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Donut not so sweet

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  • Donut not so sweet

    Before heading off to bkk i saw some nasty comments from a member who was not happy with his donut. After seeing her photos i thought i would have a taste of donut,and finally caught up with her. She didn't look as good in was shorter,and her weight must border on anorexic.... that's no big deal. But it was a lightning fast visit.....about 20 mins.......and out the door with no goodbye....nothing but give me the cash...gone in a flash.So fast she left behind 2 hairpins and a big hairclip....and her parting comment was "I have too many customers from the internet!!!" the time together was ok,but from all the ladyboys i've been with.this was probably the most impersonal business approach yet....maybe the instant fame of being on the site is just too big a demand on her!!!!!!!

  • #2
    We all seem to have huge differences in experiences with the same girl.

    Don't know why. Bad night for her. She didn't like you. She has a problem at home. She has to pay the rent and needs to get 5 guys in 2 days. etc etc

    I always had pretty good times with Donut, but then again, I've had bad times with some girls other guys think are saints.

    At the end of the day, I think you just stick with whomever "clicked", forget what other guys have said.


    • #3
      True, but when the reports are from more than one person saying the same thing you have to think that there is maybe an element of truth to this.

      If she goes with you and sees your massive house and knows you are a local punter with plenty of dosh she will be more, erm... giving with her time etc.

      If she is with a bloke who is here for a week in a hotel room she's seen a thousand times before why should she give a fuck. (Or give more than a fuck!)

      I've heard enough to strike her from my list.


      • #4
        well just one more then: the other day took her out together with See. Don't remember her in action for more than 5 minutes. if at all and she had quite a bad attitude.
        She actually joined us uninvited and i gave in.
        Luckily See is a very girl - so it was actually a relief when Donut walked out the door.


        • #5
          Sorry got the wrong name : meant Nut

          Stogie can you remove my previous post? Cheers.


          • #6
            Originally posted by (syledis @ Oct. 08 2005,06:05)
            Sorry got the wrong name : meant Nut

            Stogie can you remove my previous post? Cheers.
            ain't life grand


            • #7
              actually we will keep your post so people will know Nut was a little off that night also....

              Donut does surprise me and like Stogie said, 2 instances with the same result with 2 different guys makes her a mark as a bad date; too bad because she was always very nice to me and I actually like that one.  Stogie, you met her briefly at my place with Kui....she had that white dress and bows in her hair, remember?   we always had good sex together and I even took her home TWICE in Pattaya when we crossed paths down there, she was on holiday [but of course always working].  She slept with me a few times also and was very loving and fun, to me a great girl.

               But 2 times is enough.......she is working her way out of the ladyboy directory that I use to recommend the girls to customers, same as Lyla did...... these girls don't realize that as quickly as we build them up they can be brought down by comments like those above.

               too bad, these 2 instances will cost her some green.


              • #8

                I'm on my way over Oct 18 and had sent Donut an email suggesting we get together. She was pleasant with her response and would like for me to contact her when I arrive. Which was the plan until reading this thread. Since my time in LOS is fairly limited I have decided to take her off my "to do" list.

                My question is, do I contact her and let her know why I am no longer interested is seeing her or just don't contact her when I arrive and say nothing. I guess my thought is that if I contact her and explain why I'm no longer interested in meeting with her. She will get the message or it will at least send a message to her that
                she just might ought to treat all her customers good because "the word" does get around and it will make it clear her actions have cost her $$.

                If she does'nt click with someone, don't take his money and tell him " me lub u long time". Wait for someone she has more of an interest in, and can in fact, lub him long time.

                Or am I being completely unrealistic an think any of this matters, that she does'nt give a shit one way or another and even if she gets the "message" it will have absolutely no influence in helping her understand
                how important it is to keep a good reputation.

                Your thoughts gentlemen


                • #9
                  I had a crap time with Areeya once. Yeah, she said I'd rather fuck a midget than be seen dead with you, you fat cunt. Or was that Noon... oh, hang on... come to think about it I may of dreampt it!

                  Go England! (They HAVE to beat Switzerland tonight. Or is it France. Hang on - they aren't playing!)

                  I once tried to reserve a table at a restaurant in Bangkok and I was speaking to the reservations lady in perfect fluent Thai, when I suddenly remembered... I don't speak Thai! Or is it Spanish I don't speak. Hang on... that was a dream too!

                  I think I'll have a bit of a lie down...

                  Back later folks!


                  • #10
                    good post, Leo....

                    I was just getting ready to send Donut a letter and explaining to her that she is losing face [and money]  with the customers here and to start providing a better service or she will be blackballed alltogether.  Hard to say if you should do the same or not since you have never met, but I would say yes; write and explain nicely that you have read on AsianTS that she was a bad date and didn't provide good service, and that you will be spending your time with someone else on your upcoming trip.  She has never met you and can not retaliate, although your mailbox may get a few pithy letters in return!

                     as I said above, service like this costs the girls money; the same as they all talk about us, we talk about them as  well and the ones that provide bad service get weeded out. Too bad for her, I always thought she was pretty cool.


                    • #11
                      Make this a poll and you'll get your answer ya potato chomping dirtball!
                      Attached Files


                      • #12
                        Obviously you have never seen the best movie of all time....Lefty knows this quote, I am sure.

                         Stogie.....back on the  absinthe  tonight, eh??

                        save some for me!!!

                        on the other hand, if you are just lathered up on some cheap sangsom and cokes, go take a nap


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by (JaiDee @ Oct. 08 2005,20:14)
                          good post, Leo....

                          I was just getting ready to send Donut a letter and explaining to her that she is losing face [and money]  with the customers here and to start providing a better service or she will be blackballed alltogether.  Hard to say if you should do the same or not since you have never met, but I would say yes; write and explain nicely that you have read on AsianTS that she was a bad date and didn't provide good service, and that you will be spending your time with someone else on your upcoming trip.  She has never met you and can not retaliate, although your mailbox may get a few pithy letters in return!

                           as I said above, service like this costs the girls money; the same as they all talk about us, we talk about them as  well and the ones that provide bad service get weeded out. Too bad for her, I always thought she was pretty cool.

                          I agree with that post word for word. It's your call, and there are ups and downs of writing back to her.

                          It's probably a good thing to let her know what is going on, but let's face it - she's not the only clockwatcher in Bangkok and she's not the last one to try to rush out the door as soon as you've popped your blister.

                          Good luck.


                          • #14
                            I'm sorry, but I think this is all crap.

                            I've had great experience with Donut every time. Because 2 guys had bad experiences does not represent her character. And to suggest AsianTS black mark her because of these 2 or 3 or 4 or whatever, would be a great disgrace to this web-site. Think of it - "If someone on AsianTS doesn't like you, you will be black-marked to several thousand people." Moral of the story - never date someone from AsianTS.

                            Everyone says Kai is a goddess. I had the worst experiences of my life with Kai. Same with Cee. Complete bitch in my books. And Noon. Stuck up fucking princess, cum still dripping from her ass because you are likely No.3 that night.

                            I also think houses and money mean fuck all. I've had LBs tell me they couldn't stay with guy "X" because he stunk or was drunk, or wasn't handsome, or she didn't feel comfortable with him, or was tired, or had to see her mum next day, or whatever. There are a 1000 reasons, not many being a perceived class system of wealth.

                            My (obviously) very opinionated view is go with whomever attracts you. If she treats you like shit, don't see her again; that's the biggest -ve we can do in a capitalist society. If it's good, go for it again. Having been with so many LBs in my time, and seen so many bad postings about girls I liked, or vice versa, my recommendation is FUCK IT. Do what you want, experience it first hand, and act on it first hand --> not on the advice of me or anyone else on this site.


                            • #15
                              as I say, I am not ready to condemn Donut yet just based on these 2 times, but she is sliding into that catagory {like Lyla}  where I wouldn't recommend her to people like I have been doing.  It doesn't mean she is blackballed; as I say, I like that kid.  but how many times can I send website customers to a model before it comes back to bite me in the ass if she gives  bad service?

                              Just got a letter from Donut, a quick and very sincere reply to my letter I sent out about 3 hours ago.  she was very contrite and apologetic; I will not print the whole letter here because some of it was private, but the main point to be made in regards to this thread was in this line;

                                   AND     ANY   WAY     SOME   CUSTOMER    WANT   ME   TO    STAY   LONG   TIME    WITH   ME      SOME    TIME    WE  HAVE   LITTLE    PROBLEM   FOR    EXAMPLLE
                              I    DONT    SPEAK   ENGLISH   VERYWELL
                              SO     THEY   MIS    UNDERSTAND   I   WANT   TO   MAKE   THEM,    GET   HAPPY  
                              SO    I   AM    SO    SORRY   TO   HEAR     THAT   AND   I   THINK   THE   CUSTOMERE      EVERYBODY   GOOOOD    TO  ME    IF     I    DO    SOME  THING    WRONG       CAN   YOU     SAY   HELLLO   TO   THEM    FOR  ME    AND     I    AM    SORRY    TOO

                                 again, this apology is contrite and she seems to mean it, and I have no doubt that she is a friendly and good girl, she has always been extremely nice to me.  she also says that she is in school [true] and can not do all-nighters, so she may have let down a few guys in that regards.

                                we all have to make our own decisions on who we take home.... if they don't treat us so good you are correct Ziggy, we don't have to see them again.  But when people post on a message board where hundreds of people read that they had a bad time with a model, it hurts their business for sure.

