv screen. maybe brighter. i call it my "ladyboy tv -- because you know when it's turned on".

            it appears from this thread we all enjoy the positive and undeniable feedback of an aroused ladyboy in the sack, but i'm surprised by the lack of distinction between their hours-long raging erection and whether or not they 'sperm'.

            personally, i'd prefer they stay hard throughout. and that's not even getting into the risk factor of exposure to their sperm -- although i doubt a happy shot on one's hairy chest should be of any concern.

            i want them to have power for *my* entertainment. if they want to sperm, they better wait til i'm done -- or have superfast recovery powers.


            • #21
              (thegame925 @ May 18 2010,22:03) An LB either comes or doesn€™t €“ they can€™t fake it.
              Sure they can...They can spit on your back...
              "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


              • #22
                (kahuna @ May 19 2010,01:43)
                (thegame925 @ May 18 2010,22:03) An LB either comes or doesn€™t €“ they can€™t fake it.
                Sure they can...They can spit on your back...
                So with all your macho talk of not assuming the bottom position for doggy style, now you admit you really do.

                Naughty gay uncle Kahuna.
                “When a nation's young men are conservative, its funeral bell is already rung.”
                ― Henry Ward Beecher

                "Inflexibility is the worst human failing. You can learn to check impetuosity, overcome fear with confidence and laziness with discipline. But for rigidity of mind, there is no antidote. It carries the seeds of its own destruction." ~ Anton Myrer


                • #23
                  Earlier disappointments have taught me to always ask now.

                  The equipment needs to work . . .


                  • #24
                    I'm kinda suprised that so many are jazzed to see them jizz. I mean it's often assumed the guy mongering is totally out for his own release and just needs her to get that goin. For ME i don't care if *I* cum, but I need them to give me some, the more the better. One of the lesser Guess girls managed to cum twice each time I took her. Another I SWEAR slipped some dessert sauce into her foreskin or something and shook it out onto my face and bud NO cum has EVER been that sweet and tasty. I think she likes to save the real stuff for a big payer. As has been said, it's hard to produce the juice so fast. Now as to hard, next time I come to Bkk i'm buying up plenty of kamagra gel, or rather the cialis version, stuff works nice, I suspect the girls would appreciate that. One mysteriously discovered my stash (in my pants pocket, hmm, what's she doin in THERE? haha) and said come on now, guess haha
                    you gib me?!
                    so yeah, we want to get em OFF, and we pay for it, do seem kinda backwards in a way BUT hey, you're payin for the tasty ladyboy in your bed I suppose. They can get off anytime they want with a host of willing wanting guys. Ya spose cumming could get to be like work eventually?


                    • #25
                      JustSumGai: "Ya spose cumming could get to be like work eventually?" Aye, 'n' there's the rub ... ... Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh ...
                      More, More, More ... how do you like it?, how do you like it? ... More, More, More ...


                      • #26
                        (farangbah @ May 19 2010,08:42) Earlier disappointments have taught me to always ask now.

                        The equipment needs to work . . .
                        so true...

                        usually I get to test the equipment right in the bar :-)

                        To enjoy myself, my LBs must have a nice hard on.
                        Cumming is then only a formality.


                        • #27
                          (manarak @ May 23 2010,04:02)
                          (farangbah @ May 19 2010,08:42) Earlier disappointments have taught me to always ask now.

                          The equipment needs to work . . .
                          so true...

                          usually I get to test the equipment right in the bar :-)

                          To enjoy myself, my LBs must have a nice hard on.
                          Cumming is then only a formality.
                          yes, guys are BOTH right, and as I mentioned early on I always ask 'em and 100% of the time they will tell you "yes"; they don't want to lose a customer after all. Then you get 'em back to the room and the excuses {read; lies} start flying about not being able to get hard and 'had cussomer today' already, etc, etc, .....

                          Some even take it out at the bar and show you it's hard and maybe even 5 or 6 inches long, but that doesn't mean much; it's what they do back in the room that matters! I'd guess about 25 or 30% of the time after being told they could cum and get hard I have been, ummmmm, ''let down'' afterward once in the room and that's a bit frustrating.

                          The old "you no cum, I no pay'' line has been trotted out also; they listen, don't cum, and JD the sap still pays anyway
                          Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


                          • #28
                            No cum..No party!!!
                            I apologize for my English..


                            • #29
                              (JaiDee @ May 18 2010,22:19)
                              (PILOS @ May 18 2010,21:55) Jai Dee, get yourself back to the PI, lol!  Those femmeboys are mostly hard and ready!!    
                              Been saying it for 6 years now, Pilos..... PI ladyboys are better than the Thai's in almost every way, the ability to sperm being just one of many reasons;  not being a dim-witted mannequin who can actually discuss world events with you is another one of course.  I'd guess a week with Alyssa would be more stimulating in the bed and also at the breakfast table than with ANY Thai ladyboy, bar none.

                               But errrrr,  can these girls please come to ME??  Not a big fan of that place man, the shotgun-toting bank employee's and smog of Manila drove me nuts last time and I like Phuket much more than Cebu or Boracay.  

                              TheGame said this;

                               '' I think the main reasons that I decided that I would rather be with an LB than a GG was that I was tired of GG€™s faking it €“ An LB either comes or doesn€™t €“ they can€™t fake it.''

                               That was THE original reason I started liking ladyboys, no joke.....I was with a few and saw them sperm as well as I was during sex and THAT was super-exciting; prior to that, with the real girls I was banging in Thailand, 'Nam and America, who the hell knows??

                                there's no faking it when you can SEE it with your own eyes!!
                              is that me? if yes youre such a sweetie! FUKC ME!

                    <-- Me in XXX Videos!


                              • #30
                                from my experience most clientelle like it if i cum also and before them. but if i cum i would not be interested to have sex anymore and would feel tired and sleepy.I usually can cum huge a lot as in a lot so after i cum i would really feel tired and sleep. a big percentage of clientelle are not even interested to cum anymore maybe due to medical reasons they are not that functional anymore so they just want me to cum. but off course im just a human being once i cum i may not be able to function well after and will not be that horny anymore
                      <-- Me in XXX Videos!

