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Stupid fat women

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  • #16
    At first I thought, ugly, fat, a bit bitchy, I don't like her (she was 2 people in front of me). But then when the stupidity thermometer went to 200 C, I thought, good God, shouldn't we be executing people like this. And I was very, very carefully watching the Thai girl. She was pretty, skinny, and the total image of patience, zero feeling on her face of getting angry.

    Now imagine this scene in the good 'ol USA. The immigration office would scream at her and say, "You don't fucking know from which city you came from lady? Like are you from another planet where the cities aren't marked here? And don't you fucking know you're in a different country, and maybe you have to fill in a form to enter? And you're going to get your dumb ass friend to come and complain to me too?" Rejected. Exit country.


    • #17
      Originally posted by
      Unfortunately herself's skin is not as thick as mine and I can still tell that she is hurt by the looks...
      Now that's a shame because your missus' is a fucking gorgous piece of ass! Erm... what I meant was - your lady is a darn nice person and it's wrong she should be actually paying attention to what other people think!

      Can't wait to meet up with you guys again for a couple of rounds of pool!


      • #18
        Stupid fat ugly woman eye test..................................

        look at the picture below....
        if you see, 1. an ugly need glasses
        however, if you see 2. a big happy frog...your eyes are
        perfect.....good luck
        Dr. randyman
        ain't life grand


        • #19
          Opps; somebody failed the brain test. not RM.
          Attached Files
          ain't life grand


          • #20
            Thank you, thank you very much. I was not in the mood tonight to eat a big meal. That photo put me off food, booze and God forbid LB's for the forseeable future.


            • #21
              Originally posted by (PogueMahone @ Mar. 14 2006,18:00)
              Thank you, thank you very much.  I was not in the mood tonight to eat a big meal.  That photo put me off food, booze and God forbid LB's for the forseeable future.
              My guess is, you didn't see the happy frog??

              (hey, this is the stupid fat women thread)
              ain't life grand


              • #22
                Thats her Randyman That is the Lady that was in line...


                • #23
                  Originally posted by (Jar @ Mar. 13 2006,23:32)
                  Thats 80% of western women then
                  What are you talking about? latin women are hot!


                  • #24
                    totally agree the hottest in fact. i really ment uk women as thats all i see in my home.


                    • #25
                      Don't knock it before you've tried it.
                      Attached Files


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by (BJ4TS @ Mar. 15 2006,19:11)
                        Don't knock it before you've tried it.
                        Hello BJ4TS,

                        Asphyxiation by cellulite falls outside my idea of fun  

                        I suspect I'm not in the minority as far as the members of this forum are concerned  

                        As they say - 'each to their own'

                        Pedants rule, OK. Or more precisely, exhibit certain of the conventional trappings of leadership.

                        "I love the smell of ladyboy in the morning."

