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Do you ask a lot of questions with LB's?

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  • #16
    Ah, got you... I'm not familiar with "Ladyboy Goo" and thought it was another forum like this, my apologies.

    Great comments!
    Making newbie mistakes since 2009 so you don't have to


    • #17
      (Bumpa STIKKA @ Jun. 03 2010,00:59) But if you are really interested in how the other half... (third?) live then talk your way into their bedroom/apartment.
      The best way to do that, imo, is to stay, or say that you stay, in a hotel that they know is unfriendly to guests


      I went to a LB's place in Phuket once
      From where? etc. She was muslim from Malaysia
      I asked her if she took estrogen, she said no, not necessary anymore, already has breasts
      I asked her where to buy estrogen, she said she would show me tomorrow
      She asked me if I wanted some drugs (no, she had some anyway)
      I asked her to do my face with makeup, which didn't turn out very well, considering the difference in skin color and her makeup sucked in the first place, oh and that I am not too pretty
      She asked me why I didn't fuck her, I shrugged
      She told me I shouldn't drink so much
      And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you. - Friedrich Nietzsche


      • #18
        (sukhumvitpoler @ Jun. 02 2010,23:37) "WHO YOU? FUCKING POLICE?" SHE SAID
        Heard that one a few times myself
        Did you exchange a walk-on part in the war for a lead role in a cage


        • #19
          Why even bother asking questions when you know the answers can never be validated?
          They will tell you what you want to hear.

          Just take them for whatever they have to offer and simply enjoy. Besides, being tied up with only one for a stretch of time is not as fun as sampling all that is out there.

          Just keep a rain coat on at all times and go to town.
          There are too many LB's to enjoy to sit with only one.



          • #20
            (StreetDog @ Jun. 03 2010,03:53) Just take them for whatever they have to offer and simply enjoy. Besides, being tied up with only one for a stretch of time is not as fun as sampling all that is out there.

            Just keep a rain coat on at all times and go to town.
            There are too many LB's to enjoy to sit with only one.

            I take it you are refering just to P4P ladyboys here StreetDog, but if you mean all ladyboys in general then Im more than happy being "tied up" with my current g/f whom has never been nor will ever be a P4P girl.

            Each to their own
            Your got yer Mother in a whirl
            Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl


            • #21
              (kahuna @ Jun. 03 2010,07:53) Since I spend so much time in Thailand I normally don't belong to any pay sites so I'm not much help.
              I don't belong to any websites either, but sometimes I need to do, errrrr, research on the many, MANY  free website promotions out there and whenever I came across a free gallery of my friend Beer I was shocked {why??}.  She had always told me she would never appear on the 'net and there she was sitting on some guys cock; I had to do a double-take and make sure it was her! At least when I asked her about it she didn't try to deny it, she just looked kind of embarrassed.

               Again, keep the questions vague and you will get halfway-honest answers; there is no reason to believe she will tell you the truth about how long she has worked in bar, if she does drugs or not, has a boyfriend, etc.....but simple things like where she grew up and other basic stuff can usually give you a good read on the girl.

                    I'm aware I come across as arrogant up here on this board sometime, but by way of my old career I've had the chance to have 2 or 3-hour chats with more than 500 or 600 different ladyboys in 4 countries; that gives a person valuable insight into the way these people think and behave and for years I have been trying to share it with the guys who read here.  Hopefully it helps some people to have better vacations, and as I said I am genuinely interested in their lives and how they think so it's been fun for me as well.

                And yes  DT, there is a huge difference between "hey, you told me those naked pics of me in the hotel room were for you only; how did they end up on The Ladyboy forums??''  and posing under hot camera lights for 3 hours and getting paid to do it.  No girl can complain after she signs a release, gets paid, and knows she is in a professional setting where the photos are obviously for internet usage.
              Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


              • #22
                I'm guessing Thailand, PI, USA...what was the 4th ?
                Did you exchange a walk-on part in the war for a lead role in a cage


                • #23
                  After talking to a fair number of ladyboys from Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia ( and oh yes how could I forget the Philippines!) over the years I've found that in so many ways that after you weed out the bullshit, they're like anybody else from their age group. Same fears, attitudes, love for music, parties etc. But so unlike in the way they grew up, got into what they now do and the difficulties they face.
                  Does make for some pretty depressing listening at times.


                  • #24
                    Indonesia - Jakarta and Bali
                    Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


                    • #25
                      gotcha. you too razrman
                      Did you exchange a walk-on part in the war for a lead role in a cage


                      • #26

                        How and when can you tell they're being honest?

                        If they say they have an emotional bond with you, when can you tell its genuine?

                        Maybe I sound insensitive but its not the case at all. I do care!  But if I had to live my whole life based on how everyone might be sensitive to me.. I would not be living my life as I want it. So you can accept me and my flaws as I am or you can't.


                        • #27
                          It's very easy to tell when ladyboys are lying...Their lips move...
                          "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


                          • #28
                            (Jake_Sully @ Jun. 03 2010,10:11) If they say they have an emotional bond with you, when can you tell its genuine?
                            Yes. But, it just depends on the definition of time... Yours or theirs.
                            "Even ladyboys are size queens" - Anonymous


                            • #29
                              (Jake_Sully @ Jun. 03 2010,21:11) How and when can you tell they're being honest?

                              If they say they have an emotional bond with you, when can you tell its genuine?
                              First part - you can't, at least in Thailand.

                              Lying is the national sport, some guy selling T-shirts will lie to you for no reason just because it's the thing to do there. It's a cultural thing.

                              2nd.....even if you tried to explain 'emotional bond' to a Thai it would come out funny, no matter who translated it for you. Her saying "I love you" or {again, if it could even be translated} "I have very strong feelings for you'' would be pretty close, but I'd still be extremely skeptical of someone who says that. A few have said that to me over the years, even a few of the so-called "superstars'' and I just nod and say "uh-huh'' and move on to the next subject; I may be a lot of things but gullible is not one of them.

                              One more time; unless you can be with your girl 100% of the time, IE living in Thailand and with your girl in a live-in situation, take anything that they tell you as 'thoy-laay' ; bullshit. Sorry, but Kahuna is right; guys who are going there a few times per year and hearing what they want to hear from girls they have feelings for have to realize those girls are saying the exact same shit to as many other guys as they can.
                              Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


                              • #30
                                I always ask them about the hormones and all the usual questions that relate to them. So there i was in my Hotel Room with Ness from Obsessions in our birthday suits and i asked her how long she had been on the hormones

                                She said she never take them , but i pointed to her nipples and said that maybe there were Hormone tits.. she said "NO..i never take them"

                                I thought for a second and had a " am i gay" moment... but carried on none the less

