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The LB or The Clothes

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  • The LB or The Clothes

    Does it matter what she wears? To me, I must admit that it makes a big difference.

    I do not know why but am attracted to LBs in pvc/latex etc.

  • #2
    Sitting in Lucky Lukes or Big Dogs watching the LBs flounce by in evening gowns is (was) one of the highlights of my life!

    One particular Cascades doll who looked so edible and elegant (name escapes me) was a particular turn on! Watching her come to (and often from) work was a real pleasure!

    Wasn't it Mark Twain who stated that 'Clothes maketh the ladyboy!'?
    World's Greatest Tgirl Cam Site.


    • #3
      I do like if they dress nicely. I prefer nice shoes over flip-flops (I hate those) and a dress or skirt over shorts.

      But the later the night, the less picky I get in case I am determined to score.
      However there are limits to this and lbs I will say no to no matter how horny I might be.

      If they are overdressed, that's also not necessarily my cup of tea.

      But in general it is the whole package - looks - attire and personality, in no particular order.


      • #4
        I can categorically state that I have never bar-fined a girl wearing flat-shoes or jeans (guys wear trousers, girls wear skirts/dresses). I have even sent them back to the locker room to change their shoes if they appeared in flats.

        Short skirt or minidress plus high heels (the higher the better) are essential to get my juices flowing, I adore leg fashion, such as nylons, ankle socks or over-the-knee socks etc..

        I can forgive mediocre facial features or the lack of silicon for a shapely and firm pair of legs displayed in the aforementioned attire.
        Meum cerebrum nocet


        • #5
          ..... and I'm the polar opposite, much prefer them when they are in jeans, shorts, sandals, no makeup, hair tied back, etc.,... casual mode...... no doubt because I prefer dressing down myself mostly. The pics a while back of the lb's playing volleyball was right up my alley.


          • #6
            (El_hefe @ Jul. 23 2010,23:16) ...  casual mode.
            Yes, I would also agree with your comment for out and about with the GF.

            My above comment was for ST / fast-love
            Meum cerebrum nocet


            • #7
              (bangkoksins @ Jul. 24 2010,06:04) Does it matter what she wears? To me, I must admit that it makes a big difference.

              I do not know why but am attracted to LBs in pvc/latex etc.
              Yummm. Me too
              Problem is getting a Thai to wear it. They never want to and even if you do talk them into it, it's not "right"
              They just stand there with a "silly farang made me wear this expression"
              "Snick, You Sperm Too Much" - Anon


              • #8
                (El_hefe @ Jul. 24 2010,07:16) ..... and I'm the polar opposite, much prefer them when they are in jeans, shorts, sandals, no makeup, hair tied back, etc.,...  casual mode......
                Count me opposite too...

                Shorts or jeans and T-shirt and sandals or flip-flops and little or no makeup and they are dressed perfectly for me...California Girls...

                If they dress like a slut, I don't want them...
                "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


                • #9
                  I always wondered who the frumps catered for
                  Meum cerebrum nocet


                  • #10
                    Sure I'm aroused by a ladyboy that's well attired, particularly in something skimpy or sexy, however it doesn't really come into calculations when deciding who I barfine or take home for the night.

                    The 'right' ladyboy could be wearing a potato sack and flip flops and I wouldn't give a damn.

                    I'm more interested in what's underneath.........or in their panties to be more specific.

                    Ladyboys need to learn...... Listerine is not a beverage !


                    • #11
                      I like barfining a girl in a go-go bar and seeing what she looks like after she goes back and gets changed. It's part of the fun with someone new. Don't think that I have specific requirements but sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. I think they are more attractive and interesting in their real clothes than in their dancing clothes.


                      • #12
                        An essentual item has to be High Heels.  Best thing ever invented for LB's.  With or without clothes it works for me    
                        Attached Files


                        • #13


                          • #14
                            x 2

                            I prefer high heels and a nice dress but denim shorts are nice too!

                            But to be honest, if she's well endowed and loves to top, I don't care much about what she wears...


                            • #15
                              Style points count big time.

                              But just as with ladyboys themselves, a variety of styles turn me on, and I try not to restrict myself by enforcing some style code. Different styles work on different girls. Attitude plays a big part. If the girl doesn't have the confidence to pull off the slutty look, well then chances are the slutty look isn't gonna work for her. But there are a variety of factors, of course.

                              The above-pictured Donut, for example, is imho a tacky dresser. And where I'd normally get razzed by the dark skin she's got going, her choice of cheese is a total turn-off. I guess one man's trash(-iness) is another man's treasure . . .

