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Fat american women

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  • Fat american women

    Well, sorry USA, but I have to tell this story...

    I am sitting in Saxaphone music bar. It is the first time I've been there without a LB.

    I have a shirt on that says in huge fucking red letters, "I AM CANADIAN". I have a bottle of Jack Daniel in front of me. Because I bought the bottle, they gave me a free CD pouch with JACK DANIELS in 100 point font on it.

    A fat, drunk, somewhat ugly American girl comes up to me. She moves the JACK DANIELS CD jacket from the chair beside me to sit down. I move the JACK DANIELS bottle so she has nothing in front of me. I am facing her with my I AM CANADIAN T-Shirt on me.

    She says, Where are you from?. I say Canada, duh? She says where? I say Ottawa, the capital of Canada. She says Where is that. I say, Central-East. She says where is that? I say kind of North of Buffalo. She says, ah, ok, now I know. She says what are you drinking? I point to the bottle and CD cover she had moved and say, Well, I think its Jack Daniels. She says, Oh ya. She tries to pick me up, and I try my best to not be rude but make it crystal clear, no chance.

    More unbelievable chit-chat with her fat face and boddy wiggling, bad makeup, bad tight clothing, and I can't handle it anymore and call my May to get over to the bar fast. May, of course, is dressed to the hilt, slim as a toothpick, and looks great. The fat lady, now back at her table stares for the rest of the evening.

    No offense USA, she could be Canadian, or European, but I really think these western girls just don't get it. They think they can be fat, bad makeup, badly dressed, drunk, and we are dying to have sex with them. Like in your dreams, baby.

    I would say 80% of all foreign women in Bangkok are generally pretty fat, bad makeup, badly dressed, and think we are degenerate because we go with a Thai woman or LB.

  • #2
    .... can't agree more!!!!
    I also NEVER understood why a western woman goes to Thailand, even if it's only for a 1 week holiday?? Is that a kind of maso trip?? Nobody is interested in them there and they're often getting so desparate that they're really loosing it - e.g. half naked fat blond girls, pissed as a fart in a club.... that's so disgusting, not even the cab driver would shag them anymore and the Issaan boys would be the only ones who're going for the big blond mamas from Karlsruhe, Leeds or Columbus, Ohio!



    • #3

      Oh how true that all is. I have been called all the names under the sun by western women who seem to think because  you have a preference for slim beautiful, dark skinned, well dressed GG's / LB's you some kind of scum bag & are here for cheap sex only. I have tried to explain the error of there ways but have long since given up, they cannot see there attitude & lack of attention to there own figure & turn out, & of course not to mention there poor performance in the sack has anything to do with it.
      Once you have sampled the delieghts of the LOS & South America its alover for the shallow female fat, ugly, gold digging, wanna be's in the west.      

      You pays your money & takes your chance. This isn't a rehearsal do it now, it's no good looking back when it's a lover & wishing.... ITS TOO LATE.


      • #4
        White chicks are a thing of the past for me. I never want to see that rancid cottage cheese again. They are so hungry to be men it's actually a wonder why normal men still insist in living in the countries that house these abominations.

        I don't really pay too much attention to them these days as I rarely come across one, but I will say this... why do they wear the clothes that they do? My goodness. If you know you are a fat pig then it's time to throw out those flank hugging bicycle shorts. And PLEASE cover up your stomachs. (This should actually be a law.)

        And finally - PLEASE do NOT smoke on the streets of Bangkok. It looks like what it is - a desperately fat and unhealthy pig with a death wish.

        Above = Unacceptable. Below = Acceptable
        Attached Files


        • #5
          Cursed Tripod!

          Oh well!

          Below... UNACCEPTABLE!
          Attached Files


          • #6
            We used to call them "Whiskey Tango's" when i lived in Hong Kong "white trash"

            A mere attitude change would do them the world of good.

            You pays your money & takes your chance. This isn't a rehearsal do it now, it's no good looking back when it's a lover & wishing.... ITS TOO LATE.


            • #7
              Originally posted by
              I would say 80% of all foreign women in Bangkok are generally pretty fat, bad makeup, badly dressed,
              You are being kind. It's almost 100%. Have you really seen a white chick in Bangkok that you would screw? In four years I've seen probably 3.


              • #8
                I was in Temptations a while back talking to Tar, there were 4 backpackers sat opposite me, taking the piss. I wonder how many amazing stories they would be able to tell when they got home
                                                  2 girls and 2 guys, the guys were sat in the middle, obviously shitting themeselves, putting on a brave face. The two girls were chainsmoking, laughing nervously, they obviously felt (and looked) totally inadequete in the same room as a load of ladyboys, who were ignoring all four of them.
                                                   I caught the eye of one of the girls, she stared at me blankly.I grinned back and she looked away, taking another drag on her cigarette, and I suddenly realised, I couldn't care less.

                When she walks, she’s like a samba
                That swings so cool and sways so gentle


                • #9
                  Originally posted by (gunslinger @ Dec. 11 2005,12:07)
                  ..... The two girls were chainsmoking, laughing nervously, they obviously felt (and looked) totally inadequete in the same room as a load of ladyboys......
                  I saw a similar thing this a couple of years ago when I went to see the Ladyboys of Bangkok show in Edinburgh. I was sat at a table with a group of 30 something women and at half time time you could get your photo taken with the ladyboys, and I asked one of the women if they were going to have their photo taken with the ladyboys, and she turned round and said

                  "er, no I don't think so, its one thing to feel drab when you see yourself in a photo with other women, but to feel drab with a bunch of men, thats a whole new level"

                  That to me kinda somes it up!
                  Too old to die young!


                  • #10
                    Attached Files


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by (stogie bear @ Dec. 11 2005,17:41)
                      They are so hungry to be men it's actually a wonder why normal men still insist in living in the countries that house these abominations.
                      Ya, I much prefer Thai boys who want to be girls to Western babes women who have the brain of men!

                      What these women don't get is that men are attracted to feminine radiance.

                      As for self-righteous judgemental a-holes who think we're at best disgusting and at worse evil, they just don't get it. Sex is good. Sex is natural. And it's part of God's plan, if u believe in God, for men to be attracted to young hotties.
                      So I will continue to honor God by living my truth while attempting to be jai dee.


                      • #12
                        Dammit Bam, I knew you were going to post the picture of Camilla Parker Bowes. You've got the eye of a prince!
                        Retired the top 12.  Need a new dirty dozen.  

                        Update: The new list is coming together: Nong Poy, Anita, Nok, Gif, Liisa Winkler, Kay, Nina Poon.  Is it possible to find 5 more?  Until then, GGs:  Jessica Alba, Yuko Ogura, Zhang Ziyi, Maggie Q, and Gong Li.


                        • #13
                          I just got back from my first trip to USA in a year. What did I notice ?, lots of women doing the mid-riff exposed thing who shouldn't. When I mentioned this to a friend he said its called a "Muffin" since the flesh kind of sticks out and hangs over. Just like a blueberry muffin...*shudder*

                          So glad to be back in Bangkok.
                          "Snick, You Sperm Too Much" - Anon


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by (stogie bear @ Dec. 11 2005,02:41)
                            White chicks are a thing of the past for me. I never want to see that rancid cottage cheese again. They are so hungry to be men it's actually a wonder why normal men still insist in living in the countries that house these abominations.

                            gee thanks, stogie!
                            now EVERYwhere i look here all i see is beached whales. like i didn't already miss LOS enough!!!
                            but at least you attached a photo over which to drool
                            so tell me, who owns those virtually perfect breasts with the tiny little nipples i sooooo adore? hmmmm?
                            maybe we could start a 'perfect nipple' thread?
                            but first, i want her name - she must be in a gallery somewhere here at ats, yes?
                            and i'll definitely be back in '06 -- sooner than later -- to wash the image of drunken whales out of my weary retinas!


                            • #15
                              One of the nights we were both at C&D, as I recall, a group of 5 or 8 whiskey tango chicks, from which country I'm not sure, arrived and took over the stools along one side of the bar. They had to get behind the bar and take turns having their photos taken there so they could show their friends back home in Skankylvania that they actually visited a real live ladyboy bar.
                              Not sure if it was you I made the comment to that night, but that is one thing I do not like about bars like C&D when compared to the NEP ladyboy bars, is that you are far less likely so see a group of skanky white women arrive en masse in a place like Cascades or Obs and hanging around like they can do at C&D. At C&D, guys who may want to talk to and spend time with the ladyboys could get crowded out by some white cows enjoying the novelty of being at a ladyboy bar.  This could happen too in NEP, like was also mentioned above by gunslinger when he was at Temptations, but not like it can and does in Patong.

