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Well, i gave it another go!

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  • #31
    What the fuck!!!...Are ladyboys men, women, or aliens from another planet? I call it, IT. They either have IT, or IT ain't there. IT sometimes makes my dick hard, sometimes they don't have IT. For sure, IT don't have anything to do with my freakin' IQ.
    And Grunyun, it's just a stupid-ass guess, but I think you are smart enough to know that throwing a bunch of FACTS in front of someone is NOT necessarily going to make them change their beliefs. And if you are really frustrated, and do it over and over again, then you are just fucking yourself and bitching about being fucked. So, alot of people are reading your essays and you're getting a few of them riled up...not bad...really...and you know it.
    Back to square one...aaronccfc, everybody has a bad day or night from time to time...probably quite often on the first suck, suck, and suck...til you SUCCEED.


    • #32
      Originally posted by
      And Grunyun, it's just a stupid-ass guess, but I think you are smart enough to know that throwing a bunch of FACTS in front of someone is NOT necessarily going to make them change their beliefs.
      This is true enough except for the part where he has actually shown any facts!


      • #33

        I try to keep an eye out for a few facts because every now and then, one will just jump up and bite me on the ass. Being bitten on the ass ain't that bad, but I don't want to turn around some day and find my ass is gone!!!


        • #34
          I am not really sure it matters what they are, if you are comfortable with them & enjoy what you are doing together, femboy, pre-op LB, post-op LB, TS, TV, GG, does it really matter in countries where the tolerance level for all gender catagoreys is high.
             What you may wish to call your chosen partener with regard to gender etc, is up to you, if I like them I pay the bar fine & go with them & tip them for there services. They don't have to fit a particular gender catagorey, knowing the name they wish to called by, JiJi, Ex, Natalie etc is just fine by me, & as long as they are happy so am I.
             Is all this catagorization really necessary ?!? Altho' I have enjoyed following this thread.

          You pays your money & takes your chance. This isn't a rehearsal do it now, it's no good looking back when it's a lover & wishing.... ITS TOO LATE.


          • #35
            [[Refer to my post "A newbie and his questions" for the background.

            So I guess I am no better of then before I posted my first "newbie" posting. It boils down to the fact to me they are men....I cant distinguish between a man and a LB. The false voice, the hips, the cock. I like the head and the assfucking but dont really want the dick or that false voice. I thought about Post-ops but really that is like a wolf in sheeps clothing...may as well take a girl who does anal.]]

            I know that not everything sexual needs to "fit together" but I'm not following how you like to give head but can't get past the idea that they are 'men', or how you like to give head but "don't want the dick or that false voice".

            Anyway, as far as size, you can find 'tiny' & petite LB's as well.

            [[I also wonder if because the fact I love small girls (42 kg) that LB's are just generally bigger than what I like?]]

            I like petite women as well. I like "legal" girls who look really young (preferably in pigtails). 'Nothing wrong with non-harmful fantasy, and small women need lovin too.

            I typically chase 'real' GG girls and dabble with the occasional girl with something extra.  

            The Vampire


            • #36
              Originally posted by (grunyen @ Jan. 12 2006,05:14)
              Originally posted by (ozzie @ Jan. 11 2006,11:47)
              Originally posted by
              They are born with a penis and testicles. We're not even pretending we're talking about ambiguous genitalia or hermaphrodites here. We're straight up talking about 100% genetic physical traits of men. Who then choose (or you could even say it's not a choice, I won't even disagree with that. Fair enough) to undergo a process, sometimes subtle and sometimes invasive and extreme, in order to BECOME women/girls/third sex/ladyboys/crocodiles whatever you feel like calling them.
              You are talking about their genitalia and saying that it is that and that only which defines a man or a woman. We will agree to disagree with that. This is something that you have been brainwashed into thinking by western society.

              Originally posted by
              Those are FACTS.  Incontrevertible. Testable. Provable by evidence
              No sorry this is not fact but only your opinion. Being confident does not make you correct I am afraid. Since you offered where is your provable, incontrovertable evidence?
              I'm not going to waste my time since you've shown that you can't tell the difference between fact and opinion. Or rather, that you feel like usig either word interchangeably.

              You might as well say you believe in unicorns and faeries. To say that they are/were men is an opinion, is to say anything is an opinion. Gravity. Water is wet. There is a country called Sweden.

              It's ridiculously subjectivist to stick your fingers in your ears and say "lalala I can't hear you" as a posited valid argument.

              I can't believe I wasted my time showing my hand and being overly solicitous, going out my way to state how much and to what degree I agree, or understand the issues; when all you're going to do is be an argumentative twat who refuses to get his head of out some psycho-babble cloud.

              Words mean things. You can around saying "I can eat rocks if I want to", which is fine. But at some point philosphy meets reality, and you won't live very long on a diet of rocks.

              Nothing pisses me off more than trying to have a rational debate with the assumption that the other person is a reasonable person, only to find out they make up their own reality and don't budge an inch.

              What a bloody waste.  

              (Oh and six sexes? Please. Does anyone here not live in fantasy land? When did language and subjectivism become such tools for self delusional nonsense?)
              Gender isn't merely 'twig and berries'. It also has to do with hormones and the natural cycles these hormones are released in the body, which in turn alters the brain structure and other physical aspects of the person in question. Obviously, if a lady boy has a "female" mind and a man's body, then something is amiss. A ladyboy isn't merely a man attracted to men or she would be a gay man. The typical gay man has no intention of cutting his dick off.

              The Vampire


              • #37
                [QUOTE= (The_Vampire_Logos @ Jan. 12 2006,15:53)]
                Originally posted by grunyen,Jan. 12 2006,05:14
                The typical gay man has no intention of cutting his dick off.

                The Vampire
                I always wondered: Why not?  


                • #38
                  Originally posted by (monkeyman @ Jan. 11 2006,12:29)
                  For what its worth as others have touched on this subect in this thread , here is my opinion , please feel free to disagree.

                  There are  2 genders , male and female , and being a certain gender we all born with certain parts in certain places . But that is where gender ends .

                  I think there are six sex's , and sometimes individuals can be blurred between sex's , but most fall into one general category.

                  1. Straight Man
                  2. Gay Man
                  3. Transsexual (M to F)
                  4. Transsexual (F to M)
                  5. Lesbian
                  6. Straight Woman

                  Each of these 6 sex's can be defined by their thought processes , their appearance , their behavior  and their sexual preferences . Now if we look into thoose definitions , they are all slighty different , but the closest to the straight woman will be the Transsexual (M to F) .
                  So, in the gender consideration, you count dicks and pussies, but don't consider the hypothalamus and other brain structural differences?



                  • #39
                    Originally posted by (The_Vampire_Logos @ Jan. 12 2006,16:09)
                    Originally posted by (monkeyman @ Jan. 11 2006,12:29)
                    For what its worth as others have touched on this subect in this thread , here is my opinion , please feel free to disagree.

                    There are  2 genders , male and female , and being a certain gender we all born with certain parts in certain places . But that is where gender ends .

                    I think there are six sex's , and sometimes individuals can be blurred between sex's , but most fall into one general category.

                    1. Straight Man
                    2. Gay Man
                    3. Transsexual (M to F)
                    4. Transsexual (F to M)
                    5. Lesbian
                    6. Straight Woman

                    Each of these 6 sex's can be defined by their thought processes , their appearance , their behavior  and their sexual preferences . Now if we look into thoose definitions , they are all slighty different , but the closest to the straight woman will be the Transsexual (M to F) .
                    So, in the gender consideration, you count dicks and pussies, but don't consider the hypothalamus and other brain structural differences?

                    Hmmm...I would say 8....

                    Bisexual men
                    Bisexual women




                    • #40
                      Originally posted by (xamoja @ Jan. 12 2006,21:15)
                      Originally posted by (The_Vampire_Logos @ Jan. 12 2006,16:09)
                      Originally posted by (monkeyman @ Jan. 11 2006,12:29)
                      For what its worth as others have touched on this subect in this thread , here is my opinion , please feel free to disagree.

                      There are  2 genders , male and female , and being a certain gender we all born with certain parts in certain places . But that is where gender ends .

                      I think there are six sex's , and sometimes individuals can be blurred between sex's , but most fall into one general category.

                      1. Straight Man
                      2. Gay Man
                      3. Transsexual (M to F)
                      4. Transsexual (F to M)
                      5. Lesbian
                      6. Straight Woman

                      Each of these 6 sex's can be defined by their thought processes , their appearance , their behavior  and their sexual preferences . Now if we look into thoose definitions , they are all slighty different , but the closest to the straight woman will be the Transsexual (M to F) .
                      So, in the gender consideration, you count dicks and pussies, but don't consider the hypothalamus and other brain structural differences?

                      Hmmm...I would say 8....

                      Bisexual men
                      Bisexual women


                      I would say that gender is much more complicated that "twig & berries". By the way, it's unfortunate that in this day and age, the "penile system" (no pun intended) takes the 'short hand' approach and say that 'twig & berries' belong to men and vise versa. This is a horrific prospect for the LB who finds herself in trouble. I think putting a hot ladyboy in a male prison is obviously cruel and unusual punishment since rape and beatings is a given.



                      • #41
                        for those who *really* dont give a fuck, they could categorize them as men in drag or ts/tv/shemale/lb, but i guess the ones that are scared of being labeled as gay or bi, or for whatever reason, prefer to call them girls.


                        • #42

                          I worried about this as I went to sleep last night. First thing this morning I had to hop right back to this post. My main issue right now is I want to apologize to Ozzie.  I did get frustrated, but it looks like we're just at an epistemological impasse on what constitutes facts and opinions.

                          I went overboard. I shouldn't have flipped out and killed the whole town with a spoon.

                          I still maintain the basic concepts in general: that simpler is better; that words mean things and getting too caught up in fancy new age terminology often means people are hiding from basic meaning in words; it does not change the nature of someone to attach a word to them; nothing about the language I used makes any statements about the value of a person (LB) that they are good or bad- or that anything is wrong with them.

                          I try to be sensible and clear headed. In class, group of friends, or other social context, I'm usually the one who cuts through the clutter and finds the core of the matter and sums it up clearly. By no-means am I saying I am unassailable or always right. What I am saying is I don't want to muddy that up by simply becoming known for ad hominem attacks.

                          Sorry Oz. I guess well just have to agree to disagree on this one. Really, the truth and origin behind all this was a passing point from me to the original poster that there's no reason to overly freak out because of what word was attached to the possible objects of his affection.

                          In other words, I was in effect saying, "Yeah, they're men, So what?"
                          Whereas you might say, "Nah, they're not men. So what?"

                            The bottom line is the "So what?"
                          I think just about eveyrone here would agree that people are people and whoever you love, or lust, or enjoy being with is "up 2 U" as long as both are consenting adults (or chickens) and no one is getting hurt.

                          I think that's something we can all agree on.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by
                            we're just at an epistemological impasse
                            Is that contagious?
                            Mister Arse


                            • #44
                              I think Vampire misinterpreted the original posters intentions about "ass fucking" and "head"...Im presuming he was talking about receiving head but I could be wrong.

                              And Ozzie seems to be a person that could have a Grizzly bear in front of him and I could tell him its a Grizzly bear and he would tell me that was my opinion and not a fact. Sorry to tell you Oz but scientific journals and hypothesis and theories are no more factual than your own opinion. Ther is one thing for sure...biologically these ladyboys were all born MEN.

                              I can understand the original posters confusion. I still have problems with deep voice and always make sure the cock is not part of my session with the ladyboys by going for post ops or femine ladyboys with small cocks that dont work. Its hard to be in Thailand where the best looking women were actually born men.
                              brock landers


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by
                                In other words, I was in effect saying, "Yeah, they're men, So what?"
                                Whereas you might say, "Nah, they're not men. So what?"

                                 The bottom line is the "So what?"
                                I think just about eveyrone here would agree that people are people and whoever you love, or lust, or enjoy being with is "up 2 U" as long as both are consenting adults (or chickens) and no one is getting hurt.
                                That is something we can certainly agree on.

                                Originally posted by
                                 Ther is one thing for sure...biologically these ladyboys were all born MEN.
                                Well then Brockie you have finally admitted to being gay. Good for you. I am sure you finaly feel like a load has been lifted  

                                Originally posted by
                                And Ozzie seems to be a person that could have a Grizzly bear in front of him and I could tell him its a Grizzly bear and he would tell me that was my opinion and not a fact.   Sorry to tell you Oz but scientific journals and hypothesis and theories are no more factual than your own opinion.
                                Well one thing that is not just my opinion all your input into this forum is just negative from your rants about ugly ladyboys and Filipinos to your statements about someones wife having deflated breasts.

