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  • #16
    I'm a big believer in eliminating all credit card debt.   I also do not believe in car loans; if you can't pay cash for a new card then you shouldn't be driving one.

    However I assume that you do spend some money on discretionary entertainment so I would suggest you divert 5 bucks a day to a Pattaya fund.  At the end of a yesr you'll have enough money for a two week low end, bare bones, Pattaya vacation including airfare.

    We all have different places where it might be painless to cutback. For example:
    Western whores
    Cigarettes (maybe not painless but 7 bucks a pack in New York)
    Cappuchinos (5 bucks in New York)

    Credit card debt sucks.   Needs to be eliminated by eithyer paying it off a squickly as possible or making a conscious decison to not pay it off.

    Good luck!


    • #17
      I'm with Pgidog. I was sort of curious about Austin's money situation.

      Austin, if you don't mind talking about it, I'd be curious to know where you're at (money wise) and what sort of plan you're on to clear it up.

      I've been a financial counselor in the past, and I've found that what most people try, and unfortunately what most news and "proffessionals" will tell you are absolutely worthless if not counterproductive. Like that stupid whore Suze Orman. I want to stab her in the neck with a soldering iron.

      Austin, depending on your financial snapshot and what you're doing now, I might be able to help you get to your goals a lot faster.


      • #18
        In the US you can just skip all your CC debts and in 7 years start over!
        I did that twice and ripped the banks off for a total of about 50K bucks!

        I even got an Amex gold card and screwed them too!

        I think they are a bit stricter in the UK though!


        • #19
          Originally posted by (stogie bear @ Jan. 16 2006,02:39)
          In the US you can just skip all your CC debts and in 7 years start over!
          I did that twice and ripped the banks off for a total of about 50K bucks!

          I even got an Amex gold card and screwed them too!

          I think they are a bit stricter in the UK though!
          That's changed a bit.


          • #20
            No jellybean!if you read my post you'd see i don't DO short times!!PERIOD!!!LOL i'm old&need all the time i can get + like having them asleep w/me for awhile.


            • #21
              Originally posted by (sfdavid @ Jan. 16 2006,15:53)
              No jellybean!if you read my post you'd see i don't DO short times!!PERIOD!!!LOL i'm old&need all the time i can get + like having them asleep w/me for awhile.    
              Then your comparison between $100 and 4K Baht is erroneous because there is no way will you get a whore stateside to spend all night with you for $100 it would be more like $1000  
              Too old to die young!


              • #22
                Originally posted by
                because there is no way will you get a whore stateside to spend all night with you
                And there is also no way you'd want them too!


                • #23
                  Originally posted by (stogie bear @ Jan. 16 2006,03:39)
                  In the US you can just skip all your CC debts and in 7 years start over!
                  I did that twice and ripped the banks off for a total of about 50K bucks!

                  I even got an Amex gold card and screwed them too!
                  If one's in debt, they have to figure out if they can realistically pay it off or not. In some cases is better to just not pay, especially if your credit is already fucked anyay.

                  And yes, it is possible, to not pay, and after awhile it sometimes just goes away. Sometimes.

                  IMO, if debt service is sucking up all your cash, it's better to pay yourself than the banks.

                  Now IF after very careful consideration, you decide you're not going to pay off your debts, then you might as well go out in a blaze of glory, completely max out all cards, and get ya ass to the LOS for a ladyboy vacation.

