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Japanese swimsuit model pages?

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  • #31
    Originally posted by (tslasia @ Mar. 21 2005,13:23)
    Are you serious?  Is that girl on the cover that has that unusual penis?
    You don't get out much do you tslasia  

    That is Uma Thurman who is a well know hollywood actor and The Kill Bill chronicles are also as well known. And no she is not the one with the camel toe penis  


    • #32
      I kind of knew he was putting me on. Yes I do not know who the girl is on the box cover. I have not been out in a while you could say.

      But darn, that camel toe penis is so awesome. I have seen girls with many dicks, but that one is truly unique.

      I would like to see the rest of her, though. She has got to be on one of those sites, but I will wait to check out until I know that those sites are safe. Many sites out there in the porn industry, have viruses. Many use only certain types that can only be idenified to porn related pages that any cpmputuer expert can see if it is loaded on your registry. GATOR GAIN is one of the worst viruses out there and is only transmitted on porn sites. Basically it is to invade your privacy, and lost one computer years ago as well as eveyone knowing where I have been.
      Love life to its fullest.


      • #33
        Get BCwipe for free from this site... it will clean up your drive of all the garbage it keeps forever of where you have been.

        Even better use Best Crypt and encrypt your whole drive or parts of it and save all your porn there... without the pass no one will ever know what€™s there... and I mean NO one. This is hard encryption without any back door retrieval keys.

