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  • #31
    Originally posted by (brocklanders @ Dec. 21 2005,23:19)
    Olekunde:  What do you mean by the "African Factor"?  Most of the pretty lbs and thai girls I know run the other direction when they see a black guy, very racist country Thailand.  I would say black guys have the toughest time finding a hot Thai girl to best friend is a studly black dude and he had a bitch of a time, girls always making excuses not to barfine.

    As for limpdick and tech2g..get over yourselves.   I doubt very likely you look how you say you look.  I am one of the younger looking guys in thailand mongering but I have freebies no more than the other guys.   Sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesnt.

    Also, Ozzie wrote, "You must remember most guys on this forum who make it to Thailand probably earn more in a week than most of these girls do in a month or more. "   That means absolutely nada, zilch, nothing.   Who cares?  That may be true but it's also 10 times cheaper to live in Thailand.   If the girl or lb is making it clear that its a freebie then she is obviously not hurting for money and dont kid yourself, there are some ladyboys in Thailand who probably make MORE than some guys on this forum, many of which cant afford to go to Thailand.
    What is it you guys do not understand about a working girl?

    This is their job so why not pay them? If I got you to do a days work and then decided not to pay you I am sure you would be none to happy!

    Is it because you want to inflate your egos by getting a bar girl to give you one for free?

    The old "I will go with you for free" routine is as old as the profession. This is just a way to get you to go with them and if you think they want nothing in return then you are fooling yourselves.

    My point about finances is that if you cann afford and airfare etc then surely you can afford to give some to the girl who has just given you a great time? It is exactly guys like you the reason the term Cheap Charlie was coined


    • #32

      well said.

      You pays your money & takes your chance. This isn't a rehearsal do it now, it's no good looking back when it's a lover & wishing.... ITS TOO LATE.


      • #33
        Originally posted by (ozzie @ Dec. 21 2005,12:30)
        What is it you guys do not understand about a working girl?

        This is their job so why not pay them? If I got you to do a days work and then decided not to pay you I am sure you would be none to happy!

        Is it because you want to inflate your egos by getting a bar girl to give you one for free?

        The old "I will go with you for free" routine is as old as the profession. This is just a way to get you to go with them and if you think they want nothing in return then you are fooling yourselves.

        My point about finances is that if you cann afford and airfare etc then surely you can afford to give some to the girl who has just given you a great time? It is exactly guys like you the reason the term Cheap Charlie was coined
        Can't agree more!

        This is a service you ask for, paid by the hour. Same as you pay your lawyer, your tax accountant and McKinsey a certain amount per hour!Or do you guys also ask them for freebies??



        • #34
          ok ozzie,
          what about girls not connected to a bar?
          what about the girls that is off or already been bfed?

          is a hooker, hooker 24/7, or only when she stays in the bar?
          does that mean she must have money every time she is fucking or have sex?


          • #35
            Exactly my point olekunde......Im not talking about taking advantage of the girl or lb.....If they specifically make it clear that its free and they sometimes throw the money back at you...then they obviously dont want the money. Not something that happens all the time and Ozzie is way off with the Cheap Charlie comments. I dont seek free sex when in LOS but occassionally it happens.

            I think you need to realize Ozzie that these girls and lb's are humans too and sometimes having free sex reminds them of this. You think the Thai dirtbag motobike guys pay when they fuck the girls..and Im not talking their bf's. ALso very common to see drunk bargirls barfining guys from the gay bars. I didnt say I was getting free pussy because I look like Adonis....I am much younger and fitter than most LOS mongers but thats not thre reason for the free sex, I speak fluent Thai and treat the girls with respect and we have fun.
            brock landers


            • #36
              Speaking fluent Thai, being young & treating them well & with respect will always get results, as speaking Portugues & doing the same reaps the same results in Brazil & Spanish in Venuzuela.

              I see far too many package tour drunks treating the locals badly & with no respect. Its nice to see some people can treat these people nicely.

              You pays your money & takes your chance. This isn't a rehearsal do it now, it's no good looking back when it's a lover & wishing.... ITS TOO LATE.


              • #37
                A few years back, down in Phuket I ran into a lb on the beach, (couldn't miss the package in the bikini) and after sending her up in a parasail, dinner, m/c rides, lots of sex and I even had to bitch at her to stop cleaning my room. She wouldn't take a baht. So I slipped 2000 into her pocket while she was still in the shower, and I felt better when she left. Sure as shit that night or next, I was standing outside the convenience store at the corner of beach road and Bangla when she comes storming up and bitches me out for lying to her by slipping money in her shorts. (still can't figure the logic) So being aware that everybody within site of us is hoping she's gonna jump my ass, all I could think to say was..."I had to give it to you, I didn't want to be tempted to give it to another girl." I don't know who was dumber, me for saying it or her for believing it, but she went from psyco to love doll in about a half a second. That night I got my one and only freebie. She took her clothes and bag into the shower with us. The one thing she told me I remembered was, "bar was for work and the beach was for fun"
                I would never accept or look for a freebie, but after movies, meals, shopping, or whatever, the sex may be n/c, but you've still payed, and sometimes even more.
                ain't life grand


                • #38
                  Originally posted by
                  I would say black guys have the toughest time finding a hot Thai girl to best friend is a studly black dude and he had a bitch of a time, girls always making excuses not to barfine.
                  I dont know if this is because i speak a little bit of thai, smile and am extremly polite but i am yet to be snubbed by a bargirl. meaning no girl that i have tried to bar fine GG or LB has said no. Ive had freelancers say no but after some "Ill treat you nice, dont believe this rubbish about black guys having huge cocks" they laugh and we get somewhere. I also have a group of American friends. All black guys who also have never had any trouble. 2 be honest the trouble i do have is from Expats, Racist small minded Farangs who are visiting and of course the lighter Thai's who believe im dark cos ive been farming my whole life and the only reason im here is cos ive got a new Brand of rice to promote. Im not for a minute saying that Thailand isnt racist i just havent experienced it from the GG's & LB's Face 2 Face. As for Bangkok Chat, Face Pic, The Transex Room. I get racism in its finest form lol Ill speak with them for a while and then they ask for a Strait after that im blocked lol, An excuse is made to depart, some say errrrrr LMAO and others will be polite and say i dont like Black dudes. Now that i respect. I get strange looks all the time but i wont be going anywhere so they had better get used to my black face, White teeth and shriveled livre  

                  As for freebies.. Ive had tons of them to be fair. I have never had one from anyone that works in NEP but Phuket and PAttaya. Its happened a few times when i went to pay a chick to go she said why u dont want me dont u like me....i basically said to her i go in 3 days and im running low on cash so paying her and paying for her food, travel etc etc was one outgoing i could do without.... She smiled and said i stay with u for free.. She took no money from me after that and paid her way for 3days... not returning to the bar. Because of her kindness on my next trip i tried to tip her 5000baht. She gave it back to me and got offeneded. Then i kept her for a few days and tried to add an extra 500baht a day. She did the calculations and gave me the money back lol. Ive had girls say i pay my barfine and come with u for free. We party we fuck she goes no payment, just drinks food and a good time. Ive had girls say u pay my barfine but i come with u for free.... Now some people say this happens because of how u look ure age etc etc When it happens to me i think its purely cos im a NICE GUY lol. Take from that what u will but just think about the kind of ass holes they gota deal with.... and then think about how nicely some of us treat them. As for do i think im taking advantage of them, do i feel that im stopping them from paying there rent buy new clothes no i dont. As how many times have u been into a bar and u offered a drink on the house? A double as apposed to a single? A lock in after everyones gone home? Why does that happen? Cos the owner knows ure a nice guy, he knows ull be back to his bar to buy more drinks, u treat his bar with respect and ull tell ure friends. Now when u get that free drink whats the 1st thing u do lol buy one back. Do u think oh shit man whats gona happen now hell go It all balances it self out. Isnt Karma a wonderful thing??    

                  Ah yes one more thing. Like you Brocklander id like to know where fucking or shagging someone for Food and water began being refered to as the "African Factor"? Has anybody else heard about this? Does anyone else use this phrase or is this just in your world?
                  Up The Ass Of Every Successful Business Man Lies a Ladboys Thick Long Cock!


                  • #39
                    Ozzie's 100% correct in my opinion. When I first started working in Asia (Indonesia, Thailand) 10 years ago, I was a fit and reasonably good looking 32 year old. So I thought it was only natural that I got a lot of action for addition to a lot of P4P.

                    The girls who gave it up for free were in a kind of 'grey area'...I met them in bars normally frequented by working girls...and they were easy...but they didnt ask for money. Having entered into relationships with a couple of them, I believe that I ended up paying more in the form of gifts/dinners/travel etc. than I would have by paying 'cash on the barrelhead' for the sex.

                    These relationships become a complicated and dangerous mix of emotion and business. When you finally try to end the relationship...and she goes fucking when you realize there's nothing free in this life.

                    Just like your drinks in the as you go...this way you avoid any nasty surprise in the check bin at the end of the night.


                    • #40

                      So, So true, keep it business, keep it pay as you go! Keep out of trouble!

                      You pays your money & takes your chance. This isn't a rehearsal do it now, it's no good looking back when it's a lover & wishing.... ITS TOO LATE.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by
                        These relationships become a complicated and dangerous mix of emotion and business.
                        couldnt have said it better in my pig english myself


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by (rob69in @ Dec. 25 2005,16:48)

                          So, So true, keep it business, keep it pay as you go! Keep out of trouble!
                          This thread seems so futile to me!
                          What are you all trying to achieve? Set a standard about who's smarter in ripping off a fuck for free from a pro ?
                          Do only what you think it's good for you, and not what others think should be good for you!


                          • #43
                            What amazes me is these "Freebie seekers" hop on a plane go all the way to thailand, get a hotel room, they can spend money on this but become tite asses when they get a LB, get over it guys these girls are very poor, why the hell do u think they work in bars....cause they love it?....I've had more than one occasin where girls have refused payment, and no, I am not young and handsome but I do treat them with'd be amazed at how far treating someone nice and with respect, of course I am generalising I know a lot of girls will get anything they can out of you....And guys why don't we try to regress from using words such as, whores,sluts, cocksuckers....what makes us better then them? thankyou...just my 2 cents worth.


                            • #44
                              What amazes me is these "Freebie seekers" hop on a plane go all the way to thailand, get a hotel room, they can spend money on this but become tite asses when they get a LB, get over it guys these girls are very poor, why the hell do u think they work in bars....cause they love it?....I've had more than one occasin where girls have refused payment, but I always pay, I feel like shit if I don't, even slipped the money, into there bags when they sleep.WHen the ever popular Natalie stopped me in Patpong one nite, she took me home, had the best time of my life with her. Got up in the morning she was dead asleep, I could have skipped on her, but I still managed to put the money under her vase on the coffee table. And no, I am not young and handsome but I do treat them with'd be amazed at how far treating someone nice and with respect, of course I am generalising I know a lot of girls will get anything they can out of you....And guys why don't we try to regress from using words such as, whores,sluts, cocksuckers....what makes us better then them? thankyou...just my 2 cents worth.


                              • #45
                                For one lastime lol. Nobody seeks out Freebies  If a freebie is offered it is declined or it is accepted. Each to there own... This whole shit about people flying all over the world in search of  free fuck is bollox, im sure there are people in this world who do do that but i doubt very much any such people frequent this site......
                                Up The Ass Of Every Successful Business Man Lies a Ladboys Thick Long Cock!

