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Donut not so sweet

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  • #16
    Originally posted by (ziggystardust @ Oct. 08 2005,23:12)
    ...cum still dripping from her ass because you are likely No.3 that night.
    Geez..I hope you didn't say that as a real happening about her

    It's true that to each of us the same lady will have a different reaction, and even the same lady taken in two different moments will be have a different performance.

    I tool a freelancer 2 months ago and I was happ with her. Re-took her 3 weeks ago and it was shit!
    Do only what you think it's good for you, and not what others think should be good for you!


    • #17
      just to re-iterate....... I am NOT condemning Donut here just based on her 2 bad times with 2 guys from here

      But my job here is customer service..... when people write to me they usually have a few girls in mind and if I have the info I will give it to them. If not, they ask for recommendations based on "their type" and I am happy to help them out, I know a lot of these models.

      so I lead these 2 guys to Donut. both had a bad does that make ME look? again, I am not ready to dump her yet just based on these 2 times, but if people are going to Bangkok for a holiday I certainly don't want to make myself look bad by sending them to someone who won't take care of them. Lyla is already there, too many complaints in my mailbox and I don't need that.

      Donut isn't there yet, I will still recommend her, but I hope she gives the future guys a better time.


      • #18
        If these girls made sure their clients were really happy they would never get a negative comment.

        Has anyone ever heard anyone say Daphne was a crap shag? Of course not.

        If they never stole a digital camera no one would say that they had.

        If they gave value for money no-one would say that they didn't.

        Hot and cold ladyboys? Fuck them. I want service and I'm the guy who is paying.

        Starfish, clockwatchers and dollar divers get the thumbs down and I'll write a detailed report on every bitch that doesn't perform or behave.

        If you agree to go with a punter you had better perform or get talked about.

        I'm the guy with the money - they just provide me with their bodies. If they can't wriggle on cue then fuck them.


        • #19
          Most important thing in my decision making process is the vibe I'm getting from the girl. But feed back from the bros is also valuable to me.

          If a girl is a known thief, I want to know about it. If a girl is an unstable nutter, I want to know about it.

          If a girl is possibly underage, I want to know about it. Going with ATS models is a great insurance policy in that regard.

          And yes, if a guy is not happy, I like knowing about it. And if there's a [pattern of bad reviews it'll make me think twice, especially if paying Bangkok prices.

          But i have to admit, I've had good experiences with girls that I've found out after the fact were documented thiefs and violent nutters.


          • #20
            I think that sometimes we lose sight of who (and what) these girls are (and do).

            They aren't exactly office workers who accidently broke the coffee machine!

            Let's get real, folks. If I want to fuck a prostitute I want her legs wide open till I say "Close!"

            Real simple.


            • #21
              Hi, i have not been to LoS yet but what i have read about in forums and the net so have summised :

              These Ladies have thier own little network, they discuss amongst themselves who is a bad falang so they should expect that the customers may do the same.



              • #22
                that's exactly what I told Donut when I wrote her

                 I said ladyboys talk, and farangs talk also...... and right now the 2 that are talking aren't saying nice things

                 hopefully she will clean up her act and the next report we get up here will be all positive!


                • #23
                  guess if I ever see Donut I will have to sprinkle some powdered sugar on that ass to sweeten it up before I dive in..............


                  • #24
                    Donut is a femboy anyways, cant understand the attraction there. The bitch always wears a wig. So many other hot ladyboys out there anyways...if a girl gives you a bad session, then the quickest way to get over it is to find one better. Dont let it ruin your trip. Plenty of nice ladyboys out there who are hot and passable. I havent had a cunt session yet but the key is not to base your decision solely on looks and dont have girls on a "to do" list. Your to do list should be created after you have been there a couple days and have met some of the ladyboys. Just because the lb looks good on the internet doesnt mean she is cool and doesnt mean you will get good service, usually the opposite.
                    brock landers


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by (brocklanders @ Oct. 09 2005,03:44)
                      the key is not to base your decision solely on looks and dont have girls on a "to do" list.  Your to do list should be created after you have been there a couple days and have met some of the ladyboys.   Just because the lb looks good on the internet doesnt mean she is cool and doesnt mean you will get good service, usually the opposite.

                      Agreed. I'll be back in LOS next week and although I will have a "stand-by" list of a dozen phone numbers of girls who 1. i like their photos/descriptions and 2. they come ats-recommended as "my type" (a type i clearly established on my first visit last may), this will not be a "to-do" list. THE biggest lesson/tip I got prior to my first visit was DO NOT PLAN EVERYTHING IN ADVANCE!! Oh, so right. BUT when i bump into one or two of these girls, I'll have some solid background to help my comfort level. THEN I'll be more able to go with the vibe and relax into a good hot time. And yes, Donut is still on that list. As is the near-mythically unapproved First.

                      Just a general FYI, but on my last visit only 4 of my 19 hook-ups were with these 'pre-approved' girls from my "stand-by" list (Noon, Anney, Banana and GaiGai). I imagine the ratio will be about the same this time. BTW, 3 of the 4 showed me an EXCELLENT time, but then 13 of the 15 'unknowns' also proved to be outstanding experiences. And the only complete waste of tiime was a truly cold bitch GG I picked up at Big Dog's. Oh, Stogie, why did you not stop me? ;-) But she was soooooo bee-utiful!

                      Remember, one man's bitchy ex-wife is another man's dream-come-true. That's no less true with these special girls we adore. Be they hookers, ladyboys or princesses, chemistry is still fucking chemistry. Keep your eyes and mind open and listen to your body.

                      I still wanna fall in love for at least a few hours at a time.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by (JaiDee @ Oct. 09 2005,02:52)
                        Do you think my methods are unsound?
                        [email protected]
                        "I don't see any method at all, sir."

                        Capt Willard in reply to the aforementioned question posed by Col Kurtz.
                        Thought you could sneak some Apocalypse Now lines by me didn't ya JD.      

                        To be exact, Kurtz said: "Are my methods unsound?"
                        But you were close enough to spark my AN recall activators.  

                        Here is the entire exchange at that point of the movie:

                        Kurtz: Did they say why, Willard, why they want to terminate my command?
                        Willard: I was sent on a classified mission, sir.
                        Kurtz: It's no longer classified, is it? Did they tell you?
                        Willard: They told me that you had gone totally insane, and that your methods were unsound.
                        Kurtz: Are my methods unsound?
                        Willard: I don't see any method at all, sir.
                        Kurtz: I expected someone like you. What did you expect? Are you an assassin?
                        Willard: I'm a soldier.
                        Kurtz: You're neither. You're an errand boy, sent by grocery clerks, to collect a bill.


                        • #27
                          Apart from 'The Deer Hunter' there hasn't been a decent war film made since the sixties.


                          • #28
                            I would say Apoc now was decent; that was finished in '79

                            still my favorite movie of all time, I loved the Willard role done well by Martin Sheen after they canned Harvey Keitel after a few weeks on the set. Platoon wasn't too bad either, and if you have never seen Heaven and Earth also by Oliver Stone you are missing a GREAT war-era movie.


                            • #29

                              Thanks for making it clear, not only to I'm sure she'll talk to many of the girls at the club. Thereby spreading the word. That just as fast as AsianTS can make you a star and lots of money. If you donut (sorry could'nt resist : ) treat your customers right. You can loose it all just as fast.

                              I understand her perspective that there are misunderstandings sometimes. I agree, I'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt. I've decided to not contact her when I arrive, but rather approach her anonomously at the club and see what kind of vibe we get together. If in fact we decide to "lub each other long time" it is because WE decided. I have never twisted anyones arm to get them to accompany me to my room. And I would NOT be interested in anyone would did not express the desire to willingly, eagerly, happily join me for some erotic fun. Point being, once any girl agrees to accompany my mind, I've past the...fat, drunk stupid, etc.,.... test or she would not have agreed to join me.

                              I guess the main thing I would like to see from these girls is that yes....By all means if the "john" is fat, drunk, stupid, to old, stinks, etc......or if your just not interested because you just don't click, just tell him "thanks but no thanks, not interested" and be gone. Don't take his money and tell him your gonna rock his world. Only to get back to the room, take his money and run.

                              When I'm out cruiseing I pass on many, many approaches from the girls until I find one I'm comfortable with for that particular evening. My expectation is that the girls do the same thing. Pass on a john if your just not interested for whatever reason. But don't scam him. Is that so unrealistic or to much to ask?

                              I'll let you guys know what happens either way.



                              • #30
                                just to add to my initial post.....donut's emails were great...she showed up on time,the 20 mins together were ok,although she never smiled and avoided eye contact most of the time.....but when you hand over a few thousand baht the least you expect is a thankyou,and a polite goodbye when leaving.....which didn't happen. ....and i was well presented,and had a great time with many other ladyboys. donut was the odd one out. the only reason i posted here was to let others know that i thought her attitude was poor,and so was the value for money. it may not happen to others,but there was a perceived arrogance on her part,and a definite lack of basic manners. i would not recommend her to other readers here......

