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Other websites - rivals or friends ?

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  • #16
    I took out a subscribtion to LB2 recently and whilst exploring the site decided to check out the forum.

    Basically there appeared to be little or no activity on the forum and virtually no useful information posted.

    Whenever a question had been raised, rarely was a response given from anyone.

    I had been expecting alot more !

    Ladyboys need to learn...... Listerine is not a beverage !


    • #17
      Director of Testicle Operations, deforming sweet young ladyboys so they can't cum, they should put you in jail and make you squeal like a pig during thurday night gangbangs till you become someone's beatch, you Mengele

      "That's technical operations Miss Litella"

      Never mind.


      • #18
        Yes just like many other guys I too was once a member of LB2 in the early days, when there weren't too many LB sites around. I think I joined when there were only about 7 galleries. I started using the LB2 forum to get info on bkk and some LBs.Never got many responses. But in eyeing over some of the posts on the forum, I could see how arrogant and rude Senchai could be to his own members.LB2 forum is pretty dead these days, has about 5 memebrs posting. And his choice of models seems to be heading downwards.Whislt on one of my trips to bkk, I met up with 2 ex-photographers who once worked for him and incidentally have their own web sites now, and neither had much to say about him. prefering to keep their feelings to themselves. Even spoke to some of the models that he has on his site, and I can tell you, not many of them had kind words to say about him. Oh yeah and Yinyang from ASXXX....great guy, great great site too.......


        • #19
          Although it doesn't sound like a good place, I'm unfamiliar with this "apeman" wbsite others seem to know about?

          I promise I won't jump shp. I just want to know what everyone's talking about.

          Can someone send me a Private Message with that site?


          • #20
            while i am not a fan of the lb-lb forum, i am a big fan of the lbs they get to pose. so i am still a member of that group. however, for the forums there is nothing better than the different strokes for different folks.
            This is ten percent luck, twenty percent skill
            Fifteen percent concentrated power of will
            Five percent pleasure, fifty percent pain
            And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!


            • #21
              Of all the LB site owners I have met or spoke while shooting DVDs this winter, all but were incredibly friendly, very helpful and over all great guys. LB69 flipped out when we wanted to shoot Areeya for a DVD. Very territorial it seemed. Not the way to survive long term in the adult industry. We worked it all out in the end but it was still very immature I think.

              I have been in adult online since 1996 and can say without a doubt that your biggest competitor needs to be your best friend. If you can do that, you will both help each other and ride it to the bank. We have been doing this in the GG market for years.
              * Third World Media
              * Black Ops Media


              • #22
                Originally posted by (D33 @ Jan. 17 2006,04:48)
                I have been in adult online since 1996 and can say without a doubt that your biggest competitor needs to be your best friend. If you can do that, you will both help each other and ride it to the bank...

                Wise words.

