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Well, i gave it another go!

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  • #16
    Originally posted by (aaronccfc @ Jan. 10 2006,10:11)
    I was just going to lurk but had to this is not a wind up at all . This was meant to be a honest thread about how i feel. I thought it may be useful to all to have someone share doubts and concerns, something you do not see often.
    I'm not on your case about your lingo. I think some people get a little too defensive if you use the wrong word or accepted term in here.

    Bottom line, they are men, lets not get retarded in here. I don't even want to hear any blah-blah in response to that.
    Yes, I know the deal and I support the girls and I'm sensitive to their position yadda yadda. Let's not lose our minds here.

    My only question is why is this guy bothering with the whole LB thing? Who are you tinkering around with something that you don't seem too interested in? Why bother?

    I mean, I don't care what you do one way or another, I'm not on your case. I just don't see why all the agonizing. No one's trying to twist your arm into sucking dick.

    Why not just bang the hot regular GG LBFM's ?
    (not a ladyboy acronym; L.ittle B.rown F.ucking M.achines)


    • #17
      You are right Grun. the reason i posted was because I enjoy the site and the pictures, and have done some LB things and thought I may try and get more into that scene. I thought my issues may be of some interest to others and also wondered if others had doubts like mine before striding into things headfirst. Of course others will read the posts and say "Piss off you softcock, whinging twat"

      Anyway will be doing my best with the LBFM's (dont forget "powered by rice") for the next month in Pattaya as I have a months break from Phitsanulok...yay.


      • #18
        Originally posted by (aaronccfc @ Jan. 10 2006,10:59)
        You are right Grun. the reason i posted was because I enjoy the site and the pictures, and have done some LB things and thought I may try and get more into that scene. I thought my issues may be of some interest to others and also wondered if others had doubts like mine before striding into things headfirst. Of course others will read the posts and say "Piss off you softcock, whinging twat"  

        Anyway will be doing my best with the LBFM's (dont forget "powered by rice") for the next month in Pattaya as I have a months break from Phitsanulok...yay.
        Yeah. Cool.

        I don't disagree that there's probably some value in hearing another individuals story.

        No harm there. Live and let live.

        All I can say is... once you start sucking on cock, it's hard to stop.


        • #19
          heh heh.

          You just gave me another great idea.

          I should make my GF a T-shirt like the Intel logo, but says "Rice Inside"


          • #20
            Originally posted by (Bam @ Jan. 08 2006,04:00)
            Remember this... the Thai's don't care..... And the tourists don't know.... relax your in Thailand...... just have fun!
            These are my words to live by....Thnx Bam


            • #21
              Originally posted by
              Bottom line, they are men, lets not get retarded in here. I don't even want to hear any blah-blah in response to that
              Sorry say to but many of us here do not see them as men and also many parts of the scientific community do not see ladyboys as men so why do you make such a statement as if it is a statement of fact rather than your own opinion?  


              • #22
                Originally posted by (ozzie @ Jan. 10 2006,15:07)
                Originally posted by
                Bottom line, they are men, lets not get retarded in here. I don't even want to hear any blah-blah in response to that
                Sorry say to but many of us here do not see them as men and also many parts of the scientific community do not see ladyboys as men so why do you make such a statement as if it is a statement of fact rather than your own opinion?  
                Because I'm not going to write out a page and a half dissertation every time I feel like explaining or passingly refering to a ladyboy. Sure I could get into a long description of that they are / and / or are-not physically, mentally, chemically, psychologically, gender, sex, etc.

                Really, I'm not picking any fights here, so don't see it that way.

                I could get a fin put on my back, but that doesn't make me a dolphin.

                I think people get wound up because they are so afraid either someone is putting down the LB's, or someone is threatening others sexuallity.

                I have nothing bad to say against the LB's and I'm fully supportive. Anyone who's read enough of my posts should know that by now.

                I couldn't care less about insulting anyones sexuallity, I don't care if you like fucking chickens (just wear a condom or you'll get that bird flu, as discussed in another thread).

                As a society, we've gotten real mealy-mouthed and like to come up with fancy terms for everything, equivocate any subject, and generally dance around the may-pole rather than calling a spade a spade. Whatever.

                My bigger point is I don't care, and I was talking to this kid who was tiptoeing and being uber-delicate about the whole situation, so in essence my point was to reaffirm that when you get down to brass tacks he was right in strict fact, but the point I made is "who cares?".

                Call them a Rocket Ship if it makes you happy. I'm not afraid of some pud on the internet thinking I'm a dirty cocksucker. That's his problem, not mine. I suggest that anyone who is too fragile and clings too tightly to a need for PC definitions is worried about all the wrong things, and will only continue to degrade their own sense of mental well being and identity.

                (And NO, I'm not saying that's you just because I'm replying to your post. I'm just pointing out the far-end case type of person about whom/which I'm making my point).


                • #23
                  Originally posted by
                  My bigger point is I don't care, and I was talking to this kid who was tiptoeing and being uber-delicate about the whole situation, so in essence my point was to reaffirm that when you get down to brass tacks he was right in strict fact, but the point I made is "who cares?".
                  No he is not right in strict fact and that is my whole point. I know you are not deliberately trying pick a fight. However you come across as though you are the authority on the subject and making statements of fact rather than opinion. Of course you can have your opinion and if you seem them as men then no problem for me that is just not how I and a large percentage of this forum see them.

                  Also I am not trying to be politically correct at all.

                  Originally posted by
                  I could get a fin put on my back, but that doesn't make me a dolphin.
                  I think you missed the point entirely. These girls are not ladyboys because they get breast implants or SRS they are ladyboys well because they are. That is how they feel it is not about the addition, subtraction or enhancement of body parts that makes it so.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by (aaronccfc @ Jan. 10 2006,03:11)
                    Also not Welsh but Australian...just support Cardiif...lived there for a couple of years.  
                    Which remind's me

                    Australian farmer Jim is walking down the street with a sheep under each arm

                    His mate shouts over        "Are you shearing Jim? "

                    To which Jim replies,  " No mate, Im fuckin em both "

                    Sorry, couldn't resist  
                    Your got yer Mother in a whirl
                    Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by (ozzie @ Jan. 11 2006,10:00)
                      Originally posted by
                      My bigger point is I don't care, and I was talking to this kid who was tiptoeing and being uber-delicate about the whole situation, so in essence my point was to reaffirm that when you get down to brass tacks he was right in strict fact, but the point I made is "who cares?".
                      No he is not right in strict fact and that is my whole point. I know you are not deliberately trying pick a fight. However you come across as though you are the authority on the subject and making statements of fact rather than opinion. Of course you can have your opinion and if you seem them as men then no problem for me that is just not how I and a large percentage of this forum see them.

                      Also I am not trying to be politically correct at all.

                      Originally posted by
                      I could get a fin put on my back, but that doesn't make me a dolphin.
                      I think you missed the point entirely. These girls are not ladyboys because they get breast implants or SRS they are ladyboys well because they are. That is how they feel it is not about the addition, subtraction or enhancement of body parts that makes it so.


                      It sounds like you're very backwards on what is a FACT and what is an OPINION.

                      They are born with a penis and testicles. We're not even pretending we're talking about ambiguous genitalia or hermaphrodites here. We're straight up talking about 100% genetic physical traits of men. Who then choose (or you could even say it's not a choice, I won't even disagree with that. Fair enough) to undergo a process, sometimes subtle and sometimes invasive and extreme, in order to BECOME women/girls/third sex/ladyboys/crocodiles whatever you feel like calling them.

                      Those are FACTS. Incontrevertible. Testable. Provable by evidence.

                      I understand that you don't see them and think "men". I don't either! I understand they want to be treated differently, that's OK with me! I understand no one wants to hurt anyones feelings by saying "Hey, you're a man". I wouldn't do that, nor did I. It's just as rude as saying "Hey, you're fat" when someone would certinaly rather not hear it, or "Hey, I heard you were under psychotherapy, so you're crazy huh?".

                      Why are people so afraid of anyone being an authority on a subject? Not that I think I am anymore an authority than most others here. But it's not a crime to be confident in your statements. I'm very sure of what I'm saying. That doesn't mean I'm putting myself on to be better than anyone else.

                      I understand "for me that is just not how I and a large percentage of this forum see them". I understand exactly that. I understand that that is how YOU and others SEE them. Just like any group of people could see backpackers as "cool", or another group could see backpackers as "a damn nuissance". (Popularity does not dictate reality. If 99 people think it's cool to rape your sister, it does not in fact make it cool.) THOSE are opinions. Not facts.

                      I understand they are ladyboys because of what's in their heads (their being, soul, essence, however you like to think of it). That's perfectly fine and respected by me. Being a ladyboy does not make them not a human, anymore than being a Honda does not make something a car. I feel like a very good grasp on who and what they are. And again, I'm not putting down or attacking or being negative toward them.

                      I am saying, lets not get upside down about which items are facts and which are opinions (or other subjective points of view).

                      I realize that western society has weakened greatly in the brandishing and practice of reason and logic since the Romans and Greeks gave us the gifts. With the constant assault by poorly written and poorly thought out books, TV, newspapers, and god-blamed politicians, it's no wonder. Let's try not to lose them entirely.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by
                        They are born with a penis and testicles. We're not even pretending we're talking about ambiguous genitalia or hermaphrodites here. We're straight up talking about 100% genetic physical traits of men. Who then choose (or you could even say it's not a choice, I won't even disagree with that. Fair enough) to undergo a process, sometimes subtle and sometimes invasive and extreme, in order to BECOME women/girls/third sex/ladyboys/crocodiles whatever you feel like calling them.
                        You are talking about their genitalia and saying that it is that and that only which defines a man or a woman. We will agree to disagree with that. This is something that you have been brainwashed into thinking by western society.

                        Originally posted by
                        Those are FACTS. Incontrevertible. Testable. Provable by evidence
                        No sorry this is not fact but only your opinion. Being confident does not make you correct I am afraid. Since you offered where is your provable, incontrovertable evidence?


                        • #27
                          For what its worth as others have touched on this subect in this thread , here is my opinion , please feel free to disagree.

                          There are  2 genders , male and female , and being a certain gender we all born with certain parts in certain places . But that is where gender ends .

                          I think there are six sex's , and sometimes individuals can be blurred between sex's , but most fall into one general category.

                          1. Straight Man
                          2. Gay Man
                          3. Transsexual (M to F)
                          4. Transsexual (F to M)
                          5. Lesbian
                          6. Straight Woman

                          Each of these 6 sex's can be defined by their thought processes , their appearance , their behavior  and their sexual preferences . Now if we look into thoose definitions , they are all slighty different , but the closest to the straight woman will be the Transsexual (M to F) .


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by (ozzie @ Jan. 11 2006,11:47)
                            Originally posted by
                            They are born with a penis and testicles. We're not even pretending we're talking about ambiguous genitalia or hermaphrodites here. We're straight up talking about 100% genetic physical traits of men. Who then choose (or you could even say it's not a choice, I won't even disagree with that. Fair enough) to undergo a process, sometimes subtle and sometimes invasive and extreme, in order to BECOME women/girls/third sex/ladyboys/crocodiles whatever you feel like calling them.
                            You are talking about their genitalia and saying that it is that and that only which defines a man or a woman. We will agree to disagree with that. This is something that you have been brainwashed into thinking by western society.

                            Originally posted by
                            Those are FACTS.  Incontrevertible. Testable. Provable by evidence
                            No sorry this is not fact but only your opinion. Being confident does not make you correct I am afraid. Since you offered where is your provable, incontrovertable evidence?
                            I'm not going to waste my time since you've shown that you can't tell the difference between fact and opinion. Or rather, that you feel like usig either word interchangeably.

                            You might as well say you believe in unicorns and faeries. To say that they are/were men is an opinion, is to say anything is an opinion. Gravity. Water is wet. There is a country called Sweden.

                            It's ridiculously subjectivist to stick your fingers in your ears and say "lalala I can't hear you" as a posited valid argument.

                            I can't believe I wasted my time showing my hand and being overly solicitous, going out my way to state how much and to what degree I agree, or understand the issues; when all you're going to do is be an argumentative twat who refuses to get his head of out some psycho-babble cloud.

                            Words mean things. You can around saying "I can eat rocks if I want to", which is fine. But at some point philosphy meets reality, and you won't live very long on a diet of rocks.

                            Nothing pisses me off more than trying to have a rational debate with the assumption that the other person is a reasonable person, only to find out they make up their own reality and don't budge an inch.

                            What a bloody waste.

                            (Oh and six sexes? Please. Does anyone here not live in fantasy land? When did language and subjectivism become such tools for self delusional nonsense?)


                            • #29
                              They are born men physiologically=Fact
                              What they are after transformation= Opinion

                              After reading Grunyen's no nonsense and detailed statements, it's great to know there are people on this board much more articulate and intelligent than I's refreshing. A lot of pontification by people who think they are intelligent but Grunyen is ACTUALLY intelligent and has common sense...even in his criticism of myself
                              brock landers


                              • #30
                                HeHe . I am actually the mayor of FantasyLand if you want to come check it out sometime we dont have any black or white just shades of gray , but its a happy little place , you are all welcome.

                                I have already expressed my nonsensical delusional opinion and stick by it , but i certainly respect everybody else's opinion .

