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Fat american women

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  • #16
    "I was in Temptations a while back talking to Tar, there were 4 backpackers sat opposite me, taking the piss. I wonder how many amazing stories they would be able to tell when they got home"


    They really do annouy me, they come to the LOS on some great adventure to "find themselves" they are almost the worst type of visitor here. Second only to the ex Spanish / Greek 18-30's package tour drunken idiot! Who now comes to Thailand because the Euro has artificially jacked up the price to equal that of comining to the LOS. Go & find yourself in Mindano in the south of the Philippines where you don't get running hot cold water, aircon, & many other infrastructer things the LOS has, & go on a real adventure.

    Fortunately Phuket does not seem to draw masses of packpackers or at least they are keeping a low profile at the momnet.

    But sitting in Soi Crocodile & C & D's each night there are still plenty of "cheap charlie" photo taking, NON TIPPING, hordes out there. I sat in the centre bar in Soi Crocodile last night & bought a few drinks for the LB's who sat around & chatted with me ( I know from previous visits ) there was a liberal coating of couples sitting about staring at the LB's but non bought them a drink or even put a tip in there hand for pole dancing right in front of them. But the glum miserable faces said it all, strutting there stuff so close they could probably smell them, was something more beautiful, more sexy, more femanine & better figured than they will ever be!!!

    You pays your money & takes your chance. This isn't a rehearsal do it now, it's no good looking back when it's a lover & wishing.... ITS TOO LATE.


    • #17
      Originally posted by
      They had to get behind the bar and take turns having their photos taken there so they could show their friends back home in Skankylvania that they actually visited a real live ladyboy bar.

      That's the funniest thing I've seen in ages! I laughed out loud when I saw that!


      • #18
        its strange, even if i think the thais are more petite and pretty, i actually get more aroused when fucking a western lady. also the quantity in los makes it impossible to settle for one girl, whereas back home i have more the feeling of "yeah i have scored ..", never get that in los ...


        • #19
          Originally posted by (olekunde @ Dec. 12 2005,21:22)
          its strange, even if i think the thais are more petite and pretty, i actually get more aroused when fucking a western lady. also the quantity in los makes it impossible to settle for one girl, whereas back home i have more the feeling of "yeah i have scored ..", never get that in los ...
          Ah ha! The conquest factor! Yes... it's too easy to get laid here isn't it. When all is said and done after the event you just fucked another bargirl/boy! That has to get boring pretty quickly!


          • #20
            Originally posted by
            i actually get more aroused when fucking a western lady
            Your membership has been revoked, your IP number banned and I put salt in your sugar caddy!


            • #21
              did we all get the these bad feelings western women before or after we went to los? it is quite a shock to get back to the west, where the girls dont think its ok to get screwed for some nickels and get thrown back to the street.
              los is a mans world, thats why i love it. i am still mid 30s, but i would have problem to fuck western ladies 18-22 in my home country, so im stuck with the fat ones, the ones with kids and the ones too ugly that arent married yet. so this might affect my views on western ladies, but only a little i think (NOT)
              i think people like us would love every dirt poor country in the world where we can fuck young girls (or lbs) and still feel wanted.
              i can only talk for myself, but i am probably a sex-addict. i could do this hobby in my home country but it would be too expensive, and the service is sucks compared to los. also the silly feeling that it is more than the money adds to the whole experience.


              • #22
                Hi everyone im new to this LB thing and a little surprised at myself as ive been comin to Thai for 16 years and only just discovered the pleasures of the other gender slow start or what. More to the point i totally agree about western women and there lucky to be with me attitude wobbly bodies and yuky white skin. cant believe there are so many fat young girls in the Uk that smoke (cigarettes that is) and at 44 now, i cant attract and wouldnt want too any way, even if pissed. More surprising is that ive seen young good lookin lads with them so why should they care. What happened to pride. Thank god for Thailand and every thing in it and for being able to be yourself


                • #23
                  Bam Dammit!! here goes the Burrito I just ate...


                  • #24

                    WOW! What an interesting subject because I totally agree with every single member who shared his experiences within this post. It's not just the fat American women with bad attitudes, but simply the feminine gender in the USA period. Gents America has been feminized beyond repair, especially in the larger cities, for example the Southern California femi nazis are by far the worse in my opinion. There you have it, they figure that I have a vagina, and I will reek havoc and make any male beg and suffer for it, or should I say, they whore $$$$$$ it to the highest bidder.

                    One question?? Why was it (media) okay for Anna Nicole Smith to marry a 90 year old wheelchair bound billionaire, and we did not hear any outcry about her motives, which of course was his fortune, but the feminists complain when they see an older man with a young girl/LB say in LOS or any other foreign land. The answer is, in the Western world especially the USA, women can do whatever without a single bit of accountability.

                    That's one of the reasons foreign women flock to America in droves, because this is the perfect opportunity for them gain the Western femi nazi attitude. America is the only place I know that just about every single woman is a victim of some sorts with males always being the perpetrators. Gents, they are too busy labelling themselves victims to gain more power and control.

                    Open your eyes everyone, because under the current set of circumstances, they are passing stringent laws in America like crazy, and wielding that wand as far away as places such as LOS. YES! that's right, they are paying Thai authorities and other Southeast Asian countries for names and profiles of what they label as child pornographers for GG's and LB's. Look what happened to Gary Glitter the English rocker in Vietnam. That's right he was outted by an english organization who tracked him all the way to Vietnam.

                    LOS is still the best place for a man to be if you prefer LB's or GG's. I luv both.......but of late LB action has been on a roll.



                    • #25
                      I don't have anything against Western women. But after my LOS trips the bar has been raised, very high. So if an American woman rocks my world in and out of bed, I'll go for it.

                      Is it possible to have it all?

                      So perhaps there's a hot, hip, NY babe, 15 years younger than me, who's feminine radiance shines forth, and she's unconventional enough to go to the LOS and have ladyboy threesomes.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by (PigDogg @ Dec. 13 2005,07:59)
                        So perhaps there's a hot, hip, NY babe, 15 years younger than me, who's feminine radiance shines forth, and she's unconventional enough to go to the LOS and have ladyboy threesomes...
                        Wake up, PigDogg. It's time to go to work!


                        • #27
                          i think it will be more easy to talk a farang lady into having sex with a lb than a thai girl/bar girl. the lb might wont do it if it is a thai lady either, but might do it just for the ... eh novelty(?) if it is a young farang lady...
                          my last farang gf would probably have done it since she wanted to try evertything at least once. thx to she, she is the reason i ended up in los, after we break up.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by (stogie bear @ Dec. 12 2005,07:25)
                            Originally posted by (olekunde @ Dec. 12 2005,21:22)
                            its strange, even if i think the thais are more petite and pretty, i actually get more aroused when fucking a western lady. also the quantity in los makes it impossible to settle for one girl, whereas back home i have more the feeling of "yeah i have scored ..", never get that in los ...
                            Ah ha! The conquest factor! Yes... it's too easy to get laid here isn't it. When all is said and done after the event you just fucked another bargirl/boy! That has to get boring pretty quickly!

                            i have calculated at the current rate my LOS ennui is accelerating I will become completely bored with fucking the most beautiful ladyboys in creation -- about one week after hell freezes over.


                            • #29
                              I don't dislike western women, in fact afew ( very few! ) actually get me quite steamed up, but its there appaulling attitude & the manner that they conduct themselves, they have but one agenda,....themselves at someone else's expense.

                              There sexual attributes also become weapons & bargaining tools to be used to extract what they want from there victims, instead of being a means of enjoyment.

                              In the UK the vast majority of them simpley view a bloke as a free service,.... free taxi ride out, free food at a restaurant, free drinks, free night club entry & free anything else they can get! By the way just because you paid for everything does not mean I owe you anything, for example sex or a mere hint of affection, no, no, no you were just the convenient provider at the time. They also don't marry the one they love or like to have sex with, sex they can get anywhere, anytime, with anyone, they marry the best provider, & also consider his estate when the divorce comes. It's all a huge scam & far too many blokes fall for it.

                              I have sat in pubs in the UK eves - dropping on casual conversaton between girls & they actually brag to each other that they went out on a saturday night with UKP10 in there pocket & came back with all of it, after being out drinking, eating, clubing, taxis etc. They manged to scam some bloke into paying for everthing on the wiff of some pussy, cheers easy!

                              As soon as they get out to the LOS or simmilar countries Phillippines, South America & find the competition is too stiff & the scam doesn't work, plus the LB's are actually better in all respects to them. They resent it totally & then the sex pest labels come out. I watch them every night looking as miserable as sin staring at the LB's / GG's girating in front of them & hating how beautiful & sexy they are. As soon as western women find out I have travelled the world & been to these countries they drop me like a brick, why, because they know the scam won't work which is why they were faining interest in the first place. All the lads i work with are complaining about there girlfriends / wifes attitude & lack of sex. Plus how they suddenly lost interest in there figure & looking good once the trap had gone off.

                              I am sorry but for me, while its "Money number one" in the LOS & everywhere else for that matter, what you receive in return is far better, even if it is all part of an elaberate show. I don't know a western girl that could come even close to a Brazilian one in bed or even in the looks department come to that. So for me the show will go on in LOS, Philippines & South America.

                              To any western girl reading this you have done it to yourselves. Loose the attitude & start looking after yourselves better. Don't use sex as a weapon.

                              LOS for me please    


                              You pays your money & takes your chance. This isn't a rehearsal do it now, it's no good looking back when it's a lover & wishing.... ITS TOO LATE.


                              • #30
                                hi rob69in im enjoyin this topic and i wouldnt change one word you said very well put. Having been to Rio a few times too, seen and sampled the local delights i could never even think about hookin up with a western women again. Done it once escaped without the fine thank god, but am having to watch a couple of close friends suffer at the hands of a bad attitude. I know where there be coming soon. When i cuddle my girlfriend i want to be able to touch my hands.
                                regards jar

