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Mint, largetst ever?  no way

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  • #16
    so can anyone post a few pics of this Nancy that I've nevr seen before?


    • #17


      • #18
        Hey PD
        That avatar of yours is revolting...but I like it..



        • #19
          Originally posted by (donnnnny @ Feb. 16 2006,14:37)
          i have to ask  about mint  ive seen her on a few sights and am in orr of this ladyboy she  looks fab looks can decive i guess  , and after reading some reports here im not so sure about the attetude of the  girl??is she alrerady on the road to superstardom and ruin (LOL) you know how alot of these girls get?? is she that way already??
          i also hear she is now in bangkok and not in phuket?? can anyone conferm this for me
          cheeers don
          I have been with Mint & Nancy & accommodated them both with some effort, Nancy is the bigger of the two, verging on the average Latin American size, but I found both to be very nice LB's, no attitude, no undue greed. Altho' I did go over my usual limit with Mint as I knew her before her stardom & wanted to see how she was doing. She needs to stop loosing wieght tho', she was better when she was a bit "fatter". Nancy is just lovely & sweet, but she gets loads of customers just taking her for ST to get there hands on her cock, very little conversation or kindness shown, then just tipping her out the door. When they get popular & get hordes treating them in this manner, it is not surprising there attitude suffers accorddingly

          You pays your money & takes your chance. This isn't a rehearsal do it now, it's no good looking back when it's a lover & wishing.... ITS TOO LATE.


          • #20
            Originally posted by (rob69in @ Feb. 19 2006,11:09)
            verging on the average Latin American size,
            Half the bonecas are bigger an fatter than Nancy?


            • #21
              I would say that virtually all the Boneca's I have been with were 8" plus, maybe not all as thick as Nancy, but a good few were thicker.

              You pays your money & takes your chance. This isn't a rehearsal do it now, it's no good looking back when it's a lover & wishing.... ITS TOO LATE.


              • #22
                good stuff rob
                you have it on the nail.
                the girls who become stars just cant keep it together. they are so in demand(and its no ones fault)guys are just coming at them head over heels, and they just get robotic about it.
                i really wanted to get mint in may but i dont think ill be bothering now. hopefully ill find a young hung and full of cum new star before everyone gets her
                befiore her head so big she cant get in the door)


                • #23
                  by the way i was in rio and salvador habia and fortolesi sp sp
                  back in 1990 had a great time burt didnt have an interest in bonicas in those days


                  • #24

                      the only "superstars" I have had any real problems with is Areeya, I knew her before she was "re-programmed", she used to be great, but now she seems to have lost the plot altogether. I think the rest if they knew you before there stardom treat you the same especially if you are willing to fit into there schedule, which normally means seeing them early afternoon or about 4-5am in the morning. I have had some excellent sessions at these times.

                      I wouldn't strike Mint off your "list" just yet, I would at least go to the effort of ringing her & see how it goes, compared to western prices they are still reasonble, but not for the LOS. On my last trip she saw me quite alot, & each session was great, she came everytime, she stayed erect too ( Viagra ?? ) & she gives an excellent blow job. She is a nice girl, but without doubt her popularity is polluting her attitude for some.

                      Nancy is getting to the same stage, but she really is a sweet nice person, I have been with her quite a few times, well before she shot to stardom & she could hardly speak any english, allegidly only arrived a week previous to me taking her the first time, I could hardly believe the size of her appendage, & it stayed hard, she can also cum a real load too.

                      So I wouldn't strike of the ones you fancy due to there stardom, I would make the call & see how it goes. There are so many out there, if at first you don't succeed...... next !! I went with a new comer in Patong on one trip, woke me up nearly every 2 hrs wanting more, there is such oppurtunity for those willing to venture out of the accepted.

                    Happy hunting.        

                    You pays your money & takes your chance. This isn't a rehearsal do it now, it's no good looking back when it's a lover & wishing.... ITS TOO LATE.


                    • #25
                      Rob, look out my friend Donnnny is just trying to keep Mint to himself

                      he is a true sneaky LB hunter



                      • #26
                        good comments rob i havent struck them of yet
                        and of course i will use the phone in bangkok
                        as for you incher you are on my wanted list)


                        • #27
                          The thing is this, how dissapointing for Bettina that she can no longer declare herself queen.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by (incher @ Feb. 22 2006,02:14)
                              Rob, look out my friend Donnnny is just trying to keep Mint to himself

                            he is a true sneaky LB hunter  


                              I think we all know that LB's loyalty lies in £££/$$$'s who pays, gets the service, you wanna keep them, then you keep paying.
                               Me, if the moment & mood is right, lets go, If the superstars can fit me in all well & good, if they can't.... next.

                               Only in the LOS    'Aint't it great !!  

                            You pays your money & takes your chance. This isn't a rehearsal do it now, it's no good looking back when it's a lover & wishing.... ITS TOO LATE.


                            • #29
                              POOr bettina  x casanova i had  her in a double with a cascade girl(forget name)) last september cost me 1000 bhat each lol how the times change cant get her damm photo to down load


                              • #30

                                We are all waiting for the download, Donnnny


